My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 730: The King's moves.

Chapter 730: The King's moves.

Chapter 730: The King's Moves.    

A week after movie night, many things have changed.    


Since Victor was 'officially' on vacation, none of his Wives wanted to be away from him, and because of that, a meeting between the group Leaders was held.    


In that meeting, they decided to make a new mansion to be the center of the 'Government' for the Faction. It would be in this place where the representatives of each Race, along with the Leaders of the Faction, would meet to decide future plans.    


Through voting, the 'Leaders' representing the Noble Vampires were Victoria, Kaguya, and Ruby. Although three people were nominated, there could only be one representative. The reason for having three nominees was due to the respective responsibilities of each woman. When one woman was not available, the other would take her place.    


Victoria Alucard Fulger was chosen due to her incredible leadership abilities. She was the woman who built a financial empire under the name of Victoria Rider, and her leadership could not be doubted. She was the most level-headed of the group and more prone to make decisions logically.    


Kaguya and Ruby were chosen for the same reason. Most of the time, they were rational and logical women who fit perfectly as representatives.    


The representatives of the Werewolves were not necessary to choose now; after all, there were only two Werewolves.    


The representative of the Youkais was Kuroka. Although the Youkai Cat was playful most of the time, she was quite responsible. Originally, Haruna was supposed to be the representative, but that choice proved inefficient due to her needing to be in her territory most of the time. It was good to be with Victor, and she didn't want to leave his side, but she had her responsibilities and ambitions to fulfill.    


The representative of the Goddesses went, to the surprise of everyone, to Rhea. Everyone thought that Aphrodite or Hestia would take the position, but the two women refused, saying they already had too much work.    


The representative of the Faeiries and Amazons were no surprises to anyone. After all, only Viviane on the Fairy side and Meya Neyku on the side of the Amazons were capable enough to take over.    


The representative of the Humans was Mizuki Alucard, the group was torn between her and Liena, Andrew's mother, but after a bit of discussion, the decision came back to put Mizuki in the post.    


The reason for this?    


Mizuki was the strongest Human and Victor's Wife. That simple.    


Although the representatives of the Goddesses, Rhea, and the representative of the Faeiries, Viviane, were not Victor's Wives, they were still under the control of the group through Aphrodite on the side of the Goddesses and Roxanne on the side of the Faeiries.    


The Humans living in the Snow Clan's New City weren't 'completely' under Victor's control, so putting Mizuki in was an obvious choice. She would act as their representative and keep an eye on them as well.    


Internally, Victor thought that Humans would not do anything since it was obvious that the voice of Noble Vampires was louder in this place. After all, they were in a country controlled by Noble Vampires... But the stupidity of Humans was one of the things they were known for, after all.    


It was better to be safe and tie up loose ends than to do nothing and let an unforeseen situation arise.    


The representative of the Demons was a difficult choice since everyone Victor trusted was extremely busy. Therefore, he had no choice but to appoint Morgana Alucard to the position. Despite not necessarily being a 'full Demon' now, she was still an ex-Demon.    


Small groups like Medusa's subordinate Gorgons fell into the same category as Leona; they didn't have enough members of the same 'Species' to have a representative.    


After the representatives were decided, the 'Council of Races' was created. This was the place where everyone would meet to make future decisions involving their Faction. Everyone within the council was united for the best of their Faction and of its own people.    


In this newly built mansion that would be the center of the Faction's Government, Teleportation Arrays would be placed with the help of the Alioth Clan, thus facilitating the transition of representatives who lived far away like Haruna.    


This new mansion would also be where the Snow and Fulger Clans, the two strongest Clans in Nightingale, would rule from now on.    


As Clan Scarlett practically abandoned its territory, giving up their rule, the Fulger and Snow became even stronger than before. These two Clans took over virtually all the Noble Vampires that lived in the former territory of Clan Scarlett.    


Another thing that happened was that Clans Scarlett, Fulger, and Snow officially declared an alliance with Clan Alucard.    


To be honest... This news didn't shock anyone, maybe only a few masses of Vampire Nobles who weren't heeding the news, but most of society's high echelon already knew about this alliance.    


Now, what they didn't expect was the following announcement,    


Sasha Fulger, Violet Snow, and Ruby Scarlett, the three Heiresses of the respective strongest Vampire Clans, will marry the Second Progenitor, The King of Hell, Victor Alucard.    


All these women would acquire the Second Progenitor's surname and become his 'Family'. Naturally, this news caused even more excitement in Nightingale.    


And to make the masses even more shocked, not only were the Heiresses marrying Victor Alucard, but the Clan Leaders, as well as their close family members of the Main Bloodline, would also be marrying him!    


This meant the members of the Snow Clan who would marry Victor were:    


Agnes and Violet Snow.    


Of Clan Fulger, they were:    


Victoria, Sasha, and Annasthashia Fulger.    


Of Clan Scarlett, they were:    


Ruby, Siena, Lacus, and Pepper Scarlett.    


The Vampire Count Clans were blatantly taking the Second Progenitor for themselves!    


The audacity of these women!    


