My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 307: Sweet time with my wife and mothers-in-law.

Chapter 307: Sweet time with my wife and mothers-in-law.

Chapter 307: Sweet time with my wife and mothers-in-law.     

[And that's all that happened...] Kaguya finished telling Victor everything that had happened with Violet.     

"..." Victor bit his lip a little, feeling quite conflicted.     

On the one hand, he wanted to be close to his wife and help her, but on the other hand, he knew that what Violet was going through right now was necessary.     

And by openly helping her, it would only hurt her decision to help her family, and not only that, he would trample on Agnes' resolve.     

Violet was doing her best, and Victor wanted to respect her decision.     

"Darling...?" Sasha touched Victor's face with a lovingly worried look.     

"...." Natashia didn't say anything, while she just hugged him tighter as if announcing that her presence was here.     

Victor looked at Sasha.     

"What happened?" she asked.     

"It's nothing; I'm just worried about Violet," Victor spoke his honest thoughts.     

"Violet..." Sasha assumed a sad expression.     

Initially, it was her idea to send her back to the Clan.     

She had her reasons for this, but the main one was that Sasha understood Violet... Not completely. After all, she didn't have a father as Violet did.     

But she thought that the best support Violet needed right now wasn't Victor, Ruby, or Sasha herself.     

She needed the support of her mother, who was also the person who suffered the most from this event.     

But that didn't mean she wasn't worried...     

After Adonis and Agnes, the people closest to Violet were her childhood friends.     

"You will go tomorrow, right?" She spoke quietly to Victor.     

"Yes." Victor understood that she was talking about the trip he had promised Eleanor.     

"...." Sasha looked at Natashia for a few seconds, like she was seeking permission or some advice from Natashia.     

But the woman herself only nodded and said:     

"Just do what you want, my daughter. I will always support you." Natashia commented.     

Sasha flashed a small smile, looked at Victor, and said,     

"I will not go with you to Eleanor's territory."     


"I will go and support my friend." Even though it wasn't the same situation, Sasha still understood Violet, and she couldn't just go somewhere else and ignore Violet's current state.     

And her being close to Violet would give Victor some peace of mind as well.     

Sasha could easily tell that Victor was holding himself back from running to the Snow Clan and staying by Violet's side.     

But he didn't for a number of reasons, the main one being that Victor's presence could cause unwanted reactions from both Agnes and Violet herself.     

Victor was literally waiting for the 'dust' to settle.     

"...." Victor opened his eyes, a little shocked, and soon his expression turned gentle, and he gently touched Sasha's face.     

He caressed Sasha's cheek.     

Sasha was, without a doubt, one of the kindest wives he had. She was the perfect embodiment of chivalry, companionship, and nobility.     

Despite being a Vampire, she was undoubtedly someone who fits the title of...Knight.     

Victor could easily guess the other reasons why Sasha had decided to stay with Violet.     

Sasha was like a light. Really, if she wasn't a creature of the night, he could sometimes mistake her for an angel... A very shy angel.     

Because of the way Sasha was, Victor refused to let Sasha deal with the rotten side of the world.     

He'd done something like that several times in the past, and he'd always protect that gentle light that was Sasha.     

"Thank you, Honey..."     

"Hahaha." Sasha laughed a little and scratched her head, "I'm too soft. I just can't ignore my friend, although I know that-..."     

"Shhh..." Victor took Sasha's head, held it to his chest, and closed his eyes as he hugged the woman.     

"It's okay... I love the way you are..." He patted Sasha's head a little.     

"...." She opened her eyes a little in surprise, but slowly her expression changed to a gentle smile as she closed her eyes and enjoyed Victor's caress.     

"I love you, Sasha... Thank you for coming into my life... And thank you for being you."     

"...Mm..." She nodded as her cheeks turned a little red.     

"...." Natashia flashed a small smile, and she snuggled even closer into Victor's body.     

'You are fortunate, My Daughter.' To think the first man she dated was someone like Victor.     

"Natashia, will you go with me?"     

"...I can't. I have work to do, not to mention there's that damn meeting coming up." Natashia felt like throwing all her duties into the air, but in doing so, she wouldn't be a 'good woman' or a good 'Clan leader'.     

She needed to be an example for her daughter, so she couldn't be selfish now.     

"I see..." Victor nodded when he heard Natashia's reasons.     

"Ruby probably won't go with you either. Knowing my friend, she won't be able to ignore Violet's state for long either." Sasha commented in a low tone while keeping her eyes closed.     

"...And Scathach probably won't either." Natashia also commented.     

"..." Victor was silent. In the end, he would have to make the trip alone without his wives or his mothers-in-law.     

Though he wouldn't be entirely 'alone'.     

Victor looked up at the sky and saw the moons in the sky.     

