I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Twins Arrival

The Twins Arrival

Jeff and Ann elected to stay a couple of days more in Washington D.C. to help out Ronald and Leah in case the 'twins' Logan and Lucas give them a hard time.     

They heard that Alexa was moving out of the White House and flying out to live in another Country.     

As per Logan's info, and that's the reason why they must leave immediately. Ronald and Leah were overjoyed to hear that the twins were not against them getting married.     

They favored Ronald as their brother-in-law long before when they first met in Las Vegas during the Thanksgiving dinner at their home.     

"Good for Alexa. She needed to get away from the witch First Lady of the White House." Ann told Jeff while she was resting on his shoulder.     

Jeff quietly listened to Logan and Lucas talking about the girl's hardship when she was back in the Philippines. At least now she's living in the White House. He also thinks that it's good for her to move away and come back when she's thriving.     

While everything was settled and Logan and Lucas were ready to leave, Leah wanted to confirm that they would be coming to the wedding. "Remember, we will first have our Civil Wedding in Las Vegas, then we will have our church wedding in the Philippines; you have to be there." Lea reminded Logan and Lucas as they prepared to leave.     

"Don't worry! We wouldn't miss it for the world. Unless the terrorist is attacking us, and it's the end of the world. We will be there." Logan promised, then gave his baby sister a big hug and shook hands with his future brother-in-law.     

Lucas has done the same thing and bids his goodbye. He then turned and walked towards Jeff and Ann. He extended his hands to Jeff, then went for Ann and gave her a tight hug. He then whispered to Ann, "If you ever wanted to divorce this man, you could always come to me. Hahaha!" He banters, not realizing that Jeff heard it loud and clear.     

"Over my dead body! You better get out of here now, or it would be your dead body that would be a fish food if you don't let go of my wife, NOW!" Jeff angrily told Lucas while pulling his wife away from Lucas's embrace.     

Lucas raised his two hands in the air, "I was only kidding, Sir! Please, I know what you're capable of, and I don't dare try to find out. Hahaha!"     

Logan pulled his brother by his collar and dragged him out while waving to everyone. "Are you nuts?! Joking around to the most powerful man in Asia...- Do you have a death wish or what?" He then smacked Lucas on his head.     

"Who said I was kidding?" Lucas mumbles as they walk towards the vehicle.     

"What? Do you mean to tell me that you like Ann? Not, as a sister, but a lover? Whoa! Is that why you never found all those beautiful and sexy girls in college interesting? Ahhh! I feel for you, brother. But, unfortunately, you picked the wrong person to fall in love with.     

"Ann had been in love with that man, even when she thought he's broke and penniless. Hahaha!" Daniel was having fun with his brother's sorrow. And Lucas was ready to beat the shit out of him if they weren't in a hurry.     


Back inside the Yacht, Ronald and Lea were bidding Jeff and Ann goodbye. They would be flying to Las Vegas and quickly register their marriage, then stay a couple of days to honeymoon, go back to the Philippines, and wait until the couple's return from their Six-month long honeymoon.     

Ethan and Eva had left a day before, right after the Party at the White House. So many business matters were left behind, and both Ethan and Jeff cannot be gone. Grandfather Go and CEO Tan took over temporarily to let them attend to Ronald's matter, but they had been annoying Ethan daily, and he couldn't take it anymore and go back earlier than planned.     

Eva had to return also, for Sophia had been pestering her for leaving when she was supposed to be training. Sophia wanted her to debut as soon as possible, and Eva worked hard ever since after the wedding. However, when she heard from Lea that she would meet up with Ann in Washington D.C., Eva begged Sophia to let her go.     


Jeff was getting impatient, and it was taking Ann and Lea so long to say their goodbyes. He wanted to be on the way so they could resume their interrupted honeymoon. However, the two best friends took their time, and he's losing patience by the minute.     

Ronald saw the face of his boss and decided to interrupt the two. "We're going to be late with our flight, come on... babe, let's go!" Lea was reluctant to let go of Ann, but she had no choice but to obey, or someone might throw them overboard.     

Jeff's face turned brightly when he saw and heard what Ronald had said and done. He gave him a thumbs-up before nodding in approval.     

Ronald and Lea left, and finally, M/V A.J. sailed from the port of Washington D.C. headed towards the Bahamas...- To continue the many months of honeymoon...     


Six-month later:     

"God Dang It! Breathe... Heh-he, hah-ha, heh-heh, hah-ha!" Jeff was out of his mind, and his wife was having terrible pain, and nothing he could do about it to help ease the pain.     

Ann lays there without saying a word. The intensity of the labor pain is getting higher and higher by the minute. However, she kept on holding it and doing her best not to cry out due to illness.     

However, no matter how hard she tries, the pain still shows clearly on her beautiful face, and Jeff could feel it just from looking at her.     

The nurse that was assisting them was secretly smiling. "Don't worry, CEO Go, it won't be long now, the twins are cooperating very well, and it should only be a matter of time." She's trying to console Jeff and hoping he will be less anxious.     

"Where's the Doctor? Why isn't she here yet? Can't you give her any pain killer or something? " He's shouting now, looking all flustered.     

Ann, hold on to Jeff's arm... A sharp pain was coming very intense, and it was hard for her to hold it. "Ahhhh! God dang it, Jeff, Go!!! I'm going to struggle with you once I'm done with this; it was you who did this to me! Ahhhh!!!!" Ann shouted while grabbing Jeff's collar, almost choking him in return.     

Jeff tried to turn his head toward the nurse, who was about ready to laugh loudly from the sight she was seeing. "Get the Doctor right now!!! Hurry! "     

He turned his attention to his wife once again. "God Dang It! Breathe... Heh-he, hah-ha, heh-heh, hah-ha!" Jeff is about to hyperventilate for all the coaching he is doing.     

Finally, the Doctor came; she secretly smiled after seeing the way Jeff was losing his composure.     

"Don't worry, CEO Go. Everything is on schedule. The twins will meet us very, very soon."     

"Make it sooner, or I would be able to stick around much longer." Jeff felt like he was about to pass out. He's afraid he would do so before the twins decide to come out into the world.     

The Doctor lifted the sheet that was covering Ann's below. She was happy to see that the baby's head was already crowning.     

"The twins are ready to meet us, and I can see the head of the first one. Let's do it, CEO Go, help her with the breathing. Mrs. Go, when I say push, push as hard as you can, alright!"     

Without waiting for a reply, the Doctor said..."PUSH!!!"     

Ann gave all her might and pushed as hard as she could, and...the first one of the twins came out without a hitch.     

The Doctor gave the baby to the nurse to clean up. She didn't bother announcing if it was a boy or a girl. She then continued. "Here comes the second one, when I say push.. you know what to do. You're doing a wonderful job, a little longer."     

"Alright, Mrs. Go..." PUSH!!!"     

"Ahhh!!!!" Ann's pushed as hard as she could while holding on to Jeff's neck. "Ahhh!" The second baby came out, and Ann's arms let go of Jeff's neck. She was exhausted and passed out right after.     

When Jeff saw Ann passed out, he lost it.  He couldn't handle it either, and he fell to the ground and passed out...     

The Doctor and Nurses started laughing at the sight. They couldn't believe that the great CEO Jeff Go had passed out at the sight of his wife passing out.     


To be continued with the children's story... "TORN BETWEEN TWIN BROTHERS"     

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