I accidentally married a "CEO"

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"I want a meeting tonight; set it up at one of the conference rooms, make sure to clear the area, and no one will disturb us. Security must be tight, don't let any of his cronies come along, do you understand." Jeff was giving instructions to Ethan about meeting with Mr. Wright.     

"While we're having a meeting, take care of all his business and his home. I want all of his assets to turn over to us before he goes to jail." Said Jeff to his brother seriously.     

The reason for the meeting was for Jeff to collect the money Mr. Wright owes him, it's a billion dollars, and he knows he does not have that kind of amount to pay. Based on his income declaration, his net worth was only around 40 million, not even half of what he owes him.     

This is the opportunity Ethan had been waiting for, with the help of his older brother he could finally get out of Mr. Wright's gasp. He quickly bid his brother goodbye to do the task Jeff had given him. On the way out, he stopped by Eva's room to say goodbye.     

*Knock, knock* "Eva, it's Ethan!" He called loudly making sure that Eva heard him.     

Eva heard Ethan's knocking, and hurriedly opened the door.     

"Hi! You need something?" --her face glowing --" you want to come in for a minute?" She invited him shyly unable to look him in the eye.     

Ethan would love to come in, not for a minute but for overnight. However, he needs to finish his job first, then he would come back later.     

"It's alright; I only want to say goodnight. I have things to do and probably will not see you until tomorrow, so...--" He kissed her lightly on her lips, then turned and left as fast as he could without looking to see Eva's reaction.     

Eva's face had turned all scarlet red from the light kiss. They are now progressing slowly in the right direction, and she's happy with it. She slowly closed the door and went back to what she was doing while spacing out.     


Meanwhile, Ronald and Lea had a confrontation in their room. Ronald was upset and unable to control his emotion that's currently boiling. "I don't know what's wrong with you! You're too much; I understand your relationship with Lady Boss goes beyond employee and employer.     

However, Eva and Lady Boss are blood-related cousins. You cannot surpass that she might treat you more like a sister than an employee or a friend, but there's a limit to that relationship. You cannot cross their boundary, alright!" Ronald was out of breath after emptying all his pent up emotion.     

Lea knows she's wrong in every way. Possessiveness got the better of her, and she ends up looking like a clown in front of everyone. The worst part was Ronald now unsettled to the fact.     

She stayed quiet and did not respond a word back to Ronald.     

Once Ronald calms down, he feels terrible and sits down next to Lea to comfort her. "I'm sorry, babe! I'm only concerned that you're overstepping your boundary and might end up getting hurt in return.     

Lea didn't say a word. She embraced Ronald and started crying, feeling sorry for herself. "Shss, stop crying. I'm sure Big Boss, Lady Boss understand alright!" Ronald was trying to persuade her to stop crying.     

After a while, Lea finally stops crying and remembers all the delicious food. "I'm still hungry; let's go clean out the refrigerator." She happily invites Ronald.     

Ronald was about to refuse, but his stomach started to growl, and Lea heard it. She grabbed Ronald's hand and pulled him to accompany her into the kitchen.     

When they arrived in the dining room, all the food was still spread out on the table with covers. The Butler heard what Ann said about saving food for Lea and decided to take it upon himself to keep the spread of food on the table until everyone goes to sleep.     

The Butler was in the kitchen, speaking with the Chef and the Maids when Lea and Ronald arrived. "Mr. Butler, I'm sorry to bother you, but we didn't get to finish eating yet. Can we have a setting, please!" Lea cheerfully asked with a big wide grin pasted on her face.     

The Butler was more than happy to comply; he wanted to score some brownie points to the second in command. [Job security]     

The Maids follow the Butler and arrange two settings at the table. They diligently served the two second in command.     

Ronald and Lea felt embarrassed to be served by their peers, "Mr. Butler, Chef, and you two"-pointing at the two maids-"why don't you all join us and enjoy this delicious food. Bosses have all finished already and will not be eating again." Ronald invited them with authority.     

When everyone heard the invitation, they did not think twice at all. They all grabbed their plate and sat down to start digging in.     

Someone was about to take a scoop of the Dinuguan when Lea put her hand on the top of the lid. "Nope, this is off-limits. You can eat the whole penthouse, but don't you even think about touching this one." She informs the maid protectively of the Dinuguan.     

Everyone saw how Lea reacted and understood. The Dinuguan is off-limits, that's for the Lady Boss, loud and clear.     

All five of them enjoyed all the Filipino dishes that were spread in front of them — happily chatting among themselves while eating.     

One big mistake; they did not think about the Big Boss who's currently standing at the door watching them all eat all his delicious food.     

"Hrmph! Hrmph! Excuse me, who gave you all the permission to eat my delicious food?" Jeff standing at the dining room doorway with a stern look on his face, waiting for someone to reply.     

Ronald was about to put rice and pork adobo in his mouth and had to stop halfway through when he heard Jeff's voice. "Oh, shit!" He thought to himself.     

The Butler, Chef, and the two maids got up simultaneously and stood still, speechless.     

The only one who continued eating was Lea, she heard Jeff alright, but she would not stop eating just because he asked a question.     

Instead, she replied to Jeff's question in between putting food in her mouth. "Do you want to join us?" She asked nonchalantly.     

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