I accidentally married a "CEO"

Caught One-Get One Free!

Caught One-Get One Free!

The game was about to begin when Edward Wen barged in, the guard at the door was ordered by Ronald to let him enter.     

Ronald saw Edward Wen trying to force his way into the VIP poker room, and when he investigated who he was and found out that Eva's father. He figures it's best to let him enter and see if they can catch one and get one free at the same time.     

"Mr. Wright! I'm sorry, but I must speak with you." Edward Wen came in all anxious, and sweat could be seen on his distinguished-looking features.     

"Edward! Welcome, what could be so important that you're interrupting a critical game? Oh, it's too bad we're full already. If not, I would have invited you to join." Mr. Wright offered, hoping one of the players would provide a seat.     

Jeff kicked Ethan under the table, ordering him to give up his seat.     

Ethan understood right away and got up, "Sir, if you want to join the game, I'm more than happy to give up my seat."     

Edward was more than happy to do so. However, he had no idea how much the stakes were, and at the moment, he still owed Mr. Wright tons of money.     

"Son, thank you for your offer; unfortunately, I was in a rush when I flew in and was not able to prepare enough funds." He replied sadly, deep in his heart he wanted to sit in this game, lots of money was on the table.     

Ethan walked towards Edward and introduced himself. " Sir, my name is Ethan Wright. I'm Mr. Wright's adopted son and also part owner of this Casino. I could extend credit to you if you need it."     

Edward's face lit up ' If he could get in the game and win, he would have enough to pay up the greedy bastard Mr. Wright.' He thought happily.     

"Well, if you're willing to give me credit and give up your seat, then I'm more than happy to oblige. Is it alright with everyone?" Edward looked around the table to see if anyone objected.     

"You're welcome to join."     

"I don't care as long as the Casino backs it up, I'm fine with you joining."     

"Yah! Please, come join us."     

"Well, well, well, it seems that your credit is still good, why not join us. Hahaha!" The intoxicated Mr. Wright blurted out.     

Everything was all set, Ethan got up, and Edward Wen sat down next to Jeff.     

Edward introduced himself to Jeff, "Hello! I'm Edward Wen from Asia." He said as he extended his hand for a handshake.     

Jeff only looked at him without taking his hand. "Hmmm!" Was all Jeff said and nodded in acknowledgment.     

Edward couldn't see through Jeff's dark sunglasses; therefore, he just pulled his hand back and sat quietly.     

The game began, and the dealer dealt the cards. The same as the first two hours, Mr. Wright won more often than others. The more he won, the more he drunk and got wasted by the minute.     

The only person that was unhappy with the whole situation was Edward Wen. The 10 million he had borrowed was depleted very fast, he only had less than 100k left, and the Ante alone would eat 30k of it.     

He was sweating like crazy; he kept on wiping his sweat with his hands then touching the card, which made Jeff cringe.     

"Floor! Will you please! Come and bring wet wipes and new set-up. [new deck of card]," Jeff requested.     

Edward felt embarrassed after hearing Jeff's request. But no matter what he did, he kept on sweating due to nervousness. He was afraid of the outcome after the game and worried that if he loses all the money, he was definitely toasted.     

Ethan saw how badly Edward was sweating and sent a text message to Jeff.     

Ethan: [Should I give him more money?]     

Jeff replied : [Do whatever you want, he's your future father-in-law. Good luck!]     

Ethan was ticked off from Jeff's banter: [ Oh, Ya! Watch this.]     

Ethan walked towards Edward with a concerned look in his eyes. "Sir, if you're worried about the money, don't be. Just enjoy your game, and who knows you might be the biggest winner of the day."     

"How do you expect me to make a comeback with this..." He showed his measly less than a 10k of chips.     

Ethan raised his hand to the floor manager and beckoned him to come. "Bring Mr. Wen another 10 million ASAP."     

"Yes! Sir, right away." The floor manager replied and left to get the chips.     

"Gentlemen, Mr. Wen has 10 million on the way,[money is coming] start the game," Jeff announced.     

Mr. Wright was too intoxicated and playing like a fool, thinking he could win all the money.     

Edward took advantage of this and kept on playing against him, winning most of his money back within the hour.     

Jeff and everyone else at the table just watched with most of their cards at hand. It did not matter what kind of cards they were dealt; they folded and let the two battle it out.     

After three hours of playing, a break was announced. A table was arranged at the corner of the VIP room filled with delicacies.     

Everyone complied except for Mr. Wright and Edward Wen; they wanted to continue with the game.     

Everyone agreed and let the two continue their battle while they sat down and enjoyed the delicious food.     

Jeff and Ethan took the opportunity and sneaked out and went up to the penthouse to inform the girls.     

"I'm praying for your little brother; your future father-in-law will cost you a fortune and spend all your inheritance before grandfather dies. " Jeff smacked his brother on his shoulder jokingly.     

The news didn't go well with Eva; she had a horrified look on her face after hearing that her father was downstairs gambling. She looked at Ann, asking for help without saying a word.     

Ann understood clearly just from looking at Eva's eyes that she was afraid. She was about to comfort Eva when Ethan beat her to it.     

"Don't worry, alright! We will handle everything, and when this is over, you will be free from your father." Ethan whispered to Eva.     

Eva was shaking, and tears started forming in her eyes. "I'm just afraid he will force me to marry the man he owes money. He's like a gangster or something; I heard he him mention a Mr. Wright or something."     

Everyone looked at each other, thinking the same thing.     

Ethan was the first to speak, "WTF!!! Is your father using you to pay off his debts to my adopted father? No way! There is no way in hell I will let him lay his hand on you, over my dead body!"     

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