Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: The Luoying Mountain    

Bai Zhi remembered, that when the dead Bai Zhi went to the mountain to pick up some wild vegetables last year . She saw some wild grapes on the road and picked them up . There were not many numbers of it . She was afraid that the Bai Family will take them all . So, she hides them under the broken house and waits for the evening to come, to eat and share them with her mother .    

But, who knew that, while she was picking the wild grapes . A young boy from the same village saw her . And then rushed to Bai Xiaofeng to tell this news . The Bai Family almost turned upside down the broken house to get the wild grapes when they heard of it . They didn’t stop until she gave them up . For this, Old Lady Bai also punished her for almost half of the day .    

The mother and daughter were still discussing how they will hide the eggs when Hu Changlin walked inside the cabin with a bowl .    

“Are the two of you busy?” Hu Changlin entered the cabin with a smile . Obviously, he was in a good mood .    

Bai Zhi immediately thought of a plan, she smiled and said: “Hu Bo, just now, Yingzi’s niang came and gave us some eggs . We don’t have a place to put it . Can we put it in your house? We also want to hide them from the Bai Family . ”    

Hu Changlin asked in curiosity: “Oh, she also gave you some eggs?”    

Bai Zhi nodded her head: “Yesterday, Hu Feng carried Yinzhi out of the sh.o.r.e . I also help Yingzi a bit, so her niang also gave us some . ”    

Hu Changlin handed the bowl in his hand with a smile, then said: “These things are also what she sent . I cooked some of them . You two ladies, eat this while it’s hot . ”    

Bai Zhi busily took the bowl, she was also planning to eat their eggs with Hu Family . So, there was no need to care for formality .    

Bai Zhi’s eagle eyesight gradually moved towards the sunlight coming out from the clouds . Then, asked suddenly: “Hu Bo, what is the closest mountain here in our Huangtuo Village?”    

Hu Changlin didn’t think much about her question . And just said: “It’s the Luoying Mountain . That mountain is very vast . There were a lot of giant trees all over the place . I also heard that from the other side of it, was the border of Zhou Country . ”    

With this discovery, Bai Zhi smiled: “If that is the case, won’t the Zhou Country can easily invade our Chu Country? They only need to pa.s.s through that mountain, right?”    

Hu Changlin waved his hand: “Easy? How come it will be easy? Luoying Mountain is a very dangerous place . There were so many fierce beasts in there . No matter how many people went into the deepest part of it, no one came back alive . It is a legendary mountain of death . Even large army don’t dare to enter it . ”    

Bai Zhi frown her eyebrows: “So basically, no one dared to go in there?”    

Hu Changlin shook his head: “No one dared to go to the deepest part of the mountain . But some people still dared to go to the outer part . Some of those people are hunters that want to hunt for preys . Some people go to find some medicinal herbs . After all, there were lots of good herbs in the mountain . Many doctors came in there before . But, because it was really dangerous, only a few doctors now came to collect some herbs . ”    

Zhao Lan saw Bai Zhi with a deep thought, so she asked: “Why are you asking these questions?” ”    

Bai Zhi replied with a smile: “Oh, I am going to pick up some wild vegetables and herbs that I could recognize . Lu Dafu said yesterday that he will help me to sell them in the pharmacy in the town . ”    

Hu Changlin swept his eyes to Bai Zhi’s thin body, then busily said: “Is that so? Hu Feng also said yesterday that he will go hunt in the mountain . He intended to help me plant the peanuts first this morning . I can finish it alone . So, you go and ask Hu Feng to take you to the mountain . We can be more at ease by doing this . ”    

Bai Zhi’s heart felt warm . Hu Changlin was a very good person . He always thinks about their safety . Without asking for anything in return .    


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