I accidentally married a "CEO"



The clothing department was where everyone spent most of their time. Since it's for free, everyone wanted to look their best. It's once in a lifetime that they would be able to wear something so expensive and exquisite, suits made by Armani, and dress designed by a top designer that usually purchased only by the wealthy.     

The next places were the shoe's, purses and the cosmetics department. The two young housemaids had a ball; it's a dream come true to finally able to wear brand name cosmetic, they usually only buy at the market where everything was made from a no-name brand company.     

By lunchtime, everyone was finished shopping, and they head back to the Mansion happily while praising their kind-hearted bosses all the way home. It's an experience that they would remember and talk about for the rest of their life...     


Grandfather Go, Grandmother Tan, Old Ron and his wife, Old Butler and the two boys were busy shopping when Jeff and his entourage arrived at their location.     

However, instead of Jeff scolding his Grandfather for closing the Mall. He thanked him for doing so which is very rare for Jeff to do.     

Once everything was straightened up, Jeff and Ann left and went back home. Ronald stayed as per Jeff's order to take care of everything. Ronald loves it; he would get a chance to pick out a nice gift for the couple on their wedding day with the help of his fiancee.     


[Ethan and Eva's moment] The night before, after the Bachelor party:     

Eva and Ethan made it back to the Villa without delay. The Villa was quiet; there's no one to disturb them. Ethan had made sure to give the housekeeper's a day off for the whole weekend for them to be alone.     

He planned ahead of time; he cannot fail this time no matter what happens. Do or die! He would get what's coming...-Eva would be his, one way or the other, that's his promise to himself after that night in Hawaii.     

Eva stayed seated in the passenger seat; she was hesitating if she should go in or ask Ethan to take her home at the Mansion. She knows what's Ethan planning to do, and she was for it one hundred percent a couple of minutes ago. But, now she's not too sure herself...     

While she was in deep thought of what to do, Ethan opened the door and stood to wait for her to come out of the car.     

From the way she looks, Ethan could tell she feels like a little lamb ready to be slaughtered by him, and it worries him.     

'It's not good; I need to figure a way to make her feel at home. If not, she might bolt out and wanting to go home. What then?' He's trying to figure out a way to make her feel at ease.     

"Babe, If you're worried that something might happen between us, I promise that I would not do anything you don't want me too. Alright! I only want us to have some time alone; that's all." He made it sound sincere that made Eva's decision to stay much more natural.     

"Alright! You promised, if you break your promise, I would never speak with you ever." Eva shyly got out of the car; she then straightens and dusted her clothes even though it doesn't need too.     

Ethan saw what she did, and he knows she's nervous. He put his arms on her shoulder and guided her to the house. "Home sweet home!" He shouted as they enter the Villa.     

Eva secretly smiled as to not show to Ethan that she likes that sound. "Home sweet home, she likes that. Someday, she would have that kind of home, and she's hoping that Ethan would be part of that home."     

Once they were inside the house, Ethan was at lost of what to do, he went to the bar and started preparing some drinks. While he was mixing drinks, Eva turned some sweet music to make the atmosphere much more relaxing and started humming along with the tune.     

Ethan loves what was happening. Eva was making a move. She was setting the whole thing, and he loves every minute of it. He handed Eva a cocktail drink, then sat down next to her on the sofa.     

Eva took a sip of the cocktail drink; it's a little stiff. However, it's what she needed at the moment to give her the courage to go through the whole thing. She's continued humming to the tune that was playing on the stereo, while Ethan was seating quietly next to her trying to find a way to get closer to her.     

Eva and Ethan stayed seated sipping their cocktail for longer than necessary before he finally decided to make a move...     

To be continued:     

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