The Man Picked up by the Gods

Volume 4 - Chapter 20

Volume 4 - Chapter 20

9 Days later    

Putting my all into it, I took my slimes to the     

arena early in the morning. The second town’s always hustling and     

bustling with people, but today seems to be especially busy. But then     

again, that’s only to expected. After all, today’s the opening of the     

Magic Beast Tournament.    

A lot of people have come to spectate or     

participate in the matches these coming three days. I walked through     

that busy town, and when I finally arrived at the arena, the guards     

shouted me words of encouragement.    

“Do your best!” [Guard 1]    

“Treat us out if you win.” [Guard 2]    

“Be careful, alright.” [Guard 3]    


people who called out to me are the adventurers working here as guards.     

There are a lot of magic beasts gathered here because of the     

tournament, so just to be safe, the organizers sent out a request. And     

apparently, it was the adventurer’s guild of Gimuru who took on that     


The guild directly notified adventurers B Rank up. They     

also called out to me, but I’m going to be participating in the     

tournament, so I refused.    

Because of that, familiar faces called     

out to me as I walked until I finally turned at the entrance used for     

transporting goods. There’s another entrance aside from this which is     

the normal entrance, but that entrance is only big enough for people.     

Magical beasts can’t enter through it, so participants like me have to     

use this entrance. This is something that I learned when I registered.    

“Fushuu!” [Beast 1]    

“Gururururu…” [Beast 2]    

“Gieee!” [Beast 3]    

“Kyun…” [Beast 4]    


the other side of that entrance that was now forbidden except to     

related personnel, was a large crowd of magical beasts and participants.     

There were all sorts of magical beasts from different sizes to     

different types. Some were excited, eager to fight, and others were     

visibly scared. The participants could also be seen giving off sparks     

from time to time.    

“In any case, I should first report my arrival.” [Ryouma]    

I walked to a tent near the entrance that’s been temporarily placed there to serve as a reception desk.    

“May I know your name?” [Receptionist]    

“Ryouma Takebayashi.” [Ryouma]    

“Can I see your proof of participation? …Yes, thank you very much. Please wait a moment.” [Receptionist]    


I showed the proof of my participation that I got after registering,     

the male receptionist looked through his register of names.    


confirmed your registration. I am returning this proof of participation.     

Takebayashi-sama, your match is number 24.” [Receptionist]    


been informed that participants need to have his personal belongings     

checked. Do I need to have my things checked now?” [Ryouma]    


possible to have it now, but the participant won’t be able to leave.     

Takebayashi-sama, your match is still in the afternoon, so it should be     

fine even if you have the body check later. Please feel free to enjoy     

yourself until noon.” [Receptionist]    

“Thank you very much.” [Ryouma]    


I guess I should watch my rivals until noon… I’ll probably have to     

watch standing, but being able to watch even a little should be good.    


I entered the arena through its entrance, and headed for the     

spectators’ seats. As expected, waves of people crowded the area, and     

there was no place left to sit. I was somehow able to find a spot to     

stand on, but from time to time, a head would pass by and block my     


“Elia and the others said they’d come to cheer on me, but… there’s no way I could tell where they are with this.” [Ryouma]    


was here that a man suddenly stepped into the center of the stage, and     

the sounds of music erupted, drowning the noise of the crowd. With the     

flourish of trumpets out, the tournament was about to begin.    


and gentleman! The long awaited battle between Riforu Kingdom’s     

challengers and their magical beasts is here! I officially declare the     

Magic Beast Tournament open!>>    

The man’s voice echoed     

throughout the arena as he announced the opening of the tournament.     

After that, he lightly explained the rules of the tournament, but this     

time, he talked a lot calmer. Also, I can feel some hint of magic power     

in his voice… is this magic? Come to think of it, I do recall making     

magic like that in the past…    

As I was thinking that, the explanation regarding that voice of his came.    


it’s because of the magic tool that was excavated from some ruins some     

few months ago. A lot of the same magic tool was found, so they were     

distributed to the various research labs and to the magic guild. After     

analyzing them, a portion of those magic tools flowed into the market,     

and was sold. That same artifact is being used In the explanations of     

this tournament now.    

Even though they’re artifacts, they actually     

flowed into the market that easily… Well, it’s probably because all it     

does is amplify the voice so it wasn’t valued much. Or maybe they can     

mass produce it? I’m not that familiar with magic tools though, so I     

wouldn’t know. I should ask Kanan when I have time.    


participants for the first round seemed to have been waiting while the     

man on stage was greeting the audience, since as soon as he finished,     

those two participants immediately entered. At their entrance, two     

voices belonging to the host and the commentator sounded. They started     

talking about the participants and their respective magical beasts.    


welcome the recently rising newcomer of the tamer guild, Podro! Riding     

on his magical beast, the Barbell Reindeer, what a magnificent     


A young man entered the stage, riding on what     

appeared to be a reindeer with two black horns that resembled     

pitchforks, growing out of it. Rather than magnificent though, I’d say     

he looks more nervous since he looks so stiff that he seems to be having     

a hard time moving. Or maybe his entrance is magnificent because he’s     

visibly trying to keep his back straight to avoid looking nervous?    



considered to be one of the gentler beasts out there, but it is     

undoubtedly a B Rank magical beast. Naturally, despite its gentle     

nature, it has power befitting that of a B Rank magical beast. For     

example, those giant horns on its head are more than capable of easily     

perforating armor. Moreover, Barbell Reindeers are also known to cast     

electric magic from time to time>>    



continued in that manner, introducing and explaining the participant.     

