I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Godfather...

The Godfather...

"Hello, Mr. President, this is M. P.  What can I do for you?" He greeted the President of the country respectfully. Meanwhile, he was motioning to his wife to be quiet. He already knew why he was calling him, and he doesn't want to upset the older man.     

"Good morning! M.P, how are you? I'm curious about something, and I thought I would ask the source directly. By any chance, have you heard of the wedding of the century that's going to happen soon?" He asked nonchalantly, trying to portray a calm demeanor while speaking by making sure there's a smile in his voice.     

"Yes, Mr. President. My wife and I were discussing what I should wear for the wedding, Barong or suit? I decided to bring both. How about you, Mr. President, what are you planning to wear?" He automatically assumed that Mr. President received an invite.--      

"I'm sorry, I was excited and did not pay my mind. I have no right to ask, please! accept my apology. By the way, you need something?" He added after realizing that he might have made a mistake.     

When the President heard what he said, he was very disappointed that he had not yet seen an invitation. So, he responded politically, the best way he could.     

"Oh, nothing... I couldn't even remember the reason why I called." It's evident that he was invited because of the way he's speaking. Then, the President changed the subject to politics and sports.     

While he was still on the phone with Manny, his assistant came back with a big smile on his face while waving an elegant-looking envelope in his hand.     

"Mr. President, Sir!-Look what I got!" He was in such a hurry that he almost tripped as he rushed to give the envelope to Mr. President. "Here! See, this?" He handed the envelope excitedly and waited for Mr. President to praise him.     

"Hmmm, M. P. I have an important matter to attend to; let's catch up later, alright!" He didn't even wait for M. p. to reply; he pushed the red dot with X at the screen of his phone. "Let me see that. Are you sure it's the invitation for the wedding?" He doesn't want to be disappointed or else.     

."Yes, sir! I'm putting my life into the line; that's the wedding invitation." The assistant proudly said while standing straight.     

"Alright! I believed you; no need to swear on your life. You may go." Mr. President couldn't wait for the assistant to leave and returned to his seat and grabbed the letter opener just as he was about to stick the end of the letter opener.     

The assistant who's still standing rooted to the ground he's standing on suddenly screamed.     

"NO!!!! No, sir! Please don't do that! Not required to use a letter opener; it's already open, Mr. President." He didn't want the envelope to be torn; he tried to keep it for a souvenir.     

Mr. President checked the plop of the jacket and saw that its impact opened already as a procedure. So he opened the envelope and pulled the card inside.     

After reading what's written, a smile formed on his stern-looking face. "Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!" Mr. President was in heaven after reading what's written on the invitation card.     

It reads:     

[ Mr. President,     

We know you are a very busy person and probably would decline our invitation. However, we would like to plead our case and request that you officiate our wedding as the person with the highest authority in the Country.     

After the officiation, We cordially invite you to our wedding as our Godfather and witness. We hope that you will find the time and attend. Rest assure that no Uninvited guest could enter our island where the wedding would commence.     

Thanking you in advance,     

Jeff Go & Ann Wen-Tan     


The RSVP was enclosed for your perusal. ]     

"Hahaha! And I thought I was not invited when they wanted me to be their Godfather." - Mr. President called for his assistant to reply to the couple, "Write this and send it right away before they think that I'm not attending and find a replacement." Mr. President ordered with a wide grin plastered on his face.     


In the meantime, the same message was received on the other side of the globe. The King of Estonia was a long-time friend of Jeff's father and was also requested to be a Godfather.     

The King of Estonia told his assistant to accept the invitation for the whole family. That includes the Queen, the little princess, and lastly, the Prince of Estonasia- Prince Alexander and his fiance Lady Antella.     

"Inform Prince Alexander and Lady Antella that I want to have a word with them at once." The king ordered...     

The assistant found out that Prince Alexander once again escaped and was not in the country, and Lady Antella and their respective assistants.     

"What do you mean they are not in the Country right now? Explained!!!' The King was shouting for the whole palace to hear. "It's absurd!" The King explains.     

"Your Highness, please do not be alert; Prince Alexander and lady Antella are currently in the Philippines. Therefore, not necessarily too bad; he's in the right place and the wrong time. Hahaha!" The assistant happily informs the King.     

"Make sure to inform their assistant and tell them to stay there. Prepare the private jet; we should be leaving right away." The King ordered.     


Mega World Resort:     

The security was very tight; not even an ant could enter without the scrutiny of the scanning system that was set up all around the entrances of the Island.     

The order was rigorous; no one was allowed to enter without an invitation, even if he's the President and country or the King of Hell. [No invitation, no entry.] That's the code for the emergency.     

The pre-wedding party started in the evening and lasted until the wedding in a couple of days. After that, guests from all over the world began to arrive one by one. Helicopter after helicopter were flying in and out.     

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