"Since I'm going to be away from you for a few days..." Victor didn't plan on staying long in Eleonor's territory, he would just observe the place and help with whatever Eleonor needed, and then he would come back. After all, he did make a promise.     

It was a man's duty to live up to his word.     

If he couldn't do at least that, he wouldn't be considered a trustworthy man.     

Worse than that, Victor would consider himself to be trash.     

"I need to stock up."     

The bodies of Sasha and Natashia, along with Scathach, who was listening to the conversation from afar, visibly shuddered.     

"Indeed, you're going to be away for a few days, so we have to make sure you don't freak out from the bloodlust. Considering that now you have four wives, and two of them are far away... You need nutrients to ensure that you won't lose your mind." Natashia flashed a seductive smile.     

Though she had mixed feelings when she spoke of Agnes, she understood that the woman didn't become Victor's wife of her own volition, and it was something more like a…consequence.     

But that didn't mean she liked this situation.     

But since she was trying to improve her personality and be a good woman, she wouldn't be mean about it.     

...Yes, she definitely wouldn't be mean about it...-     

'This is unfair! I would even understand if it was Scathach, but why Agnes!?' Despite what she thought, she didn't speak aloud and kept it to herself.     

'Control yourself, Natashia, don't fall to the dark side. You fought so hard to get what you wanted most in your life, don't fuck it up now.'     

She spoke to herself as if she was scolding a child.     

"Let's go to the bathtub..."     

"Yes." The two didn't deny Victor's request since they knew what they were going to do.     

Victor moved away from the two women and rose from the ground as his eyes fell on Scathach for a few seconds, and they communicated in those few seconds that they looked at each other.     

Soon the woman nodded and walked into the bathroom ahead of them.     

"Girls, I'll take a shower. Then, when I get back, we'll continue training."     

"...have fun~." The maids spoke simultaneously; they didn't seem to be paying attention to Victor. Instead, they were talking to each other about their powers and new ways to use them.     

Mainly about battle tactics.     

For a brief period, Scathach trained the Maids, except for Roxanne.     

And with just a little bit of advice from a GM like Scathach, they realized a lot of things that they could evolve, and they were using that 'slack' to think about these strategies.     

The only people who understood what Victor was going to do were Kaguya, Eleonor, and Roxanne herself.     


"Ahh~" Small muffled moans were heard in the large bathtub.     

And inside the tub was a man and three women the way they came into the world.     

The women seemed to be melting in the man's arms as they bit various parts of his body and sucked his blood.     

The first victim of his fangs was Sasha herself, who was on his lap.     

She was biting his neck, and unlike the usual time she took to get satisfied, it only took a few seconds, and she was completely full.     

The quality and density of Victor's blood were very different from before.     

And because of that, what once took several minutes for her to be completely satisfied, now?     

Now, with just a few seconds, she was satisfied...     

But that didn't mean she would stop sucking his blood... It just tasted so good!     

Feeling a firmness touching her important place, her face got a little redder, but far from running away from this situation,     

She took advantage! She moved her hips and caressed Victor's firmness with her important place.     

Victor stopped biting Sasha's collarbone and licks a little where he bit it, and in less than a few seconds, the tiny holes that Victor made in Sasha's collarbone were healed.     

"HaaaaHaaaa~." Sasha stopped biting Victor and started breathing heavily.     

Her entire gaze was intoxicated, and she glared at Victor with eyes of lust, and without the slightest warning, she pounced on Victor's mouth and gave him a long, passionate kiss.     

And as she kissed him, she felt electric currents coursing through her entire body due to the pleasure her private part was giving her.     

Suddenly, she felt an electric current run through her entire body, and she twitched her legs tightly.     

She stopped kissing Victor and hugged him again.     

Taking this opportunity, Victor once again bit Sasha's collarbone.     

"Ahhhhhh~-...." She moaned heavily, but soon her moan was muffled by her own hand.     

The feeling of pleasure in her private part, along with the sudden bite on her neck, made her whole body shudder with pleasure.     

A few minutes passed, and Sasha felt utterly drained.     

Victor stopped biting her.     

And slowly, the woman got off him and crawled to the edge of the tub and laid her head down.     

Her breathing was ragged, her face was completely red, and she was feeling completely drained despite wanting to continue what she was doing. It was as if Victor had stolen her energies.     

...Which wasn't entirely wrong. Due to his new condition, Victor needed more blood than usual.     

What Sasha was feeling now were typical symptoms of lack of blood, but she would quickly be fine with a few seconds' rest. After all, she had also absorbed Victor's blood.     

Unlike the younger Vamps, who got satisfied quickly, this was a different story entirely for the older Vamps, who were biting Victor's arms.     

