My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 551: A wave of changes.

Chapter 551: A wave of changes.

Chapter 551: A wave of changes.     

Leaving the bathroom after finishing their bath, the group of mothers, daughters, and a Goddess went to Victor's personal room, which was big enough to fit several people.     

Arriving in the bedroom, Victor wasted no time and walked straight to bed, threw his clothes off, and leaped in.     

'Haaah~, finally some peace… Hmm? Has the bed changed?' He looked to the side and noticed that the bed was bigger than the last time he'd seen it.     

'Meh, it must have been Ruby.' He didn't mind. He knew his wife was constantly updating their home.     

When Victor threw himself on the bed wearing nothing but his black boxers, Violet, wearing a black nightgown with purple details, quickly crawled after him. Then, when Victor sat with his back against the bed frame…     

Violet quickly moved to his right side and snuggled into his chest, while Ruby, who was completely naked, wasted no time and claimed his left, and Natashia, who, just like Ruby, was also nude, lay on Victor's crotch.     

"...." Victor gave a small helpless smile. The girls were so clingy, but it wasn't like he was complaining since he was like that too.     

As the bathroom they were previously in was connected with Victor's current room, it was effortless for the girls to change on the way. After all, there was a personalized closet for each girl.     

Victor was still surprised from time to time, considering that the first time this bedroom and bathroom was created, it wasn't that big or had so many 'rooms'.     

It looked like Ruby had remodeled everything.     

The Beauty Goddess, wearing a pink nightgown that thoroughly emphasized her sinful body, pouted. She wanted to complain that it was her turn to be rewarded. She just got married! She wanted to be pampered! But she fell silent when she saw Victor's gaze, and through the deep connection they now shared, she felt calmer.     

'... I got what I wanted; now... I just need to be patient. The girls don't like to have orgies, they are not Greek, and although they respect each other and like each other like sisters, they strictly love only Victor.'     

That was something the Beauty Goddess could agree with and accept. Despite being Bisexual herself, she had no interest in any of the girls, sexually or romantically speaking.     

From the beginning, her focus was only on one person, much like them.     

She looked at the man, who had a slight smile on his face, and her heart fluttered. Due to the new Blessings she, as the Goddess of Beauty, bestowed upon the man, he seemed utterly irresistible to her. He had not undergone any visible changes since he'd already previously achieved 'perfection' through her Blessing of Beauty.     

But now? Everything about him was dangerous for a woman. With his smell, face, and expressions, he became a deadly weapon for any woman... Wrong; all genders were in danger now.     

'He hasn't reached my level of Beauty because he hasn't touched upon the Concept himself, but he's not inferior to me in terms of looks.'     

As a counterpart to the Goddess of Beauty, the current Victor could be called the most beautiful man alive, surpassing even the male Gods themselves.     

And this sight and realization made the Goddess inwardly nod in satisfaction.     

'Not only handsome but also possessing the courage of a warrior and the kind heart of a family man... I hit the jackpot!' Aphrodite's eyes gleamed more obsessively.     

'I want only him. As long as he's with me, I don't care about anything else.' Even standing in the same room with Victor, Aphrodite could feel her Concept of Love reaching new heights.     

The proof of this was the heart symbols in her eyes glowed a brighter neon pink. For the first time, the Goddess of Love truly fell in love and knew what 'LOVE' really was.     

It was a much stronger and more overwhelming passion than she'd had during her time with Adonis. The feelings couldn't even compare.     

Her Concept of Love, which had been at a standstill since she'd decided to leave Adonis, began to increase in proficiency.     

With Adonis, she'd experienced all the relatively good and bad sides of her Concept of Love. The depression, resignation, loss, pain, and finally, acceptance.     

She learned that her methods of the past could never nurture genuine love from her partner and that Adonis never truly loved her.     

But things were different with Victor. Not only was he a dear friend and the son of her closest friend, but he was also someone she had little ups and downs with, and they'd started with a bad relationship.     

All because of her pride in her case,     

And because of pre-established prejudice and caution in Victor's.     

But as time went on, and as a result of the Aphrodite and Anna incident, the two began to get to know each other better.     

And now, just a few minutes ago, she'd declared her love, sneaky as a fox and possessive as a woman of a deep obsession. She felt utterly ecstatic.     

'A Marriage of The Soul! Who would have thought that he would accept it so easily!'     

Little did she know that one of the reasons he accepted it was due to her display of possession. Victor was a man with a very peculiar taste in women. Even if she were the Goddess of Beauty, if she didn't have the prerequisite called 'Yandere', he wouldn't have accepted anything from the woman.     

Aphrodite's entire existence seemed to be dancing now, and Victor didn't need to express anything or say anything. Their connection was on a Soul level, and she could sense Victor's feelings for her.     

And that feeling of possessive, obsessive, and gentle love... It completely shocked her.     

How could a mortal have so much 'love' inside him?     

The fantastic thing here was that this love was distributed equally to everyone, while only a select few had slightly greater fluctuations in feelings.     

People like; Violet, Anna, Leon, Ophis, and Nero...     

Anna, Ophis, and Nero were more like familial love; although there was an obsession, it was more of a protective type of obsession.     

Victor's feeling for his father was more of pure 'respect'.     

He loved his father like family, but he respected him more, and although he felt the same way about his mother, she fell into the 'protection' category along with Ophis.     

He loved and respected his mother, not just because she was his mother but for being the woman who taught him how to be the man he was today.     