When both sides were finally gathered, the match started. After the     

match ended, the participants left, the arena was repaired, and then the     

tournament proceeded on to the next match. It was in this way the     

matches continued.    

Incidentally, the winner of the first match was     

Podro and the Barbell Reindeer. That reindeer was really strong. It     

struck its foe with its horns. It roasted it with electricity. And then     

it trampled it underfoot its seemingly hard hooves. Also, apparently,     

when that reindeer uses its electric magic, its horns turn head, and     

become really hot. The original purpose behind that was apparently for     

it to melt the snow and drink it, but when used during battle, it proves     

to be a formidable weapon. I’ll need to watch out for that.    

As for how the battle was, well… How should I put it?    

“To sum it up briefly: it was a brawl.” [Ryouma]    


tens of magical beasts go wild at the same time is certainly amazing,     

but on the other hand, it could also be said to be the picture of hell.     

After the sixteen matches ended, I quickly ate my meal, and then I took     

the slime that I’ll be using from my Dimension Home. From what I’ve     

seen, the other participants also wielded some weapon and shield for     

self-defense, so I also took out my blade, and sheathed it at my waist.    


I finished my preparations, I let a slime ride over each of my     

shoulders, one over my head, while I carried one last slime in my arms,     

then I entered the entrance to the participants’ area. Participants are     

limited to a maximum of five magical beasts in the preliminaries. As for     

how I’m going to fight… thanks to Elia and the others, I was able to     

get enough time to think up a strategy, so I’ll be going for the win!    

When I lined up for the body check, the voices of other participants fell on my ears.    

“Hey, hey, look at that guy.” [Participant 1]    

“He’s actually going to fight with those slimes?” [Participant 2]    

“Is he looking down on this tournament?” [Participant 3]    


people came from a different town. Moreover, they came from one quite     

some distance away. As for why I know that, well that’s because––––    

“Ah, that guy’s the cleaner.” [Participant 4]    

“That guy fighting with slimes is an adventurer? Can his slimes really fight?” [Participant 5]    

“Weren’t the cleaner’s slimes just pets? From what I hear, it’s the     

cleaner himself who’s strong, and the slimes just eat the unneeded parts     

of magical beasts.” [Participant 6]    

It’s because the people     

living near Gimuru give that sort of response. They’ve heard a little of     

the rumors about me, so they’re only half-convinced. As for the people     

who know me well–––    

“…” [Participant 7]    

“Uwa…” [Participant 8]    

“What a pain… But then again, he’s only using five slimes, so he might actually lose in the preliminaries…” [Participant 9]    


guys are from the tamer guild… probably. Because there aren’t a lot of     

people capable of forming a contract with a B Rank magical beast, and     

because of all the bandits I’ve been catching plus the contract I’ve     

formed with my cannonball rhino, Rai, these sort of people have     


I don’t know if it’s because they’re guilty or what,     

but from time to time, I can see these guys avoiding my gaze. I mean     

sure it’s not exactly nice being underestimated, but being treated like     

cancer isn’t very nice either… But then again, they are from the tamer     

guild, and matters related to them being pleasant is rare, so I guess     

it’s just as usual.    

The line proceeded gradually until finally it was my turn. In front of me were a woman and four rough men.    


are Ryouma Takebayashi-sama, correct? We will be inspecting the magic     

tools you have with you. Do you have any?” [Female Personnel]    

“No, there’s nothing.” [Ryouma]    

“Then please excuse me…” [Female Personnel]    


moment the woman before me said that, the magic power she exhaled     

wrapped itself around me. After which, she smiled that usual business     

smile of hers as she informed that the inspection was over.    

“What was that just now?” [Ryouma]    

“Enchantment magic to detect whether or not you have magic tools or weapons on your person.” [Female Personnel]    


that magic was meant to confirm whether I had any magic tools with me,     

so she knows for sure whether or not I have. And in case I do have, she     

would investigate.    

Magic tools can be imbued with the slave demon     

magic or conjuration, so anyone with magic powr can use them. And even     

slave demon magic users and conjurers use them. The purpose of this     

inspection is to find out whether a participant is using a magic tool.     

In which case, he or she would immediately be expelled.    


there are many defects amongst magic tools imbued with slave demon     

magic or conjuration, making them prone to accidents, so they’re     

currently prohibited, and are not being sold. Just being in possession     

of them is plenty bad.    

“But even then, it can still be found if     

one looks hard enough, so we still have to check. It’s also in the     

rules.” [Female Personnel]    

That’s true. This woman in front of me     

is checking just in case. She also has a magic tool imbued with     

dimension magic, so they have more than enough countermeasure to deal     

with one in case there is.    

“Thank you for your work.” [Ryouma]    


didn’t have any magic tools on me, so the inspection immediately ended.     

Following the instructions of the personnel in charge, I entered into     

waiting room. If I’d brought a large-type magical beast with me, I would     

have been shown to the storehouse, but since all I have with me are my     

slimes, I was just brought here.    

When the person who would be     

coming out in the same match as me entered into the waiting room, he     

glared at me. However, he immediately lost interest, and averted his     

gaze. Seemingly unconcerned, he lightly greeted me, and then sat at a     

corner in the room as he looked around the area. There were water and     

snacks prepared in the room. There were also people chatting and people     

loitering around.    

But none of the faces belong to any of my     

acquaintances, so no came to talk to me. I just quietly sat in my seat     

while caressing my slimes until my turn finally came.    

And after some time of waiting, my turn finally came.    

“Sorry for the wait. All participants for match number 24, please come.” [Personnel]    

At those words, everyone in the room including me, stood up, and we followed the personnel in charge.    

Now, let the match begin!    


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