My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 323: Seductive Vampire Tricks Greedy Witch.

Chapter 323: Seductive Vampire Tricks Greedy Witch.

Chapter 323: Seductive Vampire Tricks A Greedy Witch.     

A few hours before Victor left for the Snow Clan with Eleonor, Siena, Lacus, and Pepper.     

He was in a private meeting with a certain Witch.     

"Count Victor Alucard... I must say that you are a rather difficult man to get in touch with." Selena spoke with a small professional smile.     

She was sitting in front of Victor with her legs crossed as she crossed her arms. It was as if she was blatantly showing off her attractiveness.     

But Victor knew from Adonis' experience that she was just acting sexy like that as a way to win a 'deal'.     

Trading is like a war where everything is fair, beauty, seduction, threats, hidden plans, everything was allowed.     

The woman in front of him was an expert at this type of negotiation.     

And she was clearly confident of getting what she wanted for this 'young' Count.     

She'd studied everything about the new Count, and from every bit of information she learned and gained about the new Count…     

She had more or less an idea of ​​what kind of person she was dealing with.     

'An impulsive warrior who has great strength and people supporting him, so he can support his actions.' That was her profile of Victor now.     

"Haha~, I'm quite busy. I rarely have opportunities to meet other people." Victor, who was sitting in front of the cross-legged woman, had a small amused smile on his face as he looked at the woman.     

She was blatantly looking at Victor's entire body, starting with his face.     


She couldn't help but swallow dryly.     

'What happened... His appearance doesn't match the reports... And those eyes... Why is he so perfect?' She felt speechless, she was even questioning her beauty now.     

This man was more beautiful than her!     

It seems that the 'beauty' war was won by Victor even without him doing anything.     

"Selena Moriarty, I came to this place for one purpose only."     

'Eh...? Did he start talking?' Despite being surprised that Victor would initiate the conversation, she wasn't inexperienced enough to let her adversary take the reins in the negotiation.     

"I want to sell you something."     

'...Huh?' Her brain had stopped working for a few seconds. She had planned and replayed this situation over and over in her head.     

She would make the best deal for Count Alucard, and in return, she would like some land he conquered in the future, but never in her wildest dreams did she think he would want to sell her anything.     

Victor put his hand in his black suit and pulled out a small colored sphere.     

'A sphere of memories? Does he want to sell me information?'     

"I've been told by some birdies that you have a rather... complicated relationship with the Vampire King."     

"!!!" Her face twitched a little, it was only for milliseconds, and she quickly managed to return to her normal expression.     

But that small crack was enough for Victor to notice with his supernatural senses that were far above normal.     

'That is impossible, I clearly hid my hatred for that man, and everyone who has ever heard about this information is dead.'     

Victor displayed a small internal smile. To be honest, he didn't know anything about Selena, he just knew what everyone else knew about her.     

He only knew the outer 'face', and because of that, he played this little trap.     

With his enhanced senses, he could read the woman's expression as if in slow motion, with his hearing, he could hear the Witch's heartbeat.     

'Even though your expression has changed a little, your heart hasn't changed.' From Adonis' experience, he deduced that she was using some sort of magic to bring her heart into a 'calm' state, a very common tactic used by witches when they go to trade with high-level beings like Kings, Queens, etc.     

Victor didn't know that Selena hated the King of Vampires, he only knew that the woman in front of him had a complicated enough relationship that her expression would change with just his name being spoken.     

And for Victor, that was enough.     

And Selena realized that. She realized that in this little demonstration, her opponent gained a lot of information from her.     

Selena's eyes got sharper; 'He's not a younger Vampire...'     

With just a few sentences exchanged, Victor's level of danger to Selena increased by several levels.     

"This is my product... Take a look." Victor took the sphere, put it on the table, and with a simple gesture, the sphere rolled towards Selena.     

"..." Selena looked at the sphere and took it.     

She used her magic, and soon a holographic image appeared in front of her.     

"...." Selena looked at the etched memory with a neutral gaze, but inside, she was extremely shocked.     

'This is... A memory of betrayal... The betrayal of the First Queen of the Vampire King.'     

"Why are you so sad, !@$$%? Let's have fun~."     

'Although the subject's name is censored, as is his face, this is definitely...'     

"Something fascinating, isn't it?"     

"!!!" She awoke from her thoughts and looked at Victor.     

Seeing the same amused smile on his face, she saw his mouth begin to move:     

"To think that the King of all Vampires, the man who is feared by the whole world, would have a rather… peculiar family situation."     

'A cowardly method... The tactic of a snake... This is not the profile I had of him before, something has changed. He's changed, a variable has occurred.' Selena's thoughts were quick.     

And upon learning this new information, she quickly changed the way she approached Victor.     

"Why are you offering me this?"     

"Why...?" Victor looked at Selena with a shocked look.     

"I thought an intelligent woman like you would immediately understand my intentions." He made a disappointed face.     

Selena's heart pounded, she felt like he was talking nonsense, but with patience and a neutral voice, she spoke:     

"Don't underestimate me, I clearly know what you want with this item."     

"Oh...?" His smile grew amused.     

"What I want to know is what your intention is in doing this?"     

"Intentions… Intentions, huh?" With the same amused smile, Victor rested his head on his fist.     

