I accidentally married a "CEO"



Ann was lounging at the sofa reading some documents when Jeff walks in with a grin plastered on his handsome face. "Here you go, cookies and cream ice cream as per your request." Jeff handed the cup of ice cream to Ann who's reading intensely.     

"Thank you! Oh, you're so sweet, that's why I love you!" Ann accepted the cup of ice cream, set at the side table then continued reading. That did not go well with Jeff, he grabs the document from her hand and lay it down at the coffee table. "You asked me to get you ice cream so that you could put it aside and let it melt. No-no-no!" Shaking his head vigorously.     

Jeff grabs the cup of ice cream from the side table; he then scoops a spoon full before, "Ahhh... Open your mouth." He ordered Ann without giving her a chance to decline; he then slowly feed her the ice cream.     

"Honey! You're spoiling me too much; I could feed myself you know!" She then tries to take the spoon from Jeff's hand. "No-no-no!" Jeff's raised his hand with the spoon away from Ann so she couldn't reach it.     

"Oh, ya!" Ann got up and tried to reach the spoon, however even though she's almost as tall as her husband, he's smart enough to raise his heels, so he's about a head taller than her. "Hahaha!" Jeff's laughing hard while being playful with his wife.     

When Ann couldn't reach the spoon, she decided to tickle Jeff so he would lower his guard. To no avail, he's not tickled at all. "Sike! You thought you could tickle me, let see who's ticklish." Jeff's started tickling her instead.     

"Hahaha! Stop It! Hahaha!" Ann was giggling so hard her stomach started aching. "Ouch!" She then bends while holding her stomach. "Ouch!" She cried out once again.     

Jeff heard and saw her holding her stomach, he hurriedly put down the cup of ice cream and spoon and bends as well to see what's going on. "What's wrong? Where are you hurting?"     

That's all Ann needed, she straightened up and grabs the cup of Ice cream and the spoon and run to the bedroom laughing. "Hahaha! Got ya! Sike! Hahaha!"     

Jeff's could only scratch his head and grin; he couldn't believe how gullible he was when it comes to his wife. There's nothing else he could do but to follow his wife to the bedroom like a little kitten.     

Ann was seated comfortably on top of the bed one hand scooping ice cream and eating, while the other hand was holding a document and reading.     

Jeff didn't have much choice but to go to bed and wait until Ann finished reading. He lay his head on her lap to get her attention. However, Ann was so engrossed in what she's reading that she only stroke Jeff's hair while reading.     

Jeff didn't complain; he loves what she was doing. Soon enough Jeff was in deep slumber, the next thing he knows it was already morning. He wanted to sleep some more but Ann was no longer in bed, she had gotten up early and already doing her morning exercise.     

'Hmmm, I must have been overly tired to fall asleep just like that.' He thought before getting up to look for his missing wife.     


The elders and the two boys were already in the dining room eating breakfast while Ann, Eva, and Lea were exercising. Ethan and Ronald were discussing some business matters involving the Wen corporations, that's was the sight Jeff arrives into and it gave him a satisfying feeling.     

"Good morning!" Jeff greeted everyone at the table before seating down to have some coffee.     

The atmosphere was delightful and harmonious; they were chatting and laughing while they were having their breakfast. "Now that everything is under control, we can resume the wedding plan. What do you all think?" Grandpa Go asked everyone at the table.     

Grandma Tan face lit up with excitement. "Yes! We should start sending the invitation while we're here, that way they could have the wedding us soon as next week."     

"We could do that, we could start right after breakfast," Sophia told everyone.     

"Well, that's fine and dandy, but I think the men shouldn't be involved with sending the invitation," Albert interject. He wanted to play golf, and it's a good time as any while the women were busy making wedding plans.     

"I don't think so honey! We need men's input as well. Don't think of running off to play golf or you'll die by my hand." Sophia threatened Albert seriously.     

Ann walks in just as Sophia was threatening Albert. "Mother, it's better if the men's were not around we could make all the decision without arguments. Don't you think so?" She then secretly winks at her father.     

"Oh...? Well, if you say so. You're the bride, you decide." Sophia gave in, without a fight.     


Right after breakfast, the men left to play golf while the women were busy at the dining table writing names of the people they plan on inviting to the wedding. There's so many, and the numbers keep on increasing.     

Suddenly, Ann remembers all the people that had been supporting her all this time. However, there just so many of them. 'What to do? What to do?' She's deep in thought how to proceed; then it suddenly hit her how she's going to go about it.     

"Lea, I have some special guest that I wanted to invite, can you write down their names please!"     

"Sure! Who are they, so I could make sure they all receive an invitation."     

"I have so many to invite, but for now send the invitation to the first twenty people alright!" Ann happily informs Lea of the names of the special guest.     






























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