My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 444: The dedication of a husband.

Chapter 444: The dedication of a husband.

Chapter 444: The dedication of a husband.     

A week had passed.     

Victor's group had focused entirely on their affairs this past week.     

Training, planning, and practicing dual cultivation, Victor and his group were in full swing.     

Mainly on the dual cultivation part, after Ruby, Sasha, and Violet found out what Victor did to Natashia in the bedroom.     

They wanted the same treatment as well!     

They wanted their hips to feel like jelly the next day.     

And, like a good captain who listens to his commander's orders, Victor did his duty with the utmost dedication!     

It is worth saying that different mansions were almost destroyed during that week.     

The wives were busy, and they were scattered between Earth and Nightingale.     

Because of this, Victor had to abuse Natalia's powers.     

And thanks to Saint Natalia and her miraculous space-bending powers, Ruby, Sasha, and Violet received the same treatment that Natashia received.     

… And… they were satisfied.     

Especially Sasha, who had a bit of 'M' tendencies when she was behind four walls with her husband.     

She loved being treated rough, she loved feeling her hips like jelly the next day, she loved the feeling of her insides being pierced and the 'warm' feeling of having her insides filled.     

Then when Natashia saw her daughter's condition the next day, she just twitched her legs as something dripped from her insides and wet the floor.     

Her eyes glowed blood red, and she couldn't wait to have a threesome with her daughter and her husband.     

'I want to see my daughter personally being destroyed ~' The older vampire thought.     

Victor just laughed when he saw Natashia's gaze, kissed Sasha's head, caressed her head, and covered her body with a sheet.     

Soon after, he approached Natashia, hugged the older woman lovingly, and kissed her passionately.     

"Will you go now?" Natashia asked as she squirmed at the obscene smell in the air and her husband's caresses.     

"Not yet..." Victor licked Natashia's neck, sniffed her neck, and lightly bit her ears.     


Lifting Natashia's leg and rudely ripping off her Noble outfit, he chuckled when he saw that the woman wasn't wearing anything underneath.     

'She already came expecting this.' He couldn't help but smile at his perverted wife.     

Victor didn't need any foreplay, his mother-in-law was already wet enough.     

"Yes~!" She moaned uncontrollably when she felt something pierce her inside and reach her deepest parts.     

And her interior just squirmed even more when she imagined that this member was inside her daughter a few moments ago.     

"Fuck me." She hugged Victor tighter as her eyes gleamed with possessiveness and lust.     

"...That's what I was planning~" Victor smiled, and quickly, he turned Natashia's body, supporting her from behind:     

"!!!" She felt her insides shudder even more when she was in the position she loved most, but something was still missing.     

While holding her waist, Victor licked Natashia's neck and bit her.     

"Yeshhh~." She held Victor's head, and her insides tightened even more. She loved that position!     

Roughly holding his right hand on her breasts which became a D-cup, while with his left hand, he wrapped Natashia's waist as if he did not want her to escape.     

He started moving his hips while sucking her blood.     

"Ahh~, I love this!" The feeling of having her blood sucked while doing this position was simply divine for Natashia.     


With the threat of a possible demonic invasion on Earth, Victor's relatives and friends were informed, as this was classified information.     

Only people close to Victor and those whom Victor 'trusts' can know this information.     

People like Fred, Andrew, Edward, and Leona, of course their families were also included. Victor's house was now becoming an impenetrable fortress, the reason for this is quite simple; they would use their house as a support point to transfer resources for both Nightingale and Earth.     

And yes, the brother and sister wolves duo had no idea what awaited them, they were just living their life peacefully until Victor arrived with this bombshell.     

"Hey, guys. I forgot to say, but a demonic invasion is about to start. If you need help, come to my house, it is quite safe there." Victor spoke as he left the PetShop with Zack on his arm.     


The two werewolves' faces were quite priceless. They tried to say it was impossible, but with the disappearing wave and 'psychopathic' people growing, they knew it wasn't a lie, and Victor wouldn't lie to them like that.     

After taking this matter to his father, surprisingly, the man was not shocked, as if he already knew.     

"Tsk, Tsk. Even after becoming a vampire, this man remains soft with his friends. " Even though he was badmouthing Victor, you could see a small smile on the mustachioed man's face.     

