My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 476: One who fights with monsters will become a monster.

Chapter 476: One who fights with monsters will become a monster.

Chapter 476: One who fights with monsters will become a monster.     

"Let's proceed with the expedition; we've had enough rest," Rose spoke with a big smile on her face.     

She seemed to be glowing, and she was much more excited than usual.     

"Yes!" The girls, except for Victor, Eleanor and Anrietha, spoke.     

Eleanor and Anrietha looked at a glowing Rose and an excited Victor with narrowed eyes.     

She had her suspicions that Victor had done something of a perverted nature with Rose. After all, they had never seen the woman so radiant.     

But after some thought, the two of them dismissed that thought; the truth was…     

Victor could be everything, handsome, a monster, a talented man.     

But without a shadow of a doubt, he was not an unfaithful man.     

From what the two girls understood about him, it was usually not Victor who made the first step in a relationship. It was the girls.     

In other words... They were suspicious of Rose.     

But like with Victor, the two women couldn't think of a scenario where Rose would do something perverted with Victor.     

She was too serious for that.     

"Rose, when we get back, I'm going to ask you to help me again."     

"Fufufu, sure~" Her smile grew, and then she added:     

"I'll be happy to help~."     

"...." Victor couldn't help but flash a small smile.     




Okay, now even the other girls had noticed the strange atmosphere.     

What happened, and why do they seem so close!?     

Don't tell me... They did it!?     

The Valkyries looked at each other with a look only they knew and nodded.     

They became chibis and looked up, and soon a 'cloud' appeared, and the 'image' of Victor and Rose naked appeared.     

"I won't let you sleep tonight, Rose."     

"Destroy me, Vic!"     

"!!!" The girls blushed a little when they thought of this scenario. Somehow, it was very stimulating!     

'As expected, Victor is after the older ones... Does he have a fetish for antiques?' Eleanor thought.     

'As expected... He satisfies even Rose, but we're talking about a man who married an Elder Vampire and caused that incident... He's definitely capable.' Anrietha thought with a dangerous glare.     

Rose, seeing this, narrowed her eyes dangerously. How could she not understand what they were thinking? She practically raised them all.     

"...Girls, stop those indecent thoughts. Are you that frustrated?"     

"...." The girls blushed a little when they heard what Rose said.     

Quite brazenly, Julieta asked:     

"So, what happened? Why are you so radiant?"     

"I was just training him, and I was surprised how fast he learns."     

'Quick, is an understatement; he's like a sponge that absorbs everything I teach... I now understand what it's like to have a very talented disciple.'     

"...Oh..." Rose's answer somehow disappointed them all.     

"Heh~. I wondered what kind of image you were thinking of." Victor smiled as he looked at Julieta.     

"N-Nothing." Julieta turned her face away, her heart unable to take that sneak attack. He's a damn murderer! Playboy! Scoundrel!     

'Funny girl, she is quite brazen but weak against provocation.' Victor looked sideways at Eleanor.     

Eleanor noticed Victor's gaze and looked at him. The moment she saw his suggestive face, she huffed and turned her face away. She wasn't going to fall into his honey trap! Even if that trap was very enticing…     

She was a warrior! She had an unyielding will!     

Victor couldn't help but display a helpless smile as he scratched his neck, once again reminded of how dangerous his 'Charm' was, after all…     

...Victor literally did nothing…     


The women had fallen into their own world of debauchery with their own imaginations.     

'But that aside, training with Rose was quite enlightening, this woman…' Victor looked at Rose out of the corner of his eye.     

'She's very powerful, and her swordplay is on a completely different level than he'd seen before.' Victor believed that not even Scathach had reached this level of swordsmanship before, though he couldn't say correctly, considering that he'd never seen Scathach fight seriously.     

'With just one spar... I could clear my doubts about various aspects of melee arts. She sure is a great opponent.' Victor couldn't wait to fight her again.     

"Anyway, stop thinking nonsense, and let's get on with it," Rose ordered.     


"Eleonor, you go ahead this time... I assume you want to vent a little."     

"...." All Rose got in response was a big bloodthirsty smile from Eleanor.     

And when Victor saw that smile, he could barely contain his own smile from growing.     

'There it is! This is why I came here! Now show me! Show me that you are just like me!' Without realizing it had attracted Victor's full attention.     

Eleanor took hold of the Greatsword from her back and looked in one direction.     

"Don't hold back," Rose ordered.     

"Of course not."     

Eleanor kicked the ground and started to run.     

Soon the group started running after her.     


As the group ran after a very excited Eleanor, Victor said:     

"An Ogre settlement 40 km away."     

Eleanor's smile grew even more expansive, and a bloodthirsty aura exploded from her body.     

Doing his best to hide his feelings, Victor continued:     

"Contact in... 3... 2... 1!"     

