I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Story Is Coming To An End!

The Story Is Coming To An End!

Claudia couldn't accept that she was caught once again. She was screaming hysterically for everyone to hear, and from the way she's acting, it seems that she had lost it and had a mental breakdown.     

President Tan was shaking his head as he was staring at Claudia. He couldn't believe that his plan did not work, and now he might even lose his Presidency at Tan Corporation because of her. The bastard daughter, the one that he could care less if she's dead or alive.     

"Phweh!" President Tan 'spat' towards Claudia. "What a useless bastard! I should have never acknowledged you at all. I would not have been in this predicament; you are a stroke of pure bad luck, rot in hell for all I care!"     

Megan, who's watching the whole thing, just smirked and ushered the officer to take her in custody. "Let's go; I had enough of this drama. The longer I watch, the more it makes my stomach turn. I'm feeling nauseated now and might vomit if we stay longer."     

President Tan, Claudia Tan, and Megan Wright were taken into custody by the Police and turned over to the local FBI once they arrived in the City.     


Meanwhile, at Mega World Headquarters, a report was received in regards to the apprehension of the trio. Therefore, they rapidly informed Jeff regarding the matter and waited for his instructions on releasing it to the public.     

"Prepare a report and provide it to all of social media, newspapers, and TV stations. I want the masses to know that they are caught and back in jail. That's my order!" Jeff hurriedly finished the conversation so he could share the good news with his family.     

Jeff didn't have to worry about informing his family. Once Ronald received the report at his desk, he hurriedly created a group message for everyone in the family.     

@everyone: [Good news! Claudia and Megan are in custody, along with President Tan. No more villains; their story is done. May they rot in jail...] He then... hit send.     

Everyone in the family received the message, and all their reactions were almost identical... All first sigh, then hurriedly reply to the chat group for everyone to see. Again, everyone responded with the same word. It's so funny. "Yes!!!!"     


At the same time, at the Mansion, Ann and Jeff were getting ready to go to Mega Entertainment to practice. The decision to sing a duet was agreed upon and in place, with one problem. Ann hadn't sung a song for a while, meaning she's out of practice, and to rectify the situation, they agreed to meet up at Mega World Entertainment in an hour to practice before going to the Resort.     

Sophia was already at the recording studio when Ann and Jeff arrived at Mega Entertainment. Edna was waiting for them at the entrance, and as soon as they entered, she then locked the door behind them before accompanying them to the location of the Studio.     

Ann did not ask any questions, even though she was curious about why the whole place was empty. Not even a security guard around, when it should be filled with trainees and employees.     

Jeff saw the look on Ann's face and decided to inform her. "I informed the management to close for today; I don't know anyone around. We want this to be a surprise tonight, and if anyone gets an idea, who knows what could happen. So it's better safe than sorry." He finished with a quick kiss on her lips.     

"Oh! Thank you, sweetheart! It has been a long time since I last sang a song, and I'm not sure how I would sound right now. Hehe, he!"     

Edna who's listening to the two, couldn't help herself but secretly smiles at herself then shakes her head. 'This couple is the real deal, a match made in heaven. Anyone that could see them would know how much they love each other. Ahhh, to be young once again.' So she thought to herself as they strolled toward the studio.     

Sophia was busy giving instructions to the music director and his assistant when they arrived. A big smile pops up from her beautiful face when she sees them. "You're here! Good, we could start." She reached out for Ann's hand and ushered her in inside the sound booth.     

"Nervous? Don't be; it's nothing... sing naturally like you did before, and all will be fine." She gave Ann's hand a little squeeze for assurance before motioning to the sound manager to start.     

Ann took a look at the sheet of paper in front of her and smiled after reading the song they will perform together. "It's one of my favorite songs; thank you for choosing this one."     

"Hahaha! What a coincidence; it's my favorite song as well. I always wanted to dedicate this song to you every time I sang it in one of my concerts." Sophia said it with a bit of tear started forming in her eyes.     

Jeff gave his wife a thumbs-up signal and blew her a kiss, hoping for her to relax. Instead, Ann saw it and acted like she's catching the kiss, then put her hand by her heart before blowing a kiss back to her husband.     

The couple's gesture was being witnessed by everyone at the studio, and all had an awed look on their faces. Sophia couldn't stop herself and commented. "Ahhh, so sweet..." She teased her daughter.     

"Mother!" Ann exclaims while blushing for getting caught in the act.     


"As I could be, let us start!" Ann excitedly answered.     

The music starts...     

Ann starts: 'hmmm... hmmm.. hmmm.'     

[1] For all those times you stood by me...     

For all the truth that you made me see...     

For all the joy you brought to my life...     

For all the wrong that you made right...     

For every dream, you made come true...     





I'm everything I am...     

Because you loved me... Ann then pointed towards Jeff, who's so immersed with her singing...     

[1] 'Because You Love me' is a song by Celine Dion. Source: Google     

Authors note:     

This chapter is for you, xiuxian     

I'm working on a new book, "Torn Between Twin Brothers," Will replace this once it ends.     

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