The reason he was saying this is that when he went to look at Victor after some time, the man had completely changed.     

And it wasn't just his beauty that changed, his temperament, his way of speaking, his 'calmness' when dealing with other supernatural beings.     

He was a completely different person, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Adam was dealing with an older vampire.     

'Even if his senses are stronger, he can easily find me now.' Adam had cold sweat when he felt that violet look on his body.     

Honestly, this is ridiculous, the way Victor evolved is just too ridiculous!     

It's only been two years! TWO YEARS!     

Like Fuck, he became so powerful!? Is he doping!? Fuck, that makes no sense!     

And to make matters worse, he has a blessing!     

Aphrodite herself gave him a greater blessing! A blessing so strong that he is the only one on the entire planet who had this blessing.     

When Adam went to meet Aphrodite and investigate what was going on, he was shocked at the goddess. She was smiling and acting like a girl in love when he was around her.     

But what the fuck?     

She is the goddess of beauty and love, okay!? Her 'love' cannot be monopolized because her love is simply too heavy and too great for any mortal or deity to bear.     

For God's sake, any god who tries to monopolize Aphrodite only suffers a terrible fate. You can't imprison a woman who can make you a slave at any moment!     

But... That man got it!?     

How the fuck is this even possible!?     

And to shock him even more, Victor treated Aphrodite normally. He wasn't acting like a 'Simp' to the goddess of beauty, which was a typical attitude for any man or woman towards this goddess.     

Was it almost like they were ... equal? Yes, that's the correct word, they were in a similar position, and Aphrodite and Victor respected each other.     

Adam didn't understand how this was possible. After all, she's a goddess older than humanity itself, and she's quite proud, so she wouldn't accept being equal to anyone. Because of that, he can't help but think that the goddess of beauty and love fell in love with Victor.     

'But even if she had fallen in love with him, she would use her powers to try to turn him into a 'Simp'... Just what's going on?' Even using all his brains, he couldn't understand how the goddess of beauty had such a casual attitude towards Victor.     

Fuck, she's a goddess! Their worthless pride and ego are the size of Jupiter! Even if you just fart in front of the gods, they might take it as an insult and curse you to eternal suffering or some bullshit like that!     

'Fuck it, I give up.' He stopped thinking about it for now.     

Honestly... The way Victor evolved and gained allies was simply unreal. This was above bullshit level, in just two years, this man had become a monster on as many levels as possible.     

"... Father, what are we going to do? Vic warned us about the demons..." Leona commented with a slightly red face, it had been a long time since she had seen her childhood friend, and he was completely changed...     

He changed in such a big way that if she hadn't known him for a long time, she wouldn't recognize him!     

'Piece of shit! Look what he did to my daughter!' A vein popped in Adam's head, 'It's decided. This man will stay a KM away from her. His beauty level is just dangerous!'     

'Fuck it! Even I'm not immune to this shit and, for a moment, I thought it balanced that way, and I even thought it wouldn't be a problem if it was with Victor....' Adam's face darkened visibly:     

'Fuck it! Damn that charm!'     

Despite keeping the poker face to himself, Adam was going through a storm of emotions and just couldn't calm down due to recent events.     

And one of the reasons he couldn't calm down was the demon factory, a discovery that the werewolf king's minions coincidentally came across in Africa.     

And as a former loyal general to the werewolf King, Adam was informed of it as well.     

'Those pests... Was your invasion already that advanced?'     

"When were you planning to tell us about this?" Edward asked.     

"When I received more information about this invasion." Adam did not hide anything from his children.     

"I only received this information recently, too, although I was already suspicious of something due to the increasing number of demons coming out of hell."     

"...Sigh." After a moment of silence, Edward and Leona sigh visibly.     

"A break-in, huh... Just now that my bar was doing well..." Edward's face darkened.     

"And what is your plan, Father?"     

"... I was thinking of going back to Samar, the werewolf home."     


"The supernatural world in the future will no longer be so peaceful, and even though I trained you two, you need to evolve more as werewolves."     

"Ugh, I don't want to form a pack, it's quite annoying." Leona grumbled. She wasn't a pack person, even though she knew werewolves only get stronger when they're in a pack with an Alpha.     

