I Can Extract Everything

They Don't Understand His Pain

They Don't Understand His Pain

At first, he wanted to choose to enter the hall, but he didn't really like sitting tight together in a crowd.     

In addition, he estimated that the distance between the seats and the auction stage was too far. Even if he sat on the very front bench, he still couldn't extract the auction items.     

As for the VIP room... nope.     

Yin Chen said that the VIP room is usually filled with bigshots; either they have a high and noble status or a high cultivation base.     

Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator buying VIP room is tantamount to overestimating themselves.     

Therefore, Qin Yi could only choose a private room; it's relatively safe, comfortable, and quite 'humble'.     

"Guest, please follow me." The attendant's attitude became even more humble when he heard what Qin Yi said.     

"No hurry, I'm still waiting for someone here." Qin Yi hastily stopped the attendant.     

"Guest, please tell me the person's name. This servant will directly escort your person to your room when they get here." The attendant said assuredly.     

"No need, I'll be waiting here!" Qin Yi replied.     

What a joke. If he goes in first, what is the point of him coming here?     

Qin Yi came here because he wanted to extract all the guests who went through this entrance!     

Facing the guest's insistence, the attendants didn't know what to do; even Yin Chen was confused about his master's behavior.     

Qin Yi coughed and said to Yin Chen, "Chen'er, you can go in first and here's the money!"     

At the same time, he threw a Space Ring containing many spirit stones at Yin Chen.     

Yin Chen hesitated and said, "Master, why don't you just let me wait here? Master can wait inside-"     

"No! I want to greet my friend personally. Hurry up and go inside. I'll catch up later." Qin Yi straightly said as he pushed Yin Chen inside.     

In the end, Yin Chen helplessly entered a building despite his reluctance.     

Qin Yi's eyes scanned over the remaining attendants and said, "Don't mind me~."     

The attendants were curious, but they didn't dare to slack their work.     

A few minutes later, another distinguished guest arrived.     

Qin Yi, "Welcome~"     

The attendants, "???"     

The distinguished guest, "???"     

"Oh, you are not my friend. Go ahead~" Qin Yi awkwardly said to the guest.     

Qin Yi immediately received many strange looks from the attendants, but he shrugged them off.     

They don't understand his pain!     

The guests kept coming like a flood, and Qin Yi kept doing the same thing to the point that the attendants got used to seeing it.     

But the guests can tell there's a weirdo in the entrance building.     

The longer Qin Yi stood outside, the fewer guests came.     

The attendant suddenly approached Qin Yi and said, "Guest, do you want to come in now? The auction is about to start..."     

Qin Yi tilted his head.     

Although he gains a lot from all guests who come, he obviously hasn't gained anything remarkable.     

He felt like none of the young masters had come to this auction.     

What's going on?     

Where did Dus, Xiaos, and Sus go?     

"I- I haven't met my friend..." Qin Yi said hesitantly; he spoke as if he had a friend who was making an appointment to meet him here.     

The attendant looked at Qin Yi strangely, "Perhaps the guest's friend enters from another entrance."     

Qin Yi was petrified, "Another entrance? There's another entrance?"     

The attendant nodded.     

This matter is already common knowledge for regular guests, so there is nothing to cover up.     

"We have three entrances have; the east gate, the south gate, and the west gate. The one, the guest, is currently in is the south. I supposed the guest's friend must have noble status. In that case, they might come to the east gate. All important and highly regarded people usually enter through the east gate...."     

Qin Yi stared at the attendant blankly like a silly one. He muttered, "Why didn't you tell me?"     

You didn't ask! The attendant wants to cry.     

Besides, you are the one who insists on being here, and they thought that he already knows this matter.     

The rest of the attendants looked at Qin Yi weirdly. Some even wanted to laugh at him, but they didn't dare.     

The attendant coughed and said, "Guest, let me escort you to your room. Once it closed, even VIP guests are unable to enter."     

The attendant feels he needs to give this guest a special care.     

He led Qin Yi, who was still at a loss, to enter the auction house, then he brought Qin Yi to the private room on the second floor of the auction house.     

"Welcome, Master. Have you met your friend?" Yin Chen greets his master personally.     

