Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Chapter 310     

Chapter 310 Domineering Ling Yun-zi    

Long Chen was just about to smile back when he felt a sharp pain from his waist . With Long Chen’s powerful physical body, as long as he was on guard, others were unable to cause him any pain by pinching him .     

However, he hadn’t been on guard at that time . Furthermore, Tang Wan-er was now incredibly used to doing this . She had practiced her technique on Long Chen so often that now her pinching skills had reached the point of perfection . In fact, perhaps they wouldn’t fall short of Long Chen’s face-slapping technique .     

In addition, Tang Wan-er had just advanced to the seventh Heavenstage of Tendon Transformation . The power from her hands was able to break through Long Chen’s defenses, making him feel pain .     

Hua Biluo had heard quite a few rumors about Long Chen, but she had always felt they weren’t so likely . But after seeing his cultivation base today, she couldn’t help feeling a bit curious .     

The cultivation technique she cultivated was special, and she possessed an extremely sharp perception towards threats . She could actually feel pressure from a youth who was only at the Blood Condensation realm . That meant Long Chen really was very powerful .     

Furthermore, she also sensed an extremely odd aura from him . She felt that Long Chen was different from all the other male disciples .     

Most importantly, in front of this many people’s gazes, many of which were disdainful and contemptuous, his heart didn’t ripple in the slightest . Or at the very least, she was unable to sense any change in his mood .     

That all caused Hua Biluo to become curious about Long Chen . Adding on all the rumors she had heard about him, she found him quite interesting, and thus she gave him a smile .     

Long Chen also returned a smile to her, however his smile was extremely unnatural . It seemed to be one containing both happiness and pain .     

With Hua Biluo’s sharp senses, she immediately saw through Tang Wan-er’s hidden action . She covered her cherry lips with her hand, laughing silently .     

“As soon as you see someone pretty, you have to try and seduce her . Have you forgotten big sister Chu Yao? With such a fickle heart, how will you be worthy of her? How will you be worthy of me?” Tang Wan-er quietly raged into his ear .     

Long Chen felt wrongly accused . How did I try to seduce her? I was just trying to be polite!    

But now wasn’t the time to explain himself . He could only thicken his face and continue forward .     

“Hehe, it seems sister Biluo really does treat this Long Chen differently . ” Yin Wushuang saw everything very clearly and laughed .     

Han Tianyu only smiled slightly without saying anything . But there was an unconcealable displeasure in his eyes .     

Han Tianyu had always been a genius . Before his twenties, he managed to reach the ninth Heavenstage of Tendon Transformation . He was the top genius to appear in the entire supermonastery in the past three thousand years .     

Whatever he wanted, he got . But there was a certain phrase that was extremely correct: the more you couldn’t obtain something, the more precious it was .     

There were countless beauties by his side . Although, for their cultivation, he was unable to give his body to them . But in his heart, they were all already his women .     

Han Tianyu delighted in that kind of feeling . But the instant he had first seen Hua Biluo, he had been aroused by her extraordinary aura .     

However, Hua Biluo hadn’t even bothered to look at him this entire time . That was his first time running into someone who would refuse him, causing him extreme displeasure .     

But it hadn’t irritated him too much, as Hua Biluo also displayed an icy expression to all men .     

But now she had clearly shown interest in Long Chen . Now he felt a profound sense of defeat .     

The thing Han Tianyu was most proud of was his powerful strength, as well as his handsome exterior . Combined, he was able to suppress all the men on the same level as him . His handsomeness allowed him to easily win over all women’s hearts .     

He already had droves of beauties around him . Amongst his beautiful admirers were Yin Wushuang, tens of core disciples, and as for outer and inner disciples, they were so many that they couldn’t be counted .     

Although Hua Biluo had only displayed a slight interest in Long Chen, to the proud Han Tianyu, that was already a kind of humiliation .     

“No wonder sect leader secretly ordered us to make sure Long Chen disappears within the Jiuli secret realm . He definitely is loathsome . ” Looking at Long Chen’s back, a faint killing intent came out of him .     

“Oh?” Long Chen suddenly sensed something and turned to look back . He saw Han Tianyu still maintaining his calm, closed-eyed sitting position, not even looking at him . “Did I sense wrong?”    

Long Chen was doubtful . Just now he had sensed killing intent coming straight from Han Tianyu .     

He had no enmity with him, so Long Chen really couldn’t figure out why he would feel killing intent for him .     

Although Han Tianyu was still maintaining his previous calm appearance, Long Chen trusted his spiritual perception . That was because his spiritual perception had never let him down .     

This finding put Long Chen on guard . Just now, when they had walked by the first monastery, Long Chen had been shocked to see that the first monastery really had far too many experts .     

They had a total 143 core disciples present, 28 Favored, and other than Han Tianyu, there were also three other powerful auras with skyrocketing wills who were all Chosen .     

As for the second monastery, they only had 109 core disciples, ten Favored, and three Chosen .     

That truly gave Long Chen a fright . These monasteries all had profound foundations . Their 108th monastery couldn’t compare to them .     

Although Long Chen’s generation was praised as the 108th monastery’s strongest generation, they were still unable to compare to them .     

“Long Chen, this time you’ll definitely die within the Jiuli secret realm! Properly enjoy your final moments!”    

Just as Long Chen was walking, a man suddenly sneered at them from one of the groups .     

Everyone was startled, turning to look who it was who would so openly provoke them .     

