Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264     

Chapter 264 Terrifying Hand    

Yin Luo had never, ever imagined that he would fall into such a desperate plight in such a place . All he could do was raise his golden spear to block Long Chen’s saber .     

Sparks shot out . When it came to physical strength, Long Chen would definitely not fear anyone . The instant their weapons collided, the webbing of Yin Luo’s hand split apart and he wasn’t able to keep a hold of his spear . It turned into a ray of golden light that flew over a mile away .     

Long Chen also didn’t have it much better . He was forced back several steps, his arms shaking, and a dull pain coming from his hand .     

Now Yin Luo was without his golden spear while facing Long Chen with his terrifying physical body .     

Yin Luo had just used his Xiantian essence blood to control a trace of natural energy . He had thought he would be able to kill the two of them would that attack .     

However, neither of them had died, while he had ended up running out of spiritual qi and receiving a backlash from the natural energy . Although that wasn’t severe, if he didn’t handle it timely, it would end up having a heavy impact on his foundation .     

Now that Long Chen was forced back, Yin Luo was much closer to the teleportation portal . He abandoned his golden spear and rushed straight to it .     

“You want to run? Leave your life behind!” Long Chen coldly snorted . His blood surged and a spear of flowing light appeared in his hands .     

Now that Long Chen’s spiritual qi was exhausted and even his physical energy was gone, he could only rely on the thunderforce in his body .     

Back when Long Chen had gone through with his crazy plan and used thunderforce to temper his body, he had found those strange thunderforce runes flowing through his blood afterwards .     

Those runes could be considered Long Chen’s core runes . They were normally nourished by his blood and they had enough energy in them that he could use them to attack one time without spiritual qi .     

This thunderforce was his only chance now . With his spiritual exhausted, his Pill Flame was out of fuel and was unusable .     

The main reason Long Chen hadn’t used his thunderforce yet was that he didn’t want to reveal his trump cards . Another reason was because these runes exhausted Long Chen’s blood energy .     

It would be a long time before he could use his thunderforce after this . Or perhaps he would have to go gather more thunderforce in order to let his runes recover . Either way, Long Chen had been unwilling to use this move .     

But now seeing Yin Luo about to step into the teleportation portal, he had to do something even if he was unwilling .     

His lightning spear let his hand, growing larger and flying out like a phoenix at Yin Luo .     

Now that it had spread out instead of remaining concentrated, its power was actually weakened . However, Long Chen was helpless about that . That lightning was from heaven and earth thunderforce . Although it had condensed within Long Chen’s body, it was still like a berserk Magical Beast . It always refused to completely submit . As soon as it left his hand, it began to escape his restrictions, attacking instinctively .     

Yin Luo felt his body tighten and his hair stand on end . A strong air of death immediately enveloped him .     

He was unable to hold back his horror upon seeing that lightning shooting at him . A yellow paper immediately appeared in his hand .     

That yellow paper was only the size of a palm . There were strange lines on top of it . They seemed like words, but not words . They seemed like images, yet not images . It was extremely bizarre .     

Yin Luo immediately crushed it in his hand and a translucent shield of light covered him .     

Long Chen’s thunderforce had been condensed into a spear while he had held it, but while flying out, it had spread out into the shape of a phoenix . When it reached Yin Luo, it was a complete mess of chaotic strands .     

Lightning lit up the sky, so incredibly bright that people had no choice but to turn away . Loud thunder rolls continuously rang out, mixed with a muffled groan .     

When the golden light scattered, people saw that the shield of light Yin Luo had summoned from that yellow paper had protected him .     

However, now his body was charred black and his clothes were rags . His long hair was completely singed and his body was quivering .     

“LONG CHEN! I’ll remember you! Just you wait!” Yin Luo clenched his teeth . That was the first time he had been forced into such a destitute state . He was so angry he thought he would explode .     

But he knew he was already at the end of the line . He had to run . Otherwise, he would undoubtedly die .     

“I’m pretty impatient, so let’s not wait . I’ll just kill you now!” Long Chen rushed at YIn Luo with Devil Decapitator . However, now Long Chen felt as if his legs had been filled with lead, and Devil Decapitator was even heavier than a mountain .     

Long Chen had already used up all his spiritual qi, physical energy, and even his blood energy . Other than his Spiritual Strength, he was completely on his last legs .     

His current speed was probably not much faster than an ordinary non-cultivator . And yet, even despite that, he refused to give up .     

