My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 518: The place where the rules of the world are created. 2

Chapter 518: The place where the rules of the world are created. 2

Chapter 518: The place where the rules of the world are created. 2     

"If I want something from someone, I won't earn it because of a Soul Contract. That is not something that should be used on a potential ally." Victor spoke in obvious disdain:     

"Using it at the beginning of a possible alliance relationship just proves that you're expecting a possible betrayal from that ally from the start."     

Victor wasn't against using it on enemies like he and Ruby had done in the past, but for Haruna? A woman he had only good will for? That was stupidity.     

"..." Shiva displayed a small smile and looked at Vlad, who had a look that said:     

'Don't say anything to me.'     

Vlad was livid at this point. For some reason, he felt his authority was non-existent when he was next to Victor.     

But that brief thought was erased remembered the thousands of Vampires waiting for a single order from him, the King, to make a move and because he understood that Victor could only speak at this meeting because of his connections to Shiva and the man who ran it all.     

Initially, the very act of an escort saying something was an affront, and everything was only allowed because it was Vlad asking. That was his influence.     

'I have more authority and power than he does, but somehow... This man managed to make it look like I had nothing.'     

And Vlad understood what this phenomenon was. It was the same reason the Countesses behind him were reacting the way they were now.     

Scathach, Natashia, and even Agnes smiled. The women understood that it was in these moments that Victor's charisma shone even more.     

Yes, that was the answer, Charisma.     

Something abstract, but that definitely existed, and this man had an immense capability to make friends and enemies.     

'... Should I have listened, Victor?' Initially, Victor had asked Vlad to make an alliance without any benefits, and he was just going to support Haruna.     

As a King and a politician, he couldn't accept that, even if the 'investment' he made in Haruna's forces didn't hurt his pocket. After all, the Vampire King was very wealthy, but he couldn't do that.     

That's not how things worked.     

If he was going to invest in someone, he wanted a return on that investment, so he didn't want to act for superfluous reasons like 'I felt like it'.     

'Even if she is my late wife's sister, that's not a reason for me to make investments like that.'     

Before being a husband, before being a man, before being Vlad.     

He was the 'King', and he needed to secure the interests of his people.     

Shiva internally sighed. He had advised his friend several times to try to change this mindset.     

Commitment to your role was commendable, but nothing overly excessive was healthy.     

Even he, as the most influential God of his Pantheon, had days when he just wanted to rest with his wife.     

'That incident marked him a lot, huh...' Shiva was aware of his friend's faults, and as a good friend, he'd always advised him to change it, even though it annoyed Vlad at times.     

"..." The rest of the beings were silent as they watched everything, but their thoughts were different.     

'Dangerous...' That was Evie's judgment; she wasn't referring only to his power. It was also about his charisma, something she was sure she didn't have much of like this man.     

Fuck, just look at Micheal, a damn Seraph, who silently agreed with a Vampire, a Progenitor of Vampires, a 'species' he intensely dislikes.     

'He has a commendable character.' Michael thought. He could see that the words Victor spoke came from his very being, and he meant it from the bottom of his soul.     

"And you?" Victor looked back at Haruna.     

Haruna laughed lightly in a low tone. It is worth mentioning that she was even more amused when she saw Kuroka's shocked face.     

The reason for the girl's shock? Not even she knew.     

'That's so him.' She thought, putting herself in Victor's shoes. She realized that maybe she would have made the same decision as him.     

She preferred true allies to allies made by a forced contract, considering those would not be allies but slaves.     

And the discernment to see a potential ally and an enemy was what made her a great commander.     

'He must be doing this for my niece.' She understood that Victor's main action points were always for his family or dealing with someone strong.     

"I accept your sponsorship. I will be counting on you in the future."     

Victor flashed a gentle little smile that took Haruna, Kuroka, Evie, Alice, and Zeus, who, most of the time, was straight, by surprise. Even Thor, who was generally a lover of food and drink, was caught off guard.     

And he couldn't help but stare at the man with lust.     

'Tsk.' Evie gestured with her hand, causing her mind to clear, and she cast the same spell on Alice.     

It was just a simple spell that strengthened your will.     

'That's why I don't like dealing with beings who have touched the Concept of Beauty. They are problematic.'     

Shiva was not affected.     

And Michael and Gabriel had a good impression of Victor.     

Victor's Charm had different effects on beings, Angels were essentially 'pure', and when confronted by Charm, they usually found the person beautiful and virtuous but felt no desire or lust.     

And that only happened because Victor only had a Blessing of Beauty.      

If Aphrodite were present, and the Charm originated from her, it would've affected Higher Beings.      

The Angels would've had to take precautions not to fall.     

Victor nodded in satisfaction and looked at Vlad, who was looking at him with a stinking gaze.     

"What?" he asked innocently.     

'I knew he had four or five hidden intentions. Is he thinking of approaching the Witch Queen too?' He glanced slightly at the Queen, who, even with her neutral face, had cheeks that were still slightly flushed.     

