I accidentally married a "CEO"

Pre-wedding Concert...

Pre-wedding Concert...

Everything was prepared, and everyone was so excited for the concert night. This would be the first time in history that for a pre-wedding party, a concert is going to be held. No one in the whole country had ever done it before, not even the rich and famous figures around.     

Unfortunately, the concert was not open to the public. The island could only hold so many people and for the safety of the guest, the security was very tight.     

However, a stipulation was made, with the hype of the wedding a reciprocation was required to prevent the masses from retaliating. The two major television networks in the country were allowed to take coverage of the concert and broadcast live feed for everyone to watch.     

Outside the Countries would have to wait a couple of hours later, giving priority to the locals just for one night.      

BHO and Showtune two known television companies from the United States of America had requested exclusive rights to Pay-Per-View and were granted with only one condition that the live broadcast for the first night of the concert would be postponed.     

Mega Entertainment wanted to give the two best local TV stations in the Country exclusive rights and air the show for free... The couple's gift to the masses.     

The PR department was ordered not to inform the reporters of Sophia and Ann's plan on singing a duet. They wanted to surprise all their guests who came from all over the world. It would be the highlight of the Concert, the finale…     

The day went by very fast; all the guests that had arrived were checked thoroughly and admitted. As the night slowly crept, many of the guests were anticipating the event of the night. No one had any idea that a surprise was waiting for them when the night came.     


Meanwhile, the traffic on the air had decreased dramatically after one whole day. Many of the public planes were diverted to another city for landing, to accommodate the private jets and planes that had been arriving left and right.      

Passengers of public planes were enraged when their planes were diverted to a nearby city. However, when they received a hefty compensation from the World Group, everyone was a happy camper and could only praise the generosity.     

Many reporters from all over the world camped out in various places to obtain news of the biggest wedding to come. Everyone wanted a piece of the history in the making. It was an event that had never been done and it will surely be recorded in history. Everyone wanted a piece.     

A reporter from one of the biggest broadcasting companies in the USA decided to interview some locals to see their reactions. They first went to the busiest place in the area, the mall.     

"Excuse me, mam! I'm a reporter from NAC; I'm curious about what you think about what's happening in the Country right now?" He asked one of the passersby.     

The reporter asked nonchalantly and didn't mention what it is that's happening in the country right now. However, he was in for a shock when the person he had asked replied.     

" I'm so excited; I can't wait for the concert tonight. That's why I'm in a hurry to go home right now; the broadcast will start soon. I'm sorry, but I need to go." So replied the passerby as she left as fast as she could without looking back.     

That stunned the reporter; he couldn't believe that the person he interviewed answered correctly without announcing what he was asking.     

He continued asking another passerby only to get the same reply as the first interview. The reporter got curious as to what's going on? He tried one last one to see if he could get a much clearer answer.     

"Excuse me, sir! Could you tell us in a few words how you feel about what's going on locally?" He put the microphone right in front of the man's face to ensure he got the correct answer.     

"I'm sorry, but I have no time right now. How about I give you my number, and after the event tonight, I would call you, and you could ask me anything then, how is that?" The man didn't even bother to ask the reporter to agree. Instead, he hurriedly jots down his cell number and then runs off.     

The reporter from NCA was at a loss of what's going on. He knows there's a big wedding and all, but he's not sure what's the event for the night. Of course, it could be anything, but from the way people disregard him when he's from one of the best in the country of the United States.     

The reporter tried one last time; this time, he would ask the question differently. First, he scanned the passerby and people that were walking left to right...     

"Sir, Mam! I'm a reporter from NCA; our home base is from the USA and would like to ask a couple of questions for our broadcasting. Is that alright with you?"     

One of the ladies was kind enough to stop and agreed to give an interview. "Go ahead, ask away; I don't have much time left." She replies as sweetly as she could, knowing the conversation would be broadcasted in another country.      

"Everyone seems to be running around in a hurry, and a couple of people I recently interviewed all informed me that they must go home before they missed the broadcast. So what broadcast are they talking about?" The reporter asked kindly with a genuine smile plastered on his face.     

"Hahaha! Yes, it is a concert that will be broadcast on television tonight. It's a pre-wedding concert that's being held on an island. It's not open to the public, but the couple getting married will broadcast it for the whole world to see. I hope that answers your question. I really need to go. Bye!" The lady left the same way as the others, in a hurry.     

The reporter's jaw dropped, and he quickly called his station to find out what's going on.     

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