The woman fell into the category of obsessive 'protection'.     

Ophis and Nero... He, needless to say, loved both little girls and treated them like his own daughters.     

But of those mentioned, Violet was at the top.     

However, it was the same feeling Victor had for all the women present here.     

The only difference was that he felt slightly more love for Violet.     

Did that mean he didn't love other girls? Of course not. It was simply that Violet existed as a special existence for Victor. She was his first woman, first wife, and the first object of his obsession.     

She was the first woman who looked him in the face and accepted him for who he was.     

She changed him and molded him from a weak and sickly man into what he is today. She was simply crucial to Victor.     

'Is he a God of Love or something? How does he have so much love? Of course, it'd be understandable only now after I Blessed him and now that he'd acquired an empathic ability, but… Did the Blessing of Love merely increase his already overwhelming love or something?' The Goddess was completely confused.     

Was Aphrodite sad to learn of Victor's feelings? Of course not!     

The reason?     

It was quite simple.     


A simple word that Aphrodite never truly understood the meaning of until now. She knew what it was but never understood its true meaning. After all, she'd never experienced it personally.     

'He loves me back. Is this what it's like to feel truly desired?' She gently touched her heart while flashing a slightly awkward smile, and soon her Concept of Love rose a few more stages.     

'Hehehehehe~ He loves me back! He loves me back! He loves me back! He loves me back!....' She repeated those words thousands of times inside her head.     

'It's so amazing!'     

"Aphrodite?" Victor called the woman.     

"YES!?" She responded with a big smile and obsessive eyes, looking ready to do anything.     


If Victor asked her to burn the world, she would do it with a smile... And worst of all, she had the means to do so.     

Agnes, Ruby, Violet, Natashia, and Scathach shivered a little.     

'Hey, hey, isn't she worse than me?'     

'Yes... The Goddess of Love has become an even crazier Yandere than the Snow Clan... Ha-ah...' Ruby sighed internally; 'And to top it off, she has pink hair... Is Fate fucking with us or something? Huh? Should Victor change his name to Yuki?'     

Ruby was full of complaints and inner sarcasm,      

Not hiding his big smile and Aphrodite-like eyes, Victor replied:     

"Calm down, okay? I'm not going anywhere." Victor had no reason to leave or even hide his 'self' from the women present here. They all knew about his personality. After all, they were all his wives and future wives.     

Aphrodite reveled in the emotions she felt from Victor; she felt her heart being gently stroked, and her entire existence bathed in love, and her Divinity was fueling those feelings like a fire that was only growing in size.     

She took a deep breath and did her best to calm down, and a few seconds later,     

She released a long breath.     

'Ha-ah, how low have you fallen, Goddess of Beauty...' She knew that she would now do her best to comply with any request from Victor. She was practically dancing in his hands.     

And you know what? She didn't feel uncomfortable with that thought because she knew that Victor would never harm her or ask for anything unreasonable. Proof of this was that during the conversations she had with the younger wives of the man, she was surprised by the news that the man never asked his wives for anything.     

It was the wives themselves who meddled in his affairs, and they even complained, wishing he would turn to them for help more often.     

When questioned by them why he didn't ask for anything, he always said:     

"As long as you are by my side and love me, I don't care about anything else." It was that simple wish which moved the Goddess of Love ultimately.     

Precisely because she was a Goddess of Love, she understood this was a rarity. Even these days, only a few people thought that way, and sometimes the feelings were not mutual.     

A gentleman who only wanted his wife's love and well-being, and what did he get in the future?     

A betrayal, or possibly his wife abandoned him.     

Of course, there were exceptions to this thinking, but from what she observed of humans and Supernatural Beings, that was what happened most of the time.     

With Victor, this didn't happen for the single and simple reason that the women he approached... Most of them had obsessive and crazy personalities.     

'Wait... am I one of those?' She narrowed her eyes at the thought, 'Yes, I don't want any Goddess but me to be his wife. I don't care about mortals, but I should be the only Goddess he has. Even if those mortals become Gods in the future, it will only be a long time in the future, and I will still be the first Goddess he had. That's normal, right?'     

'I'm just keeping them away from the schemes of those thots. I must make sure I completely damage the lives of these whores who approach my Darling.'     

Yes, she was normal, completely normal. She was not like Violet and his mortal wives.     

She was pleased.     

"I'm amazed Sasha is still sleeping after all this," Ruby commented as she rested her head on Victor's shoulder and looked at Sasha, who Scathach was carrying.     

Honestly, just being around Victor right now was unbearable and hot. It seemed that the degree of his Charm increased by a few dozen points, and his natural smell was extremely attractive and cozy.     

"Haah, Natashia, she's your daughter. Why didn't you take her? Honestly, even getting her dressed is a lot of work. The girl is sleeping like a rock."     

"She's tired mentally because she was protecting my territory, and she's tired physically from activities with Darling and beyond. But she's your sister now, so you can help her, right?" Natashia displayed a small, knowing smile.     

"… Hmph." Scathach snorted, but she didn't deny it and just carried Sasha over to the bed and placed her a little ways away from the group that was awake.     

Natashia displayed an inward smile when she saw Scathach not denying it.     

Covering the girl with a sheet, Scathach, who was wearing a black nightgown, spoke to Aphrodite:     

"Why did you come here again?"     


"You said you had something to talk to Victor about. Did you forget?"     

"Oh…" Aphrodite's mind began to reset, and she started remembering what she had come here for.     


Edited By: IsUnavailable     

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