This news made all Noble Vampires, from men to women, jealous and envious of the girls who would marry Victor. After all, Victor was a very handsome and influential man.    


...Wait, what? Shouldn't it be the opposite?    


It was noteworthy that Victor did not expect such a reaction from the masses. He thought they would be jealous of him for marrying so many beautiful women, but he never expected they would be jealous of the girls who married him.    


Victor couldn't help but laugh and think this was how a hot woman felt.    


He knew this reaction happened because of his status as Second Progenitor, the Biblical King of Hell, and the most handsome man surpassing even the Gods in beauty.    


Literally speaking, he was the rarest, tastiest 'meat' on the market, and everyone wanted a piece of him.    


Because of this, Agnes, Natashia, and Scathach decided to reveal that all the close relatives of their Main Lineage were going to marry Victor. This was a way to ward off the 'bitches' who would try to hang around Victor like flies.    


Due to this announcement, the Snow, Fulger, Scarlett, and Blank Clans became something like Royalty.    


In Vampire Society, the Progenitor was considered the Vampire with the Purest Blood, and he was above any Title created by a King; even if he had no Power. Just by being a Progenitor, he would be seen as 'Royalty'.    


Because of this, Clans who intermarry with the Progenitor's Bloodline would be looked upon as if they were Royalty.    


Currently, in Nightingale, there were no Clans with such characteristics. Why? Vlad Dracul Tepes, The First Progenitor, did not like to share his Power too much.    


Because of this, he avoided associating with the existing Clan women in Nightingale, and even if he did, he would do so in secret.    


...Well, that was true until recently.    


Vlad Dracul Tepes announced that he was getting married, and the new 'Queen' would be the Direct Descendant of a Bloodline from another Progenitor that was said to have been lost for thousands of years.    


In other words, the woman was Royalty, worthy of a Progenitor like Vlad.    


Not only did this news shock the masses, like Victor's own group, they expected any movement from Vlad, but never that he would suddenly get married.    


But the surprises didn't stop there. Vlad Dracul Tepes declared that he was recruiting Vampires to train directly under his forces, and those who stood out the most would receive a drop of the Progenitor's Blood.    


This news enveloped all of Nightingale in a blaze of excitement. For the Noble Vampires, a drop of Progenitor Blood meant they could grow even more as a 'Species', meaning they would become stronger.    


Victor's group didn't care so much about that since they had their own Progenitor, who they slept with daily, and drank his delicious blood.    


To discuss these recent statements by Vlad, Victor's group got together to discuss the matter, as everyone couldn't come due to their own professional responsibilities involving all the changes being made this week.    


Only those who came into contact with Vlad the most in the past were chosen, and Victor himself as Faction Leader, of course:    


Namely, Jeanne, Morgana, Scathach, Agnes, Natalia, and Victor himself.    


Once this discussion was over, the discussed matter would be passed to the Broadcast Orb for everyone in the form of a video report and a written one.    


Victor was sitting in the Leader's chair, and on his lap was a blonde Maid with a very red face. Her breathing was a little heavy, and she was doing her best not to look into the eyes of the other women in the room.    


"M-Master, can you put me down…?" Natalia asked in the voice of a mosquito.    


"No." Victor ruthlessly refused, then he went back to stroking her hair which was now entirely loose for Victor's personal pleasure.    


"Haan~…" Natalia moaned when she felt Victor's caresses on her body, but when she realized the obscene sound she had made, she quickly closed her mouth and hid her face in Victor's chest.    


Frankly, she was enjoying the caresses a lot and really didn't want to leave, but the gaze of the women in the room hurt a lot...    


She tried her best to resist and 'demonstrate' that she didn't want to, but she knew her body was honest and could only be at the mercy of her Husband's merciless hands.    


Natalia blushed even more when she remembered this fact. Like everyone else in this room, with the sole exception of Scathach, she had Victor's last name.    


She was no longer just Natalia Alioth but Natalia Alioth Alucard. Although not 'officially' stated, the marriage papers had already been signed, and the marriage contract had already been made between Clan Alucard and Alioth. All that remained was for the Leader of Clan Alioth to sign, and Natalia would 'officially' be his Wife.    

Although, for most of his Wives, they knew that these papers were just formalities. They didn't care much since they knew that everyone who participated in that training in the bedroom that lasted the entire period of a year had Victor's surname in their name now.    

On that fateful day, all Supernatural Women marked Victor in some way as their mate. Vampires would bite and drink his blood, and those who didn't go through the Ritual of joining a Clan did so after they woke up, thus receiving a boost in Power.    

The Goddess deepened their feelings through each other's Souls.    

There was an Onmyojii Spell that bound the two, so that way, the two would know each other's location.    

Races like Werewolves and the Kitsunes Youkai had more 'special' means of marking their partner.    

Werewolves marked their mate with a bite that all other Werewolves could identify.    

And the Kitsune Youkai did something similar, with the only difference being that they injected Youki into the bite to mark their partner.    

And that's what Leona and Haruna did that day.    


As with the cases of several of Victor's Wives, Natalia took his last name after her last name.    


The reason for this? It was simple. Nightingale's Vampire society was not Patriarchal. This meant that when getting married, a woman didn't have to abandon the last name she was born with if she didn't want to.    