"... Let's say... I want a little 'chaos'."     

'A little chaos?' Selena almost screwed up her face.     

'Doesn't this man understand that if this information leaks out, it won't just be a 'little chaos' that will happen?'     

Betrayals are common in a Royal Family, but usually, this kind of problem is solved in the dark. After all, the King of all Vampires has a 'reputation' to uphold.     

Even though Vlad and his 5000 years of experience knows of his wife's betrayal, by closing his eyes and ignoring this subject for so long, he only opened a gap for someone to take advantage of this 'weakness'.     

Despite being something insignificant, if used intelligently, it can cause enormous damage.     

After all, if the First Wife cheated on him, how about The Second, Third, and Fourth Wife?     

What did they do?     

Even if these women didn't betray the King of Vampires, just because this rumor exists damages the King of Vampires' reputation.     

Of course, rumors can be easily controlled, but...     

The important point here is that this man in front of her has evidence of The First Wife's infidelity.     

If she sells this information to Vlad's enemies, as she definitely had contacts with everyone, the damage would be huge.     

And to make the whole situation better, this was a memory sphere. With the magic that Selena threw into the sphere, she could easily see that the Witch this man came into contact with had left a 'gap' of a possible edit.     

That is, Vlad's enemies could edit this video any way they wanted. They could put names and voices of whoever they wanted in this memory.     

This was an editable memory.     

'This man... He... He's scary. He offered the sphere even though he knew about this 'small' problem. In fact, it's not even a problem, it's an opportunity.'     

"That is my intention."     

"..." Selena, once again, awoke from her thoughts.     

"How much do you want for this…?" Selena immediately regretted having spoken those words. She knew she had just taken a wrong step because of her greed.     

"..." His smile grew a little.     

'Tsk, I hate that smile. Yes, I'm interested, this is simply too important an item for me to ignore.'     

"Theo Dracul."     


"That's all I want."      

"..." Seeing the silent man with a small amused smile on his face.     

Her brain started to think.     

'... Does he want to use the name of the King's Son? Theo, the Son of the King of Vampires, slept with his own mother… The King of Vampire's wife!... The scandal will be much bigger than if someone uses someone else's name!'     

In Vampire society, incest was not uncommon. In fact, many Clans practiced this act. When marrying a family member, the chance that the main power of that family would become stronger in the next generation was many times greater than normal.     

And as they are Vampires, when performing incest, the child is not born with any genetic defects.     

Vampires are a different species with different cultures and customs,     

The problem here is how this incest happened. Everyone knows that Theo's mother is Vlad's wife.     

That is, this is a betrayal. The Son himself put a green hat on his Father! Scandalous!     

'Even if this is a lie, only if this rumor gets out, and there is evidence for it, the damage done to that man's family will be enormous!'     

'Incredible! This man is incredible!'     

'If we weren't negotiating now, I could kiss this man!'     

Selena never thought she would get the opportunity she'd been waiting for, for so long, from someone her mother asked to handle.     

On the outside, it looked like Victor was waiting for the woman to stop thinking, but it wasn't quite like that.     

All the while, Selena was silent with her finger on her chin as if she was thinking about Victor's offer.     

Victor never took his eyes off the woman.     

In his view, the woman was moving slowly. So slowly, in fact, that he could see any microexpressions she was making.     

All his superhuman feelings were focused on the woman.     

Eyes, breathing, small changes in microexpression, even the sweat that fell on her large breasts.     

He could see everything, she was like an open book to him.     

If Victor's opponent was someone without emotions, something like a robot.     

Victor had doubts that he could read this person.     

But if the opponent was a humanoid living being, he would be absolutely sure that he could read that person.     

And even if the opponent tried to hide their expression.     

Their body would betray them.     

With a little change in emotions, it would show up somewhere on your face or body.     

And for someone like Victor who could read all this...     

This woman never had a chance from the start.     

Seeing a micro smile on her cheek, Victor inwardly chuckled and stood up.     

"!!?" Selena woke up from her thoughts when she saw Victor suddenly get up.     


"My work here is done." He spoke as he walked towards her.     


He crouched next to the woman's ear and spoke in a silky tone: "... I want 50% of the sales of this sphere. You can send it all to this account." He knew she wouldn't have a problem with that. After all, that's usually how it goes when someone offers a product that the Witches would sell.     

He put a sheet of paper and a phone on the table.     

"...Frost Bank?" As she didn't question the percentage value, Victor knew she agreed.     

'He's too close! He smells so good!!' She was confused about this branch she'd never heard of, but her thoughts were chaotic due to the man's scent.     

"See you in the future, my beautiful crimson-haired Witch." He spoke in such a loving tone that Selena looked like she would melt just hearing his voice.     

He chuckled inwardly when he saw her red ears. She might be expressionless, but as usual, her body betrayed her.     

Victor took a step and disappeared.     


All Selena felt was a slight breeze, along with the fact that she'd just danced in the palm of a man's hand, not just any man, a damn beautiful manipulative Vampire seducer!     


She looked at the sphere in her hand with a red face, and she squeezed it tightly. She completely forgot her purpose here.     

'Alucard, huh… He's a lot more interesting than I initially thought.' She couldn't help but flash a small smile as she looked at her cell phone on the table.     


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable     

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