I accidentally married a "CEO"



"Please! Tell me who you are so we can request a ransom to your family. Hahaha!" He then punches him hard to his face and blood splattered all over the place.     

Mr. Wright face had turned into fury, but there's nothing he could do since he's all tied up. He thought of something to gain their attention. "I'm a member of Go family if you want money I can give you whatever you want. However, you will need to keep me in good shape, or they would not pay you a penny. You understand!"     

"Go family? Are you talking about the Mega World Group, Go family?" The leader was looking at him curiously assessing him from head to toe.     

"Yes!-Yes!-Yes! I'm with that Go family, can't you tell from the way I look, I might be in disarray but let me assure you, I came from money."     

"Oh! Really! You came from money, and you're from that big conglomerates, but then yet, we found you trying to sneak in. Who are you kidding, hahaha!" He then punches him some more. *Pow!* More blood splattered.     

The leader was about to hit him again, but Mr. Wright stopped him. "Stop! Alright, I'm not with them, but I have a way of getting money from them. My wife is the mother of the CEO of Mega World Intl. you could ask her for ransom."     

"Your wife? That makes you the step-father then, but you still haven't answered my questions as to why are you trying to sneak in when we found you?"     

Mr. Wright had to think quick, or he might get punched again. 'What would this idiot believe, should I tell the truth or should I lie? Think!' He was thinking deeply when *Pow!* and then *Thud* The leader has punched him again then kicked, and Mr. Wright went flying with the chair underneath him.     

"The one thing I hate the most where liers if you would have told me the truth from the get-go, I would have been a little nicer and only hit you. But you pissed me off, so you got kicked in the process."     

The leader of the gang, motioned to his cronies to help Mr. Wright back up. He was lifted with the chair still attached and was put down in front of the leader once again.     

"Now! Be straight with me and let see if I believe you."     

Mr. Wright decided to tell the truth and see if it would weight that his an underworld boss. He informs the leader the fact and reasons why his in Asia, and why is he now trying to sneak in when they found him.     

After listening to Mr. Wright story, the gang leader stood up and made a call. From the way he's looking at Mr. Wright then continued talking to whomever he called, it seems that he's starting to believe what Mr. Wright told him.     

After hanging up, he went towards Mr. Wright, gives him a look over once more before scratching head and asked question in a low tone of voice. "By any chance, your name is Mr. Wright?" He asked a little scared of what the answer might be.     

Mr. Wright saw the way the gang leader acting, and he figured out something. "What if I am? What is it to you!" He replied growling and looking at the leader with intent to intimidate him.     

"Oh, Shit! What had I done, I'm sorry!"-The leader is now sweating bullets on his forehead, he yells at his cronies.-" What are you standing there for, hurry and untie the big boss!"     

"What!" The cronies hurriedly untied Mr. Wright and kneeled right after waiting for their punishment along with the leader of the gang.     

Everyone was thinking the same thing, while they have their head down and kneeling. 'If this person is their big boss, they are all in hell, and there's no way out.'     

Mr. Wright was going to kick the shit out of the leader, but he figures he needed him. Therefore, would wait until everything was over and then... 'Hell would break loose.'     

"All of you get up! Now that you know who I am, there's something I want you all to do." Mr. Wright gave them the order... The first and foremost was to kill CEO Jeff Go.     

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