After hearing this question, the attendant behind Qin Yi couldn't help but avert his eyes.     

Qin Yi finally regained his sense.     

The clean and tidy room gave one a comfortable feeling.     

The room was extremely vast and was more than sufficient to fit two people.     

Qin Yi walked around the room, and through the window in the room, he was able to see the auction platform below, which was highly convenient.     

After a moment, he replied to Yin Chen's question: "My friend is not coming."     

"What? Someone actually dared to stand up my master for hours?" Yin Chen was angry.     

His master waited outside alone for a long time. How could he, as his subordinate, not be angry?     

He blames himself for not being there to accompany his master.     

"Nevermind..." Rather than being angry, Qin Yi is more regretful.     

If he had known this from the start, he would have chosen to stand at the east gate.     

He missed the big shots...     

He missed extracting the young masters...     

Those rich people got away from him...     


The attendant quietly entered the room, and he started pouring hot tea for Qin Yi and Yin Chen; then, he prepared some refreshments before respectfully standing at the side.     

After a short moment, the sound of the door being knocked on echoed out. The attendant walked out in large strides to open the room door, and then he respectfully greeted the person outside: "Manager."     

A middle-aged man with a face full of stubble slowly walked in, and then he looked at Qin Yi and Yin Chen. "Guest, nice to meet you. I'm the Black Water Auction House's Manager, Lu Qin."     

Yin Chen naturally was able to guess the reason why the manager of the auction house had come.     

He handed the Space Ring that Qin Yi previously gave to Lu Qin.     

When Lu Qin received the spirit stone, his gaze abruptly shone!     

The first thought that flashed within his mind was that these two young men who looked to be not even 20 weren't simple!     

Having a Spatial Ring at such a young age, their background was obviously extraordinary.     

"Thank you, guest." Lu Qin put away the and was about to leave, but Qin Yi suddenly stopped him.     


"Guest, do you still need anything?"     

"I have a few things I want to auction. Does it still have time?"     

Lu Qin was stunned at first. He hurriedly reacted, "There is still a half-hour before the auction starts. If guests have something to auction, we will welcome it."     

Without further ado, Qin Yi took out three small bottles. He showed them in front of Lu Qin and explained, "They are medicines that I brew, equivalent to Rank 4 pills. Moreover, they have no side effects at all. I guarantee that they are completely safe to take."     

Lu Qin's eyes lit up, "Medicine equivalent to Rank 4 Pills? Guest, are you a Physician?"     

"I haven't registered myself with the Secondary Profession Association." Qin Yi smiled.     

"It doesn't matter." Lu Qin was excited.     

The professional status given by the Secondary Profession Association is indeed lofty and honorable, but it doesn't represent everything.     

Strength and skill are still everything in this world.     

"Guest, can this servant examine it?"     

"Go ahead."     

Qin Yi passed the bottles of medicine to Lin Qin.     

'System, extract him!'     

This manager is only Foundation Establishment Realm. Moreover, his aura seemed to be weaker than Qin Yi, who had just recently advanced to the Foundation Establishment Realm.     

Well, that's understandable.     

People who work in this area tend to be weaker than normal cultivators.     

Soon, the system responded.     

[Extraction completed!]     

[Obtained 60 Cultivation Points]     

[Obtained 5,000,000 Spirit Stones. Grade: Low-Grade]     

[Obtained 60 Spirit Stones. Grade: Medium-Grade]     


Good guy...     

What a profitable business!     

As expected, opening an auction house is the easiest way to make money.     

Qin Yi should consider opening one someday.      

Qin Yi didn't expect this guy receive a lot of money in a single auction. Moreover, they only come from the entrance fees, and the profit from successfully auctioning the items had still not been calculated.     

Qin Yi couldn't imagine how much money the Black Water Auction House received after this auction was over.     

Oh god, look at these middle-grade spirit stones...     

Their shape was no different from those of lower grades but they were brighter and their spiritual energy was also thicker and purer.     

This was not the first time he had obtained middle-grade spirit stones. However, the number of them in his hands wasn't that many...     

Well, he'll get more of them in the future.     

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