And her being an Alpha, she would receive all the 'bonuses' of being a leader, and, for every werewolf in her pack, she would receive a permanent strength bonus.     

Strength in numbers, that's the werewolves' philosophy.     

... Only there was one problem, she was a loner! She prefers a thousand times to evolve alone than need a pack!     

'Ugh, these are the times I envy vampires…' She thought when she remembered Victor's strength, he didn't need something like a pack of people at his command to get stronger, it all depended on his training.     

'Although I wouldn't imagine sucking blood for eternity…' She thought of all the junk food she would lose by turning into a vampire.     

If Leona's father saw her thoughts right now, he would really smack this woman over the head for thinking bullshit.     

Werewolves are a proud race like vampires, and they consider themselves superior to their 'rivals' because they don't have as many weaknesses as their rivals.     

"Ugh, I really don't want to leave my bar."     

"..... Sigh, believe me, I wouldn't want to leave school either, but... If the conditions in the supernatural world of Earth start to get more violent, we have to move. Samar is similar to Nightingale, the werewolf country lives on another planet, and we will be safer there than on Earth." Adam explained his reasons.     

"It's not about security, right ...?"     

"Yes, you need to get stronger, you need to understand what it's like to live as a werewolf in a werewolf society and... One of you will have to take my 'inheritance'."     

"....." Their eyes darkened.     

Who was Adam?     

He is a former general of the king of the werewolves!     

Even if he retired and another general took over his mantle, that status is still very strong.     

The Lykos Clan is a prestigious Clan that has held important positions throughout Samar's history.     

Prime Minister, Head of Foreign Affairs, Strategists, General, etc.     

Throughout history, Clan Lykos had always given talents to the werewolf king, and it is 'expected' that this generation of Clan Lykos will be the same.     

Adam, as a former general, wanted a worthy successor to receive his 'inheritance', he wanted one of his sons to become a general.     

"...Father, we are not warriors." Edward spoke with a sigh.     


Adam sighed visibly, he already knew that, and how could he not?     

His two children, Leona and Edward, didn't have the skills to be warriors, and he also can't imagine his daughter being injured on the battlefield. He thinks he's going to go crazy just thinking about it.     

And his son Edward is just very kind.     

... And, Honestly? He did not want to involve his children in the political mess that is Samar.     

But today, that place is the safest place, and he needed an heir.     

'Sigh ... I don't think I have a choice.' He really didn't want to do that, but he didn't have many options at the moment:     

"In that case, I'm going to prepare Johnny to try to receive my inheritance." He didn't seem very motivated.     

A small smile appeared on Leona's face, and she thanked her missing older brother for taking on this burden.     

She's a more homely woman, she likes peace, taking care of animals, she likes to live life peacefully, she's not afraid of conflict, but wouldn't she seek conflict for herself, and honestly?     

This pressure from her father to become heir was just irritating. She can't change who she was, she can't become a general overnight.     

While Leona thought that, Edward had a dark face. He really didn't like to disappoint his father, but in that matter, he had no choice. He is not and never will be a general, he is a bartender, for God's sake! He likes working in a bar!     

"Father, before you move or make a hasty decision, shouldn't we meet with Victor?" Edward suddenly spoke up.     

"…Geh, why do you want to talk to him?"     

"He's the one who warned us about the demon invasion, so it's safe to say he has plans for that invasion... And knowing how paranoid our friend is, his house must have become a stronghold by now."     

"Indeed, he is very yandere to make his loved ones unprotected." Leona agreed.     

'Ugh... I really don't want to go to that place, that annoying goddess is going to be there, and I don't want to act out of character.'     

Before the goddess of beauty and love... Men and women are only subject to becoming animals in heat.     

That's how terrifying she is.     

"Father, we should go to Victor's house before making a hasty decision." Leona said.     

"...Sigh, you're right."     

"...." The two siblings smiled.     

"But remember that the plan to go to Samar before the shit hits the fan still stands, and I won't take no for an answer."     

"We know." The two said at the same time.     

Despite being a loving father, Adam was still an Alpha and the leader of that pack. His orders could not be disobeyed.      


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable     

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