The group stopped running and looked at an Ogre settlement, but unlike before, these were Ogre variants, Monsters of the same type but with a different specialty. In addition, some red-skinned Ogres appeared to be much larger than regular beige-skinned Ogres.     


Sensing Eleanor's hostile intent, the monsters were alerted and began coming toward the group.     

"Numbers?" Rose asked.     

Before Victor could answer Rose, Eleanor spoke:     

"It does not matter." Eleanor twitched her leg, and with an impulse, she advanced alone into the settlement.     

"...She's very excited, I think she was very stressed..." Judy commented.     

"Hasn't she killed a lot of monsters before?" Alexa asked.     

"It still wasn't enough for her," Martha replied.     

"Make sense." Alexa nodded.     

Rose shook her head as if she had no choice and said:     

"Judy and Julieta, don't forget to learn and categorize the terrain."     

"Yes!" The two responded at the same time.     

"Oh? Do you have any secondary goals on this expedition?"     

"Yes. This expedition is also an opportunity to learn more about the monsters we've previously encountered, the surrounding terrain, possible variants, and new monsters, so this information is crucial for the future."     

"I see..." Victor stopped talking when he saw Eleanor's clash with the Ogre.     

With an upward swing, the Ogre's entire body disappeared.     

A fist then suddenly came towards her. Eleanor looked at the fist coming toward her eyes, and with graceful movements, she dodged with only inches of the fist hitting her face.     

Using her incredible strength, she kicked the Ogre's knee, and the sounds of shattered kneecaps echoed through the surroundings.     

The Ogre staggered a little, and Eleanor did not miss that chance.     

A hand gesture created a stake from the earth and pierced through the Ogre.     


A Red Variant Ogre came toward Eleanor while its entire body was covered in fire.     

"This is new..." Rose commented.     

"Have you never seen them before?" Victor asked while not taking his eye off the fight.     

"We've seen the Toxic-Type before, but never a Fire-Type."     

"Do you think they were created to target the natural weakness of Vampires?"     

"... It's possible." Rose knew it was most likely true.     

The fight with the Alpha and the dialogue with that monster wouldn't get out of her head. She knew that the Alphas were something like the natives of this world. After all, she was one of the few Vampires who knew about the Elder Gods and what kind of existence they were.     

And she also knew that the Elder Gods had fought their King in the past…     

After thousands of years of fighting monsters, with all that she'd learned and discovered, the theory that the monsters were being artificially created began circulating in Rose and Walter's minds.     

But that theory was never proven, and they never had a chance to prove it, either.     

Even if they captured an Alpha for information, the monster would mysteriously die. It was as if someone had purposely killed them to prevent information from leaking, a common tactic in war.     

It was for this reason that the Valkyries didn't try to capture the Alphas; it was a futile effort after all.     

"I will kill the Monsters…." Eleanor changed her eyes from blood red to her signature reptilian.     

"Even if I turn into a monster in the process..."     

"Whistle." Victor whistled in amusement when he saw Eleanor's arm changing into extremely sharp black claws.     

Eleanor swung her sword and cut off the head of the Ogre trapped on the stone stake. When the Ogre's head fell to the ground, Eleanor withdrew the stone stake and used vague hand gestures as if controlling something in the air.     

And soon, the group saw the Ogre's body float.     

"Oh? Telekinesis?"     

"Something similar."     

"That's not the power of the Vampires of Clan Adrastea, right?"     

"Well, you are right and wrong, as the Monster Bloodlines themselves are also part of the Adrastea Clan… But yes, you are right, that is one of the powers of our Monster Bloodline."     


Eleanor ignored the approaching Fire Ogre and threw the corpse into it.     

The red Ogre just roared, and flames came out of its mouth, hitting the monster's body and turning the corpse to ash.     

By the time the corpse disappeared, Eleanor was nowhere to be found.     

"...?" The Ogre looked confused at this situation but soon heard a loud noise.     

It looked towards the noise and witnessed a bloodbath taking place.     

Eleanor had ignored the monster and jumped right into the Ogre horde, taking advantage of Chaos.     

"ROAAAAAR!" The Variant Ogre roared in rage and ran back toward Eleanor.     

Eleanor was there, surrounded by monsters, her body was covered in toxic blood, but her smile never left her face.     

Positioning her Greatsword, she spun around, effectively cutting several monsters in half.     

She jumped on another Ogre's head, and with the momentum, she flew towards another monster slicing it in half.     

She swung that massive, extremely sharp sword fluidly as if the sword didn't weigh a thing. Because it was a giant sword, she often used the sword as a shield as well.     

She spun around, cutting her foes in half, using monster parts to blind other monsters.     

Eleanor was brutal.     

Extremely brutal.     

She labored to inflict as much pain on the monsters as possible and felt sadistic pleasure in doing so.     