'Aphrodite turned this troubled man into the enemy of women... Even my Wives... I mean ex-Wives...' Somehow, he felt he'd put the green hat on his head when he saw Jeanne and Morgana beside Victor.     

... The way Vlad arrived at misunderstandings was simply spectacular.     

"Vampire Representative, your decision?"     

"I approve."     

"Very well, starting today, in the name of this meeting and everyone present, Otsuki Haruna and her people will have 500 years of non-interference."     

"The Faction that breaks these rules will be punished according to the offense committed. For more information, read the Rulebook."     

"Anybody want a copy?" For some reason, the man's voice was more excited than usual in the last part.     

Everyone's faces twitched, but the newcomers to the meeting, Haruna, Anderson, Victor, and Kuroka, looked at this curiously.     

Soon, Victor and Haruna raised their hand, signaling that they wanted one.     

Anderson tried to raise his hand, but the man went quiet with just one look from his father.     

The smile of irregularity grew, and soon two books appeared in front of him.     

Seeing the thickness of the book, Kuroka immediately lost interest.     

Something that was not shared by Haruna and Victor, who took the book and opened it, and started reading without worries.     

"Oh? As expected, they have an unyielding will." Volk was the one who spoke.     

It was worth mentioning that the Rulebook was not an ordinary book. It was the book that contained 'rules' that all beings present at that meeting participated in. It was basically a high-level Contract type that encompassed several powerful beings.     

It was not a Soul Contract but a Contract that said that the beings present here must act by the rules created. The contract was not only symbolic. It had a power that entered the Concept of 'Order'.     

If someone broke the rule and was found guilty, Soul-Level punishments could be meted out.     

Most of the beings that were part of The Limbo now were beings that broke the rules of this book.     

The books had a fragment of the man's power, and with only that fragment, it would make people have various reactions, with the worst of them dying for not having a firm 'will'.     

So two 'mortals' opening the book and reading as if nothing had happened was quite surreal.     

'Well, I don't think they are Leaders of their respective Factions for no reason,' Volk thought when he thought of the book in Victor's hands. That was one of the reasons why Volk forbade Anderson to open the book.     

"Even Zeus can't read this without getting a headache," Volk spoke in a neutral tone, but his disdain was evident.     

"..." Zeus looked at Volk with his eyes completely white.     

Feeling Zeus' gaze, Volk just laughed with all his sharp teeth showing. He would never deny a challenge, and his fangs were thirsty for new flesh.     

"That's because all his will is focused on his second head, Bahahahaha," Thor spoke and started to laugh, but it was a shame that only Shiva and Zeus could hear him.     

But that mockery was reason enough for Zeus to shift his gaze to Thor.     

'This piece of shit... He's still annoying as ever.'     

If it had been any of the Gods in his Pantheon, he would've killed them for such an insult.     

"Youkai representative, do you have anything else to propose?"     

"No, I don't," Haruna spoke formally as she returned to reading the Rulebook.     

All Haruna's objectives in coming to this meeting were accomplished; everything turned out better than expected, and the benefit of 500 more years and the 'help' of Clan Alucard was an unexpected bonus.     

[Ugh, Master, what is this?]     

Hearing Eve's pained groan, Victor spoke up.     

[What's the matter, Eve?]     

[When I looked at this book, I couldn't read anything and got a massive headache.] Eve grumbled.     

[... Really? I can read it clearly] Roxanne commented.     

[Victor, close the book. Anyone who doesn't have a strong will cannot read this book.] Big Guy commented as he looked at Eve, Bruna, and Maria's slightly distorted faces.     

It was as if they had a nasty headache.     

Kaguya, Roberta, and Roxanne seemed unaffected.     

Roberta and Roxanne were obvious, as one had the spirit of the medusa within her.     

And the other was a World Tree.     

But Kaguya? She was simply a Maid who aspired to be perfect, and her will was unshakable.     

In comparison, Maria, Eve, and Bruna had the weakest 'Wills'.     

Eve felt the effects the most, which was due to her insecurities about her past, which, despite having improved a lot, was still a scar that wasn't completely healed.     

[I'm sorry about that.] Victor spoke internally.     

[No need to apologize, Master, you didn't know either.] Eve muttered.     

[Mm... When this is all over, I need to talk to you... Alone.]     

[!!!] All the Maids looked at Eve with various reactions written on their faces.     

[Okay.] She commented with a small smile.     

'Yay, baby, let's fucking go, it's snu snu time, don't forget to make him come inside you!' Alter Eve was freaking out.     

'Shut fuck up!' Eve thought, irritated and slightly embarrassed.     

'Puritan, just admit you have expectations!'     

'Shut fuck up!' She repeated in the same irritated tone.     

'Tsk.' Alter Eve snorted and turned away.     

"Very Well, starting now with the Gods, do you have any demands?"     


Edited By: IsUnavailable     

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