I accidentally married a "CEO"

Don't Even Think About It!

Don't Even Think About It!

When Ethan had not returned after a while, Jeff decided to check and see what's going on. He got up and whispered to Ann, "Sweetheart, I'll be right back; I'm going to see what's happening out there."     

Olivia's face lit up when she saw Jeff walking towards them. "Son! It's good you arrived, please! tell your Butler and this hunk to let me in, alright." Olivia acted like she's mistreated the whole time.     

Megan, who's standing by Ethan's side, saw Jeff, and a smile formed on her face.     

"Ethan, is that your older brother?" She whispered while stealing a glance at Jeff.     

Ethan glared at Megan before responding. "Don't even think about it; he's already taken. He's married to the most beautiful woman in Asia; you don't hold a candle over her, alright!" Ethan warned Mega ahead of time.     

"Whatever, I just asked if he's your older brother; I didn't say I want him." Megan pouted her lips as she said it, loud enough only for Ethan to hear.     

"What's going on here? What's this commotion." Jeff spoke, almost growling.     

"Son! Please, tell your people here to let us in; I'm tired and haven't eaten anything yet. I'm about t to pass out from hunger here." Olivia was acting pitiful, so Jeff would feel sorry and let them come in.     

"I'm sorry! But I can't let you in, mother; It's not a good time for a company. Grandfather is here, and so is my in-laws, and you don't get along with either of them, so I advise for you to leave for now." Jeff said it sternly with a scowl on his face.     

"I know, I know! But I was going to introduce Megan to everyone; she's my step-daughter from the State. Well, my ex-stepdaughter, to be precise." She corrected herself to ensure that Jeff knows the exact relationship between them.     

"Hmmm, so you're telling me that she's Mr. Wright's daughter, and you brought her here for what?" Again, Jeff was direct to the point.     

Olivia had no idea that her ex-husband Mr. Wright is now incarcerated, waiting for trial for shooting and killing Jeff. At least that's what Mr. Wright thought, that he had murdered Jeff in the process.     

Olivia was running around all over Europe to locate Megan Wright so she could bring her to Asia to pair her up with either of her sons. She has no idea that it was a mistake, a waste of time to be exact.     

"Shouldn't you be in America right now to comfort your ex-husband in jail?" Jeff asked nonchalantly.     

Olivia wasn't able to comprehend what Jeff meant by comforting her ex-husband in jail. The last time Olivia saw Mr. Wright, he was having fun with a 'tootsie' on his lap.     

"What do you mean he's in jail? There's no way the police would dare touch him." She informs Jeff proudly.     

" Unless he killed someone, and he would never do that personally. He would order his right-hand man, the gang leader." She mumbles, loud enough for Jeff to hear.     

'That's precisely what he did; he killed someone, and that someone is me if you must know.' Jeff thought to himself while looking at his mother without blinking.     

"Mother, if you don't mind, it's getting late, and I still need to go back inside where my family is waiting. So please, leave, and we will talk another time."     

Jeff turned his attention to the Butler and the security and ordered them. "Escort them out and make sure to inform the gate not to let her in unless I say so."     

After he finished giving his order, he turned and left without even glancing at Megan Wright, who's ogling him the whole time.     

Ethan ushered the two towards the car, "Where are you staying right now?" He remembers to ask as they were getting in the car.     

"Where else would I be staying, of course, at the villa," Olivia replied angrily.     

"F..ck!" Ethan thought, "alright! I'll see you later then. I still have things to discuss with my brother; I might stay overnight too. So don't wait for me." He then slammed the door then motioned to the driver to go.     

Once the car left, Ethan slowly made his way back to the parlor where the love of his life was waiting. At least that's what he thought.     

When he arrived back into the parlor, everyone was getting ready to leave. Eva was nowhere in sight.     

Ethan looked around and couldn't find her anywhere. So he decided to ask his grandfather instead. "Grandpa, where's Eva?"     

"Who? Ah! The girl that was with you, the one you just announced to us,... What did you say, your girlfriend, hmmm."     

Grandfather Go acted like he was thinking before continuing his act. "I don't know! Why don't you ask your brother, oh! I was hoping you could wait a minute; I think he doesn't know either. Hahaha!"     

He then started walking towards the door with the children in tow while laughing out loud.     

Albert Tan said his goodbye to Jeff, while Sophia and Grandma Tan were saying their farewell to Ann. "Go and rest; I will make all the arrangements for your uncle's funeral and let you know tomorrow, alright." Sophia gives Ann a tight embrace before calling Albert to leave.     

After everyone left, Ethan was finally able to have a civilized conversation with Ann and Jeff. "Would someone tell me what's going on? Where's my girlfriend? Where did she go?"     

Jeff just shook his head and looked at his brother without saying a word.     

Ann was kind enough to reply," Ethan, why don't you go home for now and take care of Mother-in-law, don't worry about Eva. She's fine. She was tired, and I told her to stay over for the night."     

Ethan got the picture but still not understanding what he did wrong. However, Ann was right; he should go home and take care of his mother first.     

"Can I at least see her before I leave?" He pleaded.     

"NO!" The couple said in unison.     

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