I Can Extract Everything

Willow Tree Advanced To Rank 2

Willow Tree Advanced To Rank 2

In the Mystical Garden, the ambiance is not quite right; above the sky, spiritual energy gathers at one point and forms a big spiral.     

This phenomenon lasted until the sky turned dark. Soon, it gradually died down and wholly dispersed.     

"Willow Tree has successfully advanced to Rank 2. Congratulations, main body. Now, I'm free~" Clone Qin Yi, who watched from afar, suddenly spoke.     

His main body assigned him to assist Willow Tree in advancing to Rank 2. Now it successfully promotes Rank 2, and he can finally be free and get out of Mystical Garden.     

Maybe he can spend his remaining time with Hao'er.     

Clone Qin Yi couldn't help but start to fantasize.     

Qin Yi ignored his clone's delusion as he walked toward Willow Tree.     

"How's your feeling, Big Tree?"     

Willow Tree cheerfully sways its branches several times, which indicates it feels wonderful.     

"Let's see~."     

Qin Yi asked the system to extract the Willow Tree.     

[Extraction completed!]     

[Obtained 110 Spiritual Energy]     

[Obtained 100 Body Essence]     

[Obtained Hundred Year Old Willow Tree's Branches. Grade: Rank 2]     

[Obtained Hundred Year Old Willow Tree's Roots. Grade: Rank 2]     

[Obtained Hundred Year Old Willow Tree's Spirit Buds. Grade: Rank 2]     

[Obtained Magical Beast Skill - Spirit Bud. Grade: Heaven]     

Although Qin Yi had expected this, there were still a few surpluses that were quite surprising.     

All precious materials belonging to Willow Tree are upgraded to Rank 2.     

Rank 2 materials are expensive in the market; they can be used as the primary material in making Normal Grade Artifacts or even Spirit Artifacts.     

Spirit Buds were a novelty that he got from the Willow Tree. He didn't know the function of these buds, but he guessed it must be related to Willow Tree's new Magical Beast Skill— Spirit Bud.     

It turned out his guess was correct.     

Spirit Bud is a skill that can produce spiritual energy when all the spirit buds in the Willow Tree's body bloom.     

Willow Tree's spirit buds grow once a week. At the same time, newborn spirit buds will replace the old spirit buds. That's how this skill works.     

For Qin Yi, this skill is pretty much useless unless he grows buds in his body.     

Anyway, he was happy with the growth of the Willow Tree. It just he was a little sad that knowing Willow Tree would soon move out of Mystical Garden as he had already promised.     

Never mind, it's not like he cannot see it again...     

"Big Tree, I will take you back to Green Willow Village after you consolidate your cultivation."     

Willow Tree sways its branches once again as if saying, "Okay, father~."     

Qin Yi was a little sad. This dumb tree used to call him "Daddy" in the past but now changed into "Father".     

It sounds so distant~.     

Daddy is sad...     

Qin Yi played with the children and the cats for a while before he left the Mystical Garden.     

"I'll let them out once we move back to the orphanage..." Qin Yi sighed.     

Qin Yi did not feel comfortable keeping many children in his uncle's house. However, it was different if it was his house.     

He turned his head toward Clone Qin Yi, who came out along with him and said, "I still have some business. You can take my place here."     

"Leave it to me, main body. Enjoy your trip~" Clone Qin Yi waves his hand to Qin Yi.     


A few moments later, Qin Yi jumped into the void and reappeared inside the forest but obviously not Maple Forest.     

His current location is very far from Maple Town, as he was on his way to Black Water City.     

"Welcome Back, Master."     

Yin Chen emerged right behind Qin Yi.     

Qin Yi looked at the surroundings and sighed, "Why don't you set up the tent and bonfire?"     

"Master, this site has a lot of magical beasts. A fire will only draw them here." Yin Chen replied unhurriedly.     

Qin Yi walked forward and put up a simple formation to hide their spot.     

Once upon a time, setting a simple formation required him many days, but now everything is simple. Thanks to his and his clones' effort, he could now be considered an actual Rank 1 Formation Master.     

It didn't take long for Qin Yi and Yin Chen to set up a tent and a bonfire.     

Qin Yi sat down somewhere and asked, "How long will it take for us to arrive at Black Water City?"     

Yin Chen replied, "Return to master; we will arrive at Black Water City three days later with our current speed."     

"When did the Black Water Auction start?"     

"Tomorrow after we get to Black Water City."     


Qin Yi went silent for a long time. He suddenly asked, "Are there bad people around here?"     

"Bad people?" Yin Chen didn't understand his master's question.     

"I mean... bandits or anything- ah, never mind..."     

Qin Yi suddenly felt embarrassed after realizing that he wanted to kidnap bandits.     

It sounded like he was the bad guy here.     

But there's nothing bad from doing something bad to bad people, right?     

Moreover, Qin Yi had no intention of killing them; he only wanted to steal their aptitude.     

'But well... depriving their aptitude doesn't seem to have any different from killing them.' Qin Yi thought theoretically.     

Once cultivators lose their aptitude, they will be unable to cultivate any longer as their cultivation base will be stuck in that realm forever until they die in old age.     

However, he had no other choice. In order to make his family cultivate, he could only resort to this means.     

Three days passed quickly, Qin Yi and Yin Chen finally arrived at Black Water City without a hitch.     

Black Water City was situated between The Dragon Sanctum and the Southern Wilderness.     

The Dragon Sanctum is where the Sleeping Dragon Sect is located. It was just that the Sleeping Dragon Sect wasn't the only sect occupying this territory.     

Black Water City is an independent city; all influences within The Dragon Sanctum and Southern Wildness have no right to claim ownership, nor do they have the ability to do so.     

Due to Black Water City's unique situation, this city is exceptionally prosperous yet chaotic.     

"Chen'er, have you been to this city before?" Qin Yi asked.     

Yin Chen nodded, "When this subordinate was ten years old, my father brought me here to participate in the Cage Battle."     

"Cage Battles?" Qin Yi raised his eyebrow a little, "Is that similar to Ring Battle that you participated in at the Immortal Phoenix House?"     

"Yes, but much crueler." Yin Chen said.     

Qin Yi stared at Yin Chen for a moment; he just remembered that this kid came from an assassin family.     

'It must be not easy growing in that kind of environment...'     

"Let's go inside." Qin Yi's brows rose, then he directly entered the city with Yin Chen.     

This city was extremely bustling, and many traveling merchants could be seen going in and out of it...     

According to Qin Yi's guess, these traveling merchants ought to be going back and forth between The Dragon Sanctum and the Southern Wilderness.     

After entering the city, Qin Yi saw many people riding various types of mounts on the street; it was so marvelous and lively. In stark contrast, the two of them were like small fishes among many fishes.     

Soon they found a restaurant to have a meal.     

Qin Yi whispered in Yin Chen's ear, "Ask someone about this city!"     

Yin Chen immediately nodded.     

Even though he's been to this city before, he knows little about it.     

Qin Yi sat at the unoccupied table alone.     

Not long after, Yin Chen returned with the information he had brought from the attendant.     

"So, how is it?" Qin Yi went straight to the point, and at the same time, he called the waiter.     

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