I accidentally married a "CEO"

Do Or Die, I'm With You

Do Or Die, I'm With You

From the look on Ann's face, Jeff knew she would not let him rest unless he told her what happened.     

He propped himself on the bed, lay next to her and pulled her into his embrace, ready to tell her the whole thing.     

"A burglary happened next door, and while the bodyguard was doing his rounds, he heard a gunshot and went to check. He saw a man jumping out of the window, and when he tried to stop the man, he started firing, and of course, in self-defense, the bodyguard shot back and killed him in return. "     

"When we were out there checking, Ethan recognized the man as Mr. Wright's right-hand man. As Ethan informs me, Mr. Wright is a vengeful person and will not stop at nothing to take revenge."     

"He will soon find out what happened to his right-hand man, and who killed him. When that happens, it will point to our direction, and he may take revenge on us. Our concern, for now, is that he might come after you and the other girls. " Jeff finished with a sigh and his worry visibly clear in his eyes.     

Jeff continued explaining the rest, to give Ann time to make a decision. Whatever she decided he would respect it even if it means separating temporarily, as long as they are safe from harm.     

"Now that you know, I want you to decide if you're going to stick around or do you want to go somewhere far away from here, where he can't touch you?"     

Jeff asked, but in his heart, he was hoping that she would choose to stay by his side.     

"Honey! What kind of question is that? Do you think that I am that fragile and need to hide from that 'a...hole.' Of course, I have to think of our children too, but through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, till death do us part we are together. You got that!" Ann gave Jeff a warm embrace before kissing him with all her love.     

Jeff was relieved with Ann's decision, and his love for her increased tenfold. "You are right, that's good! I wanted you within my sight where I can protect you." He hugged and kissed her back with all his might.     

In the meantime, the other two couples had the same discussion and which pretty much gave the same result. Even though they were not married yet, they were still a legitimate couple.     

Both Ethan and Ronald were relieved to hear the same answer from Lea and Eva. They were all set; It was agreed that the girls would not leave a would instead accompany their loved one.     

The group decided to go and stay at the Mega World Hotel and Casino, where Mr. Wright couldn't infiltrate.     

Jeff's penthouse occupied the whole floor, and only one elevator had access to his abode. They changed the access code to be fingerprint or face verification to ensure better security.     

A personal Butler, Chef, and two maids were assigned to cater to their needs. Ronald personally checked their background for credibility; it was better safe than sorry.     

Once everything was all set, Ronald ordered a helicopter for the ladies and Jeff.     

Ethan was tasked to go ahead and scout the situation around the strip and Mr. Wright's lair. He would not be staying with the group since he didn't want his step Dad to be suspicious of him.     

Ronald was in charge of monitoring the villa and reporting the situation to Jeff.     


The helicopter arrived at a landing pad not far from the villa. The bodyguards escorted Jeff and the three ladies to their transport as a safety precaution. Once they were all safely inside the helicopter, the pilot took off right away.     

The bodyguards then left and went to the hotel to wait for them to arrive. The tension in the air was palpable.     

However, Ann, Lea, and Eva were professionals who had trust in their better halves. They were therefore assured of their security.     

Lea and Eva couldn't stop giggling from the excitement they felt from flying in a helicopter for the first time. Lea couldn't stop blubbering and yapping the whole way through while Eva was just like a kid, pointing at anything and everything.     

"Oh! My God! This is so...exciting, going from one end of the street to another, I'm flying in a helicopter. Hahaha! It's what we call living a high life." Lea told Eva excitedly.     

"Same, here! Never in my whole life have I ever flown this way. Hahaha! When I was a child, I dreamt of flying like this; I never thought it would happen Hahaha!" Eva joined in the laughter.     

Jeff and Ann looked at each other, after a second of staring at each other. Ann started laughing as well while looking at her husband all confused.     

Jeff looked back and forth between the three women with him; he was a lost cause for he didn't understand what was going on at all.     

The helicopter arrived at the helipad on top of Mega World Hotel and Casino. The elite bodyguards were all on standby, waiting for the group to embark. The first to come out was Eva, followed by Lea, who was still rumbling about something.     

Lastly, Ann slowly emerged from the helicopter while Jeff helped her down. They hurried up and went towards the private elevator for safety. They were very inconspicuous; no one knew Jeff's group had arrived.     

Once the group was inside the elevator on the way to the penthouse, it was then that Jeff was able to relax. "Sigh!" He then pulled his wife into his embrace and inhaled her scent to calm himself more.     

The elevator arrived at the Penthouse. *Ding!* Everyone stepped out into a magnificent view.     

Ann, Lea, and Eva were all dumbfounded to see how exquisite the whole penthouse was, compared to where they were staying. While they were checking out the whole place, a Butler came in with a tray of drinks and a snack.     

"Good evening! Everyone, I'm Mr. Butler, who has been assigned to take care of your daily needs. He made a 90-degree bow as a show of respect.     

"Whoa! We even have a Butler to take care of us, hahaha! What do you think, Eva? Can you handle this lifestyle? Hahaha!" Lea walked to the Butler and patted him on the shoulder, then walked away laughing. "Hahaha!"     

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