“It’s Jiang Yifan!”    

“I heard Jiang Yifan lost to Long Chen . Looks like the rumors are true . ”    

They had heard rumors that the thirty-sixth monastery had brought its disciples to teach a lesson to the 108th monastery, only to return dejectedly in failure .     

Although the thirty-sixth monastery had had some disciples who had secretly sold of photographic jades, those photographic jades were exclusive to the higher-ups of the monasteries . Disciples were unable to obtain them .     

But now seeing Jiang Yifan clenching his teeth angrily, everyone was startled . Was it possible Long Chen was really that powerful?    

Tang Wan-er and the others were all infuriated that Jiang Yifan would be so vicious and openly curse Long Chen like this . They were about to retort when Long Chen stopped them .     

He smiled kindly at Jiang Yifan . “Does your face hurt?”    

“You! PFFT!”    

As soon as Jiang Yifan heard that, it was as if he had been poisoned . His face turned black and he coughed up blood .     

Those words of Long Chen’s had already been deeply imprinted in his soul now . In the past few days, he had even heard that voice in his dreams .     

Although his body had been healed by precious medicines, Long Chen had already become his heart-devil, and he had no way of further cultivating . Hearing his voice again instantly caused a backlash and made him cough out blood .     

Gu Yang and the others all laughed at that . They really had to prostrate themselves to Long Chen in admiration . Even Long Chen’s words practically had the power to kill .     

In front of the thirty-sixth monastery’s disciples were a man and woman . That woman was viciously glaring at Long Chen, wishing to bite him to death . She was Luo Bing .     

Beside her was a tall and stalwart man . He was Luo Bing’s brother, the thirty-sixth monastery’s sect leader, Luo Feng .     

Originally, all the sect leaders had just been sitting at the front of their groups . That was especially true of those sect leaders from the top ranking monasteries . They even had their eyes closed, not deigning to even look at what was going on, as if they were too lofty to care .     

Amongst the monasteries, sect leaders also had different levels . Obviously a sect leader like Ling Yun-zi who was the sect leader of the last ranking monastery was not worthy of them even glancing at him . That was how haughty they were .     

But Luo Feng didn’t have that high loftiness . Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he didn’t have a high enough level of self-restraint .     

He icily said, “Ling Yun-zi, this is how you’ve taught your disciples?”    

Ling Yun-zi suddenly paused and slowly turned to indifferently glance at Luo Feng . “How I teach my disciples has nothing to do with you . Keep your wild dogs from randomly biting people . ”    

Ling Yun-zi’s words were incredibly impolite, startling quite a few sect leaders . Although sect leaders also had open struggles occasionally, it seemed there had never been someone to so brazenly and openly show no respect at all .     

That was especially the case since Ling Yun-zi’s monastery was ranked last, while the thirty-sixth monastery was at least middle ranking . Just where did this confidence come from?    

“Ling Yun-zi, you dare be so unbridled?!” raged Luo Feng . He hadn’t expected him to dare insult him like this .     

“Don’t pay attention to this pack of wild dogs . Let’s go . ” Ling Yun-zi didn’t even glance at that brother and sister, simply bringing everyone away .     

Long Chen couldn’t help secretly giving Ling Yun-zi a thumbs-up . Such a sect leader was definitely worth respecting . He cupped his fists, and with his fists cupped at Luo Feng and Luo Bing, he raised his middle finger high into the air before following Ling Yun-zi .     

Guo Ran and the others imitated him, all of them turning to the two of them and raising their middle finger high into the air to display their respect .     

Raising the middle finger was a vulgar way of cursing people in the secular world . These ‘grand and lofty’ cultivators wouldn’t use such a gesture, but that didn’t mean they didn’t understand what it meant .     

And it was because they knew what it meant that everyone was dumbstruck . Just what was the 108th monastery planning on doing?”    

“Ling Yun-zi, are you looking to die?!” Luo Feng was completely infuriated, his aura exploding out . The space around him solidified . Those with weaker cultivation bases were unable to move, and their faces were pale as paper, blood flowing from the corner of their mouths .     

“If you don’t reserve your aura, I will cut off your head within ten moves . ” Ling Yun-zi’s face was ice-cold as he stared at Luo Feng .     

His right hand slowly gripped the sword hilt on his back, and a formless aura locked Luo Feng in place .     

The instant Ling Yun-zi’s hand gripped his sword, all of heaven and earth became silent . A formless sword will was gathering .     

Those sect leaders, who had still been ignoring this, all opened their eyes now, looking at Ling Yun-zi in shock .     

“Sword Control realm?” One sect leader couldn’t help stuttering out .     

This Sword Control realm was a powerful realm for sword cultivators . It was something completely unrelated to cultivation base . It was something harder to reach than cultivation breakthroughs .     

The more advanced a sword cultivator was in terms of the Sword Dao, the more power they would be able to release . The reason sword cultivators were said the be unmatched within the same level was not just an empty claim .     

As for these sect leaders, although they weren’t sword cultivators, they at least knew a bit about sword cultivator realms .     

As for Luo Feng, the instant he was locked down by Ling Yun-zi’s sword will, he didn’t dare move an inch . If he dared move, he would instantly meet Ling Yun-zi’s full strength attack . He had no assurance at all in being able to block that attack .     

But if he put away his aura, then he really would have lost all his face . For a moment, all he could do was sweat .     

“Stop . ”    


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