Slowly, the Horde of over 1000 Ogres was dwindling, and bodies were being piled all around.     

The longer the fight went on, the more brutal Eleanor became. On one occasion, she ignored the Variant Ogre again and threw her Greatsword at a regular Ogre.     

She disappeared from the scene, demonstrating impressive footwork, and appeared in front of the Ogre, who had its stomach pierced by the giant sword.     

Using her sword hilt as a support, she got to her feet while looking at the Ogre's face:     

"Become my food."     

The Ogre's face visibly darkened in fear.     

Eleanor's face began to change, scales began to appear, and her face became more monstrous, her regular mouth completely disappeared, and only a mouthful of sharp teeth was seen. Finally, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed the entire head of the Ogre.     

Meat-crunching sounds echoed loudly.     


She swallowed the meat, and soon her entire body started to change and become more monstrous. But it wasn't just her arms and faces anymore, it was everything.     

A large tail appeared behind her, covered in sharp spikes; her armor began to grow dark green scales, and four horns grew on her head, two large and two small.     

Two wings grew behind Eleanor, however, they weren't bat wings like the Vampire Count Transformation. Instead, they appeared more reptilian in nature. The only description Victor could think of was dragon wings.     

Her entire body had dark green scales covering it like extra armor.     

Eleanor spread her wings fully and looked at the monsters.     

And her sadistic smile was completely distorted when she saw the monsters step back in fear.     

They instinctively knew they were no longer the predators; they were the prey.     

A dark green aura with shades of black began to leave her body and flowed towards the Greatsword. Soon the Greatsword underwent a visible change and became more monstrous. Spikes grew all over the Greatsword, and a dark green fire covered the blade.     

Seeing this sight, all the Valkyries acted as if it was expected. This was a side that they all didn't want to show people, the Monster Bloodline they had... It was, after all, a Monster Bloodline.     

And unlike the other members of Clan Adrastea, the Valkyries had pretty dangerous monster bloodlines. They were the highest-level Monsters Clan Adrastea had fought in the past, and what Eleanor had was the most dangerous of them all.     

On this expedition, they avoided 'transforming' as Eleanor was doing. Instead, they used partial transformations consisting of their arms and weapons.     

After all, it wasn't a pretty sight to behold, and this 'transformation' was also a secret of Clan Adrastea.     

'If Eleanor showed this side to Victor, she trusts him enough for that.' Rose and the girls had the same thought.     

That kind of trust wasn't easily given to outsiders, and only one other person knew about this vision Victor was seeing.     

And that person was Scathach.     

Not even the King himself knew this.     

Rose and the girls looked curiously at Victor, wanting to see his reaction.     

Honestly, they were a little anxious. The man had grown a place in their hearts as a teammate, and they completely accepted the man as if he were their Clan. It would be quite painful if he rejected them.     

... But not even in their wildest dreams would they have imagined the sight in front of them.     

Victor was standing there, his smile so gigantic it could no longer be hidden.     

A gigantic smile that completely distorted his human features. It was a smile that could rival Eleanor's monstrous smile.     

And it was at that moment that they remembered who Victor was.     

Memories of Victor confronting Jeanne and Morgana flashed through their minds.     

Victor was the monster here, not them.     

They only wore tired smiles when they realized Victor had long ago confided in them his most important secret.     

'I was worried for nothing...' All the girls had thoughts similar to Dorothy's.     


Sensing danger coming her way, Eleanor raised her Greatsword in front of her.     

Pure fire struck the Greatsword, but Eleanor didn't move, nor was she shaken.     

"I haven't forgotten about you." Her voice became more monstrous and heavy, like a monster trying to speak a human language.     

She looked at the five variants running towards her while ignoring the other monsters.     

"Victor." Eleanor looked at Victor from a distance, her reptilian-slitted eyes staring into Victor's violet eyes.     


"I'll show you..." She shook her head a little and tossed her long white hair back.     

"I'll show you why I deserved the title of Vampire Count at such a young age..." She tried to turn away but couldn't because she saw the visible change in Victor's expression.     

Victor's eyes widened a little, and slowly his smile became even more monstrous, his face distorted completely, and his sharp teeth were clearly seen.     

Victor's face disappeared, and something dark that only contained large sharp teeth was standing there.     

The two monsters looked at each other... Two monsters looked at each other and desired each other. Eleanor's heart was beating a thousand miles an hour when she saw his evident desire.     

To further enhance Eleanor's amusement, she heard:     

"Show me… I want to see… I want to see the real you."     

"I want to see the true nature of the woman named Eleanor Adastrea!"     

"Show me!!"     

As if Victor's words were a strange trigger.     

Eleanor's smile grew unnaturally, and a dark green power with black hues exploded from Eleanor's body and soared towards the heavens, completely changing the atmosphere of the place.     



Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable     

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