Starting with Scathach, who suffered from a lack of blood due to the ritual's consequences in the past, despite Victor's blood having improved in quality, she wouldn't be satisfied with just that 'little'.     

She stopped biting his arm and, looking up with lustful desire, quickly jumped on Victor's left side and bit his neck.     


The second was Natashia. Despite not needing as much blood as Scathach, she was greedier than the woman, and besides...     

She didn't have many opportunities like this to drink Victor's blood freely and without restrictions.     

She looked at Victor's collarbone, and slowly she approached that area, and...     


Victor's body was hot, and his mind was blank as he just thought about enjoying this moment and pulled Natashia on top of him.     

The woman stopped biting Victor and looked with lustful eyes at the man.     

Victor looked at Natashia's figure with the same expression as he looked at Natashia's bunnies and saw that they were erect.     

"Back to normal..."     

She opened her eyes a little and then pouted:     

"Why do you always ask for this?"     

"…I already said I like your 'original'."     

  Natashia's smile grew, and Victor's words danced within her euphoric mind. No matter how many times she heard those words, she always liked them.     

Slowly, visible changes began to happen in the area of ​​Natashia's chest.     

  Natashia's bunnies, which were almost the size of Scathach's, slowly began to shrink back to their original form: a pair of not too big, not too small, rabbits.     

But it was a perfect size and fit perfectly in Victor's hands.     

By continually drinking Victor's blood, changes took place in Natashia's body as well. The old bunnies that were almost non-existent slowly grew to this size.     

Needless to say, she was extremely pleased with it.     


"Of course." Victor laughed and pulled Natashia closer to him.     

The woman leaned against his body, lifted her hips a little, and felt Victor's firmness near her important area; she had a great desire to devour the man's member greedily.     

It would be an understatement to say how much she was leaking down there.     

... But she held back, now was not the time for that because the moment they started this activity, they probably wouldn't stop for several days, and both Victor and she had commitments, not to mention that there was still her daughter.     

She didn't want to betray her daughter's trust because of her desire.     

She supported herself with her hands and just sat on his cock, much to her immense disappointment.     

But she wasn't going to leave this place without enjoying it, and much like her daughter, she started to move her hips. She wanted to make sure her younger sister remembered the smell and feel of her betrothed.     

"Ugh~... Ah~...." Deciding he couldn't let Natashia take the lead,     

Victor pulled the two bunnies that were erect from Natashia as he caressed that area for a while, then went down to the abdomen until he reached the thigh area, and then squeezed the thick thighs of hers that he loved.     

Thighs that Sasha inherited perfectly, although Natashia's thighs still slightly surpassed her daughter's.     

"Ahh~." She moaned a little softly, and due to Victor's caresses, her hips lifted unconsciously, and her lower mouth opened and closed as if looking for something.     

Victor's younger brother proudly ascended to heaven as Victor used his hand to massage Natashia's ass and pulled in a way that opened the woman's parts even more.     

The tip of his member touched the entrance of the woman, which was convulsing as if she wanted to suck everything out.     

Victor let go of Natashia's ass and pulled Natashia's face closer to his.     

"!!!" Victor fervently kissed Natashia's mouth. The woman was surprised for a few seconds but quickly returned Victor's kiss with more enthusiasm.     

She desperately held back her urge to sit fervently on Victor's instrument.     

Victor stopped kissing Natashia and licked the woman's lips a little.     

"Haahaaaa~" Natashia's face was a total mess, and her breathing was ragged as she turned her face to the left and showed her collarbone to Victor.     

He knew exactly what she wanted.     

Victor opened his mouth and then bit Natashia's collarbone.     


More potent liquids began to flow out of the woman, and this liquid began to wet her lover's member.     

Sasha lifted her face. She was completely recovered, she looked at her mother, and soon she showed a small smile, approached the woman, and lightly touched an area of ​​Natashia's spine.     

"Ughhhh~." She lifted her hips at Sasha's sudden touch, and her daughter could see all of her intimacy.     

"Whaa… it's so wet… It's opening and closing like it wants to suck it all in… How indecent~."     

"S-Shut up… Ahh~. Natashia's face turned a little red with embarrassment. It was strange to have her daughter see something so intimate of her.     

Sasha flashed a wicked smile when she saw her mother's state but instead began to tease her mother even more as she didn't forget to caress an important part, a part she always felt curious about every time she saw her husband the way he came into the world…     

Over time, she started to feel like drinking more blood until she ignored her mother and bit Victor's arm that was more accessible.     

While mother and daughter had fun with Victor, Scathach was silently feeding. She wasn't even paying attention to what was happening around her.     

'Delicious, delicious.... I want more.... I want more!' She had been satisfied for some time now, but his blood was just too good. She was utterly addicted.     

Looks like this will be a bit of a long bath...     


Edited By: IsUnavailable     

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