I accidentally married a "CEO"

Almost, The End... But Not Yet!

Almost, The End... But Not Yet!

Naturally, Jeff would feel proud. "I sure did, didn't I?"     

"Yes, you did, honey! I'm proud of you! Hahaha!" Ann teased Jeff before giving him a deep kiss on both of his cheeks.     

Laughter was heard throughout the villa, Tan and Go together as one family.     

Bentong and Don-Don both found their treasure, Grandma Tan and Grandpa Go.     

Each adopted one of the boys, Grandma Tan took Bentong, and Grandpa Go adopted Don-Don legally... They are now Jeff, Ethan, and Ann's little uncle by law.     


The next day was very hectic for everyone — too many things to do with such a short time left before the wedding day. But, lucky for Ann and Jeff, everyone was helping them with all the arrangements and attending to the necessary things to do, like dress fittings for everyone involved with the wedding.     

Eva and Lea had to get up early to attend to the bridesmaid trying out their gowns; while Ronald and Ethan were doing the same thing, getting the tuxedos ready for the GroomsMan when they arrived, and they needed to make sure that it perfectly fit.     

Grandmother Tan, Grandfather Go, Don-don, Bentong, Old Ron, and his wife were also busy, trying on their best Sunday clothes for the wedding.     

Sophia was very kind enough to lend her designer to create everyone's wedding outfit.      

Sophia's designer is also one of the top designers in the country; one could say that he could compete with Ann's designer M.C. Therefore, the elders and the two young boys would have a gorgeous outfit made for them.     

Meanwhile, Jeff and Ann were relaxing and being lazy while everyone was running around like a chicken with no head.      

The wedding dress had been in Ann's possession for a while now and in a safe place along with Jeff's tuxedo. Therefore, there was nothing for them to concern themselves with, and they took the opportunity to relax.     

The couple was relaxing by the pool, taking in some sun when they suddenly heard a voice.      

"Hello, hello, hello! How's the bride and groom to be? Are you guys ready..."     

Ann took out the sunglasses she had on and looked at the person that was talking nonstop since he walked in. When she saw who it was, she hurriedly got up and hugged him as a greeting.     

"M.C. You're here! Oh, I'm so happy I thought you would not be able to make it, and I heard you have an international competition going on right now. But, you are here, and I'm overjoyed." Ann was so excited that she's blabbering while she's hugging him tightly from excitement.     

Jeff got up a little abruptly, separated the two, and shook M.C.'s hand. "Thank you for coming, and we appreciate you making time for our wedding." The contour of his handsome face clearly shows that he is eating vinegar. This is funny because he knew that M.C. prefers a man instead of a woman.     

M.C. laughs out loud, "hahaha! What are you talking about? I'm the one who should be grateful that you remember inviting the poor me. Hahaha!" M.C. humbly replied while shaking Jeff's hand. He couldn't hold himself and he lightly caressed it before letting go.      

"M.C. You're making me blush with your compliment; by the way, you are staying until the wedding, right? So you're not just stopping by to say hello, right?" Ann implored while giving him puppy eyes and the sweetest smile.     

"Miss. Wen, you are making me blush. You just had a celebrity sing a song at your pre-wedding party last night. I'm just a small pebble compared to him."     

Jeff was listening earnestly the whole time M.C. and Ann were flattering each other. Finally, after a couple of minutes, he couldn't handle it anymore and ushered both of them into the parlor so they could speak comfortably.      

A refreshment was already served at the parlor when they walked in. "Hmmm, that smell...-it's so... oh, I don't know how to word it, yummy...!" M.C. playfully told the couple, and it made Ann's heart swell with happiness to see M.C. sat down and started eating with gusto...     

Jeff felt uncomfortable listening to their conversation, it's girl talk, and he has no idea what to say or do. He decided to do some necessary work while Ann was busy with M.C. He excused himself, went to the temporary office, and closed the door.     

M.C. i was enjoying the snacks that Mr. Chef specially prepared. He then remembers the reason he stopped by before the wedding. He took out his cell phone and texted someone. Before he was finished with his snack, his assistants came with boxes after boxes. One by one, it was unboxed for Ann to see.     

"What is all this? M.C., please, explain what all these boxes of gowns and dresses are?" Ann's eyes were wide with excitement while looking at what's inside instead of M.C.     

M.C. put a half a smile before replying. "All of this is my gift to your wedding, my dear. I had created all these after the fashion show in New York City." He proudly announced.     

"All of these dresses were designed for me? Oh...M.C....-Thank you! Thank you so much." Ann took one of the dresses and excitedly asked if she could try it on. M.C. nodded while he continued eating.     

Ann told the assistant to follow her to their bedroom and bring a couple of boxes with her...     

The assistant left the boxes on the bed and took off so Ann could try the dresses. Ann picked the elegant cocktail dress; it's sleeveless and floor-length. Once she put it on, she saw the bulging stomach she now has... Suddenly, Ann remembers her wedding dress, and it was created when she didn't have any bulge showing...What is she going to do???     

Author's note:     

Wedding coming soon, almost at the end...     

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