At this speed, he would definitely not be able to arrive at Yin Luo fast enough . But he knew that a certain someone would definitely not just watch .     

An arrow shot straight at Yin Luo’s back . It was completely silent, as if it was an arrow from a death god .     

But Yin Luo seemed to have eyes at the back of his head, and without even turning back, he dodged to the side .     

But Yin Luo had forgotten one thing . He was already completely exhausted, and so there was no way he could be as nimble as before . Despite dodging at the first moment, he was still struck in the shoulder . Mo Nian’s spiritual energy was already exhausted, but this arrow contained all his remaining power . Yin Luo’s shoulder burst apart, and his arm almost fell .     

Yin Luo let out a pained ground as he staggered . But clenching his teeth, he still stepped back towards the teleportation portal . He stuck his head in .     

But before the rest of his body entered, Devil Decapitator mercilessly slashed down .     

Blood flew, accompanied by a miserable scream . One of Yin Luo’s legs had been completely severed off .     

“Long Chen, Mo Nian, you two bastards better wait for me! I, Yin Luo, swear to cut you into a thousand pieces…!”    

The large teleportation portal shrunk down, and Yin Luo’s voice became indistinct .     

But that hatred in his voice truly caused people to shiver in fear .     

Mo Nian used his bow as a crutch as he laboriously walked over to Long Chen . Looking at that leg, he smiled slightly . “A leg’s not bad . Do you want it?”    

Long Chen put away Devil Decapitator and sat on the ground . He didn’t even have the slightest bit of energy anymore .     

He shook his head, “Why would I want this? Although my appetite’s not bad, I really don’t think I could manage to swallow this thing . ”    

“This little fellow really was worthy of being a top expert of the Corrupt path . His body contains Xiantian essence blood, making this leg quite the treasure . ” Mo Nian didn’t have any hesitation and picked up Yin Luo’s leg . He was just about to say something when the teleportation portal that had been about to shrink to nothing suddenly violently expanded .     

A heaven-encompassing hand appeared, and a large finger hundreds of meters long jabbed down on the two of them .     

Long Chen and Mo Nian were horrified . And it wasn’t just them . Other than Tu Fang and Gui Yan, everyone else was completely overwhelmed with horror, unable to move in the slightest in front of that large hand .     

It was as if the entire world had frozen . Even all their breathing and heartbeats had stopped . In front of that hand, they could only wait to die .     

It looked just like a huge divinity’s hand . Just its finger almost caused heaven and earth to break down . If Long Chen and Mo Nian were hit, not even their bones would remain .     

Mo Nian suddenly roared and a mark appeared in the space between his eyebrows . Mo Nian just barely managed to resist the pressure enough to touch his spatial ring .     

A scale half a foot long appeared in Mo Nian’s hand . As soon as it appeared, Mo Nian spit out a mouthful of blood onto it .     

The scale instantly absorbed his blood and grew larger, becoming a huge shield . At the same time, it released a green light to protect Long Chen .     

That scale came from an ancient, terrifying Magical Beast . It’s defensive strength was shocking .     

An expert of the Talisman Dao had refined and carved runes onto this scale to increase its defensive strength even further . It had been given to Mo Nian by one of his elders for protection . Even experts on the level of Gui Yan wouldn’t be able to break it .     

That huge hand descended, breaking apart the vast sky . Long Chen felt a terrifying energy hit him, and the green scale instantly shattered .     

Space seemed to have torn apart . Long Chen felt as if his body was about to pull apart along with it, and he and Mo Nian shot out like two cannonballs .     

They tumbled through the air for several kilometers before stopping . The two of them both vomited out blood, intense pain wracking their body, feeling like they were about to collapse .     

That large hand was too powerful . If it weren’t for that treasure Mo Nian’s elder had gifted him, the two of them would have been crushed to pieces .     

And yet, even with that powerful scale, the two of them had still almost died . Long Chen was absolutely horrified . Just what kind of monster was that? The entire battlefield had been suppressed to the point that no one was moving .     

Seeing that this first attacked hadn’t killed them, that large hand suddenly formed a huge heavenly palm in the air and viciously slammed down on the two of them .     

“Wu Li, your claw has really stretched far today . ”    

Suddenly a clear voice rang out, sounding as it had come from above the nine heavens . A sword cut apart the blue dome of the sky, slashing down on that hand .     


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