I accidentally married a "CEO"



At the dock, yacht and perry boats were busy unloading guests. For a couple of days already, reporters had been camping at the entrance of the resorts. Many had flown in from different parts of the world such as the United States of America, Europe, and other Asian Countries. The event was so huge that no one wants to miss sighting celebrities and significant people.     

The resorts were beautifully decorated, from the dock, all the way to the entrance where a red carpet was laid out for guests to walk on and have pictures taken. All reporters were dumbfounded to see how many famous personalities attended the wedding. It's bigger than the Grammy and Oscar Award nights combined.     

A concert was on the agenda for the pre-wedding party arranged by Mega entertainment. They invited many famous singers to join the show and realized that everyone they asked would RSVP.     

Due to everyone being invited to RSVP, they ended up overflowing and needed to extend the pre-wedding concert for a whole week instead of only a day. The P.R. The department was having an issue on who's going to be first and who's going to be the finale. An emergency meeting was held at Mega World Headquarters to discuss the concert in order not to offend anyone.     

*Bang! Bang! Bang!* The P.R. Director had to use a mallet to get everyone's attention. "Meeting begins, we need to be productive asap. We don't have much time left. Let's begin."     

The P.R. Director called for everyone to pitch in their idea of how they would solve the problem.     

"We could start the concert with our local celebrities first, followed by the idols from the closest Asian Country. Next would Europe then for the finale we would have the group from the United States." The P.R. Manager showed to the screen which singers and group she's talking about and highlighted who is who to the one who doesn't know.     

Everyone agreed after seeing all the famous names and faces. Once all was settled, they divided among each other the actual work they needed to be done at the concert, everyone was excited. In the history of Mega World Entertainment, they had never had an event this big. Everyone wants to be part of history, the biggest wedding of the century.     


While all this was happening, the couple were busy finalizing essential matters before the day of the wedding. Jeff was arranging all vital things that needed to be taken care of while he's on his honeymoon. One is the turnover of the position of CEO to Ethan temporarily while they were gone.     

Ethan has no choice but to agree since Wen Corporation had become a subsidiary of Megaworld International Group of Company. As part of the deal between Ann and Eva who's the principal stockholder of the Company, Ethan would be the CEO while Jeff would help him from behind the scene. Who would have thought that Ethan does not need guidance at all, he's a genius on his own when it comes to business.     

Jeff requested an emergency meeting to inform them of his plan. He suggested to the Board of Directors to let Ethan be the interim CEO while he's on honeymoon. Everyone agreed without hesitation, and it made Jeff proud of his younger brother.     

"Congratulations! Starting tomorrow you are the interim CEO, make me proud." Jeff pats his brother on his back before giving him a tight brotherly hug.     

"Congratulations CEO Wright! Or should I say CEO Go? Whatever, I'll call you Ethan. Hahaha!" Ronald was grinning from ear to ear.     

Ethan's eyebrows crunched before he replied jokingly. "Excuse me? What did you say you're going to call me? Ethan? You better think again, or my brother might need to hire a new assistant when he comes back." He then smacked Ronald's shoulder and started laughing. "Hahaha!"     

"I don't care what you call me, as long as you don't call me CEO Wright or I might have to kill you." Ethan then winked at Ronald as they walked toward his new office.     


At the Mansion, Ann was busy making sure all her guests had arrived safely at the resort. She was having a meeting with Lea and Eva who's in charge of handling matters with all the bridesmaids.     

While they were busy discussing things Mr. Butler announces that a couple of the bridesmaids arrive.     

Komalika and Adleena came in looking like a million dollars. Komalika was wearing an elegant Carolina Herrera Strapless dress, while Adlenna was wearing a Valentino Long-Sleeve Floral-Embroidered dress. To complete the ensemble, both were wearing a shoe designed by Manolo Blahnik, while both were carrying Hermes bags.     

Lea and Eva gawked when they saw the two bridesmaids that walked in. Lea commented jokingly once she found her words. "I hope you too have a bodyguard along with you." She said with a beautiful smile on her face showing her straight white teeth, but anyone could tell she's envious of the two girls.     

Eva decided to play along with Lea and added to the fuel. "What you mean bodyguard, they should have at least the National Guard with them, look at what they are both wearing. It looks like the National Treasure of the Country." She said it straight face, but secretly smiled at Lea then winked.     

Adleena catches up pretty quickly and plays along with the girls. "What do you mean National Guard, no way! With what I'm wearing right now, I had to request a Special Forces to be my bodyguard."     

"You only requested Special Forces? I have the FBI and CIA escort me all day to the front door." Komalika interjects while looking at them with a straight face.     

Ann: "Hahaha!"     

Adleena: "???"     




Lea, Eva, Adleena, and Komalika laughed along with Ann, if anyone could hear them, they would think they were serious.     

Komalika and Adleena stayed and enjoyed a light brunch with the girls before saying their goodbyes to head to the Resort...     

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