I Can Extract Everything

Wild Beasts Invasion

Wild Beasts Invasion

Half a month after Clone Qin Yi's departure from Monkey Town, he finally arrived at the periphery of Maple  Town.     

Maple Town is just an ordinary mortal town with barely perceptible spiritual energy. With such sparse spiritual energy, even an early stage of Qi Condensation Realm cultivator is unwilling to stay here for a long time.     

Truthfully, even Clone Qin Yi felt a little uncomfortable with this environment.     

However, for good and for bad, this place was his hometown.     

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he was also overwhelmed with the feeling of nostalgia.     

"Hao'er, I'm coming~."     

Clone Qin Yi excitedly stepped his foot into Maple Town.     

However, his movement suddenly stopped at the moment.     

Clone Qin Yi's face froze as he slowly looked back and saw the figure of certain someone.     

"Yo, main body..."     

Clone Qin Yi tries his best to maintain the smile on his face.     


Qin Yi replied with a smile.     

Fortunately, using the clone as a checkpoint is really possible; otherwise, he would not know that someone would take advantage of his several younger brothers and sisters.     

"My dear clone, thank you for reaching here safely~."     

"Main body, if you want to thank me, please, reward me!"     

"Oh, what kind of reward do you want?"     

"Nothing much. I just hope the main body doesn't put me into the Mystical Garden when you meet Hao'er, hehe..."     

"What are you saying when we literally have the same face. Your presence will only confuse my younger brother. What if he suspects that I'm not the real elder brother? That will be troublesome~."     

"Aiya, doesn't the main body have confidence in yourself?"     

"What do you think?"     

They both smiled and deeply stared at each other.     

Qin Yi felt that out of all the clones he had created, only this one had the most troublesome character.     

He'd rather have more clones like Qin Feng, a bit silly, but at least he's not obsessed with his younger brother like this one.     

Nowadays, he doesn't dare to create clones recklessly. He was a little worried that another clone like 'Clone Qin Yi' would be accidentally created.     

Moreover, creating two high-level clones and a bunch of low-level clones had already burdened him as their spiritual qi consumption was not small. Wait until he advances to the next realm; until then, he won't use this Mystic Talent too often.     

In the end, Qin Yi decided not to hide Qin Yi's Clone in the Mystical Garden. However, they will switch positions.     

Qin Yi will become the real Qin Yi, while Clone Qin Yi becomes a black-cloaked man.     

Anyway, with Hidden Night Cloak, people wouldn't be able to spot his clone even if he looked suspicious.     

When Qin Yi stepped into Maple Town, he inhaled a nostalgia smell.     

Hometown smell.     

It had been almost three years since he had left this place. However, this city didn't seem to have changed much.     

However, he vaguely sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere here.     

Did something major happen?     

Qin Yi tilted his head in a puzzle.     

As he thought this, his two ears perked up as he heard the rumors from the passerby.     

"I heard that Major's wife gave birth to a healthy son safely yesterday. This is truly the best news for the past year."     

"Yeah, So far, we've only heard the bad news, including news of the death of the hunters. The birth of the little major is like a breath of fresh air for this town."     

"Because of those damnable wild beasts, we couldn't get out of town, and our hunters died one by one at their hands. Worse yet, their corpses were also buried in the beasts' stomachs."     

"Fortunately, there are still the Four Great Hunters. If it weren't for them, we would have been the food of those wild beasts, and this town would have been in ruins a long time ago."     

"But I heard the Axe Hunter and Sword Hunter were seriously injured. They fought for three days and three nights to fend off those wild beasts. The other two Great Hunters weren't in great shape either, but luckily they recovered quickly."     

"Sigh... I want to get out of this town and take refuge in a safer place..."     

"Don't think about it. Our town is located in a very remote place as the distance from here to other towns is very far. Maybe before we get to the next town, we'll end up at the mouth of the wild beast first."     

"Forget it. There's no guarantee that the other town is also not under attack by the wild beast."     

Qin Yi was astonished by the topic conversation of the people.     

Wild beasts?     

Did wild beasts attack this town?     

In the long years Qin Yi lived in this town, he had never experienced such a thing as wild beasts invasion.     

Although there are many hunters in the town, they are always hunting their prey in the nearby forest, and the wild beast never actively march their troops to the town.     

Therefore, he was a little surprised by this news.     

As for the Four Great Hunters...     

Of course, Qin Yi was familiar with this nickname.     

After all, his teacher was also one of them— Arrow Hunter.     

The Four Great Hunters were a group of hunters who had high skills and had high proficiency in using weapons— For example, his teacher, the Arrow Hunter, was a hunter who was good at using bows and arrows.     

Fundamentally, he was also the best archer in Maple Town.     

So did the other three. They are experts in their respective fields.     

They were only mortal, but their strength was on par with the First Stage of Qi Condensation Realm cultivator. Qin Yi could judge them based on their skills and experiences.     

At that time, Qin Yi revered them very much.     

He even paid a huge sum to train under the teachings of one of them. Fortunately, the Arrow Warrior was willing to take him up as one of his disciples.     

He didn't find it amusing, but it was a worthwhile experience instead.     

Because of his teacher's teachings, Qin Yi's archery became one of his most valuable assets.     

Archery is one of Qin Yi's innate talents with nothing to do with the system.     

He immensely cherishes this talent; he never skips honing it every day.     

No matter how busy he was, he always made time to practice archery.     

It all started with his meeting with his teacher.     

Therefore, hearing of an accident among the Four Great Hunters, Qin Yi was immediately worried.     

However, he was more worried about the orphanage. After all, that place is located near the nearest forest.     

If wild beasts in that forest attack the town, they will inevitably go through the orphanage, and the children will end up in a dangerous position.     

Qin Yi and his clones headed straight for it without a second thought.     

As he expected, the orphanage was deserted and empty when he got there.     

Qin Yi assumed that maybe they were evacuated to a safer place.     

He didn't leave right away as he intended to stroll around and reminisce a little.     

The orphanage is a fairly large house, built in a simple style, with two floors, and most of them are made of rich reddish wood.     

This house was originally the residence of Qin Yi, his younger brother, and his parents. However, after the death of his parents, this place suddenly became so empty and quiet. Wherever he went, every room felt like a field.     

However, everything changed after the mysterious man arrived with a baby; coupled with his strange constitution that could attract small children, eventually, Qin Yi decided to open an orphanage.     

Firstly he acted out of kindness. Secondly, he wanted to enrich the house's atmosphere, and lastly because he wanted to find friends and siblings for his younger brother.     

At first, the process was arduous, but gradually he got used to it and even found joy in the process.     

Also, he got a lot of money.     

As Qin Yi walked around the corridor and enjoyed the nostalgic smell, he heard a loud noise from the backyard.     

"Is someone still living here?"     

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