I accidentally married a "CEO"



Rita arrives bright and early ready for the next agenda. When she comes, only the Butler was around to let her into the parlor. "Good morning, Miss Rita, I would be right back, Sir Jeff and Mam Ann should be down soon." He bows and left towards the kitchen.     

Rita was already getting used to the environment of the Mansion, for the last couple of days, she saw how relaxed the atmosphere was, It seems that the couple lived a carefree lifestyle which she wishes dearly to do so someday.     

A couple of minutes later the downstairs maids came one with a tray of sweets and another with hot coffee and a bright shining smiles on their faces.     

"Miss, Mr. Butler asked us to bring this to you while your waiting for Sir and Mam to come down." The maid put it on the coffee table and started pouring a cup for Rita.     

"Thank you! It's alright; you don't have to pour for me, I could do it myself. " Rita reached out for the hot steaming pot from the maid's hand. "Please!" With her hand extended waiting.     

"If you need anything else, there a bell right there..." The maid pointed at the cord hanging at the corner of the parlor.     

"Oh, alright! Thank you!" Rita replied smiling to the two maids.     

"You do it!" One of the maids told the other while using her elbow poking the side ribs of the other.     

"No, you do it! You're the one who wanted it the begin with anyway; I could go and buy from the Mega World Mall. I'm sure Sir and Mama would give us discounts."     

The two maids were pushing each other, and Rita saw it from the corner of her eyes.     

"Do you guys needed something? Go on, if I could help you, I would." Her eyes were showing curiosity as she asks.     

"Well... You see Miss; we saw all that beautiful gowns that your designer friends brought here the other day and..., and...-" The maid was hesitating to continued, afraid that is not appropriate for them to ask.     

"Go on; what is it that you wanted to ask?" Rita urging the two maids, she asked showing interest, her eye brightly shining with a smile on her face.     

"Go on!"     

"The thing is...-We would be attending Sir and Mam's wedding, and of course, we don't have any decent clothes to wear to that special occasion."     

"We are hoping that we could buy one from your designer friend, we saw how beautiful all the gowns that he brought here the other day." She then looked away down to her feet while swinging it back and forth.     

"We understand that it might be expensive if we could get some discounts perhaps? Hehehe!" The other maid interjects, her voice was low as she speaks shyly.     

"Hahaha! Was that all you guys wanted? That's fine; I will check on him and see what he has left in his inventory. I would let you know after I speak with him, is that alright with both of you?"     

"Yes, Miss! It's fine with us, take your time and let us know whenever. Thank you! " They bows and left hooping and giggling with happiness on the way back to their duty.     

"Gosh! I can't believe she's so charming and unlike other rich people who look down on people like us."     

"Yes! She's sweet and attractive too! I wonder if she's single or married? We could match her up with our Chef, he's very handsome, and they're about the same age. What do you think? Hahaha!"     

The Chef heard the girls mentioning him they passed by the kitchen. He turned around and called the girls to come to the kitchen. "What is it that I'm hearing you say something about me? You two were gossiping again instead of doing your job. Do you want me to report you to Mr. Butleer or you're going to tell me what you two were talking about?"     

"Hehehe! It was nothing Chef; we only thought that you look good together with that pretty miss out there in our parlor. However, we were not sure if she's single or married already."     

"Pretty Miss, are you talking about the wedding designer? " Mr. Chef is now curious.     

"Yes, Chef! She's charming and nice too. Not snotty at all, we asked her if she could do us a favor and she happily said she would check on it and see what she could do. Isn't she nice?"     

"Hmmm, do you think she would be interested in me?" Chef's eyes were glistening with excitement.     

"You want us to check for you? The two young maids asked while grinning from ear to ear.     

"Hmmm?" Will see, will see... You go on, and I let you know if I do."     

The Chef was busy chatting with the two maids when the kitchen help came running. "Chef! Chef! Mam's at the dining room, she's seated already waiting for her breakfast." He was almost out of breath from running so fast.     

"Woop! Woop! Woop!" The kitchen help was trying to catch his breath while blowing air in and out. "Inhale, exhale!" He mumbles to himself while standing and waiting for the Chef's order.     

"What! What are you doing standing there, serve the food!" The Chef anxiously went to the dining room to check on Ann; he almost tripped as he was walking so fast.     

Once he arrives at the threshold of the dining room, he saw Mr. Butler coming towards the dining room as well. He waited until Mr. Butler arrives before they proceeded to greet Ann together.     


Hello, readers!     

We have a special day going on this coming weekend; it's a big promo that WN planning for all of our faithful readers.     

This book was lucky enough to get chosen for the big mass release happening;     

I had been working myself to death since the day I was informed, and that's one of the reasons I was not able to update as many chapters as I used too.     

I hope you would support and gift this hard-working author. :wrapped_gift::wrapped_gift:     

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