That way, the woman could pass on her last name to continue her Clan Lineage.    


When Natalia one day had a child with Victor, the first child would take her last name first, and they would introduce themselves as Alioth, and the second child would take Victor's last name and will introduce themselves as Alucard.    


This was how it worked for most Clans that had only female Heirs. It was clear that 'Power' interfered a lot with these choices.    


For example, if Natalia had a child with Victor, and Victor was just an ordinary, powerless Vampire Noble, his surname would not pass on; only the Alioth surname would.    


Although Natalia was not 'strong' in every sense of the word, she still had a very powerful and important Bloodline.    


Was Victor worried about having children with other Non-Vampire women? He wasn't.    


The reason for this was his Power to influence the Soul. Thanks to this Power, Victor could 'choose' which Race his child may have, thus avoiding problems when born as a Hybrid of incompatible species.    


He became very proficient in dealing with Souls after he fully awakened his Progenitor side, and thanks to his training in Hell, Victor had absolute confidence in modifying a Soul safely and efficiently.    


As explained, the appearance of the Soul and the content within it was reflected in the user's physical body. Therefore, if an individual altered the Soul, they were literally altering their physical body.    


The ability to interact with the Soul and modify it was indeed a gift that could prove him a 'God' to the most ignorant.    


Victor could even change the characteristics of a Race; for example, he could make the Noble Vampires consume food other than Blood. Although this change would generate complications since the act of drinking blood was not just something simple like ingesting energy.    


There was a whole complex process that involved the act of a Vampire drinking blood, and if Victor wanted to make a Noble Vampire eat things other than just blood, he would need to study this effect thoroughly so there were no complications.    


If you compared his skill to programming, Victor was only at the average level, and these more complex alterations required a Mastery of this skill.    


And such a feat was not something he could do now.    


Despite being at the average level, his skills were already frightening. It was not an exaggeration to say that this Progenitor Skill could be called the 'Code of Life'. A very powerful and dangerous skill;    


Victor was researching making changes to the Noble Vampires because he wanted to Master his progenitor Power and even allow people close to him to ingest other foods.    


Currently, Noble Vampires could only 'eat' blood and water.    


Any other type of food ingested would be very disgusting and would make the Vampire vomit.    


Coming out of his thoughts, Victor asked:    


"What do you guys think of Vlad's move?"    


"The old man is accumulating power." Scathach declared.    


"Isn't this a desperate act of not losing against Victor?" Morgana asked, her voice dripping with disdain.    


"I don't think so. Vlad doesn't act without thinking... I assume he just revealed everything because Victor forced him to."    


"The ad, huh?" Victor spoke while stroking Natalia's neck.    


"Indeed... Changing the subject a bit, why is Natalia here? She doesn't know much about Vlad." Agnes asked with jealousy audible in her tone.    


"She is my Wife. Why can't she be here?" Victor raised an eyebrow.    


"... I mean...-"    


"Not to mention that she was working hard in her father's place to make these Teleportation Arrays. She deserves a reward."    


"..." Agnes thought for a few seconds and understood: "So this is her reward."    


"This isn't her reward; this is just me spoiling her. Her reward will come later."    


"...." Agnes pouted furiously and snorted, turning her head away.    


"Can we please stay on topic and put Agnes' pointless jealousy to rest?" Natashia pointedly said.    


"Oyyy! You're jealous too!"    


"I am." Natashia didn't deny it: "But I'm mature enough to know Victor will spoil us later. You lived so long with your Husband, and you still don't understand him? Or did you forget?"    


Veins began to bulge on Agnes' head; 'This hateful woman!' She wanted to complain about Natashia but didn't because she realized she was right. After all, Victor always did something when one of his Wives showed jealousy.    


What did Victor do, you ask?    


Victor showered those who showed jealousy with a lot of love at the end of the day. It was so much love that even though they were Noble Vampires with insane regeneration, they still couldn't walk and work properly the next day.    


Honestly, this treatment was like a drug that made her head always float with lightness like she was on clouds. Because of this, the girls often would purposely 'fake' jealousy just for him to lash out at them later.    


Thinking about it that way, Agnes started getting excited for later.    


'Since I misbehaved... He will punish me a lot, right?' She looked curiously at Victor and shuddered with pleasure and excitement when she saw his lifeless eyes. Agnes's lips trembled severely, and she almost smiled wildly but managed to control herself.    


"...." The group, with the exception of Agnes and Victor, who were looking at each other, reacted with varying levels of shock to Natashia's statement. The woman always surprised them due to her mood swings. Sometimes she was much like Violet and Agnes, but at other times, she showed a level of maturity on par with Jeanne. Her mood was very random... And that was Natashia's charm; she was a lucid crazy person that Victor loved very much.    


And as for Natalia, who was the topic of this conversation? How did she react to this?    


"… Fueeeh~" She moaned softly as her legs twitched.    


...Well, Natalia was in seventh heaven with pleasure. She wasn't even listening to what the women were saying. She didn't care about anything now. The only thing in her world was Victor and the pleasure he was giving her.      


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable    

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