I accidentally married a "CEO"

Who Did It?

Who Did It?

Jeff and Ethan did not wait around to see what Mr. Wright was going to do, as soon as the game was over, and the bodyguard and security were holding Mr. Wright. They left and started to head back to the penthouse, where the love of their life was waiting.     

However, they haven't even reached the elevator yet when someone called Jeff from the surveillance team's office.     

"Speak!" That was all Jeff said. The person on the other line can hear that he's irritated from the sound of his voice.     

"Sir, we have a problem at the VIP lounge by the Poker room."     

"What kind of problem?" Jeff asked irritably.     

"They found a dead body, and it seems to be one of the players you were playing with earlier. The one seating at seat #10." The Security Manager informs Jeff as fast as he could.     

"What do you mean they found a dead body? Who did?"     

"It's the cleaning lady; she went there to clean the VIP lounge and found a man lying on the floor. After checking the surveillance, we found out that it's the player sitting next to you at the poker table."     

Jeff hangs up without further ado and then back towards the VIP lounge. Ethan, who didn't hear the conversation, decided to follow his older brother to see what's going on.     

Sure enough, when Jeff and Ethan arrived at the VIP lounge, an ambulance was there loading a man into the stretcher.     

"Excuse me; I'm the hotel owner. May I have a look at the body?" Jeff asked politely to the paramedic.     

"The paramedic hesitated for a moment when the floor manager arrived as well and greeted Jeff.     

"CEO Go, thank God! That you're here. It's Mr. Wen; he seems to have a massive heart attack. There was no one around, so no one noticed until it was already too late." He informs Jeff, while Ethan was stunned, standing in front of the stretcher speechless.     

Ethan was in deep shock that he didn't even hear that Jeff was asking him a question. "What the heck happened? It wasn't Me. When with you a couple of minutes ago? How come you didn't notice?" Jeff was speaking with a louder tone of voice than usual.     

"Ethan! I'm asking you a question, didn't you hear me?"     

Jeff had to shake Ethan a bit before he finally came back to his senses.     

"Huh? What did you say? I'm sorry, I was trying to think about what happened. When I left him laying down earlier, he was fine, and now he's dead."     

"Brother, how am I supposed to explain this to Eva? I know she's mad at her Dad, but he's still her father, you know?" Ethan's voice is cracking, and from the sound of his voice, Jeff could tell he's concerned about what Eva would think.     

"Ethan, why don't you go up and bring Eva with you to the hospital to identify her Father. After that, make all the necessary arrangements to cremate his body so Eva could bring it back to Asia when we go home." Jeff ordered his brother without care for the dead person in front of them.     

Ethan was still hesitating, but when Jeff pushed him towards the VIP lounge door, he finally started moving towards the direction of the private elevator for the penthouse.     

Once Ethan reached the penthouse, he started hesitating if he should go in or go back down. He was still contemplating when Ronald opened the door and pulled him inside the penthouse.     

"What the heck happened man, one minute you're with the old man, the next minute he's dead. Did you do it?" Ronald was asking Ethan with a worried look on his face. It's a problem if he has done it?     

Ethan looked around if any of the women were around before replying to Ronald's inquiry. Once he's sure that none of the Women was within earshot, "What do you take me for? I can't believe you would even ask me that stupid question. You think I'm capable of killing anyone?"     

Ethan pulled Ronald into a more secluded area within the penthouse. "For your information, I had nothing to do with his death, alright! He was doing fine when I left him a couple of minutes ago. What happened after I left, it's a mystery to me."      

"Phew! You scared me there a little; the reason I had the guts to ask you that it's because of your outburst earlier before you went down. You said over your dead body, and since you're still alive, I thought you did it over his dead body instead." Ronald explained seriously.     

The two guys did not realize that Eva and Lea were standing right behind them. They were engrossed with their conversation to notice Lea and Eva arrived in time to hear them talk.     

"What's going on? Who died, and what does this dead person have to do with Ethan?" Lea asked first, followed by Eva.     

Ethan was quick to pull Eva to the living room area and sat her down on the sofa. "Sweetie, there's something I need to tell you. But first, I want you to know that I have nothing to do with it, alright!"     

Eva looked at Ethan with curiosity before nodding as an agreement. "Tell me, how do you expect me to understand what you're saying if you don't tell me."     

Ethan took a breather first before telling Eva what had happened to her Father. When she didn't say anything and just stared at the ceiling after hearing what he said, Ethan started to worry and embraced Eva right away.     

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I didn't want to tell you this way, but I have no choice," Ethan whispered to Eva, trying to console her. When Eva still didn't answer, Ethan got more concerned and hugged her very tightly.     

"Sweetie, cry if you want to, alright! I understand, don't hold it in, say something you're scaring me, you know." Eva stands up and looks outside...     

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