I Can Extract Everything

The True Worth Of Heart Purity Lotus

The True Worth Of Heart Purity Lotus

Seductress Jiang continued, "Everyone, these 10 Essence Pills have been personally tested and verified by our Spirit Gu Fei. So everyone needn't worry if the truth conforms to what this girl has said..."     

"Among these 10 Essence Pills, seven have a purity of 75%, and three have a purity that is extremely close to 76%. Moreover, our Black Water Auction House's trustworthiness is recognized by everyone!"     

Many people within the hall nodded upon hearing Seductress Jiang's words.     

This highlighted another fantastic aspect of Black Water Auction House. Each auction item has been appropriately assessed and priced; its authenticity is guaranteed. No imitations or fake items would be used.     

So far, they hadn't done anything untrustworthy during their auctions.     

"Since Spirit Gu Fei has tested and verified it, there's naturally no problem."     

"Exactly, Spirit Gu Fei is the only Rank 4 Alchemist in Black Water City. His judgment would surely not be wrong!"     

"Seductress Jiang, hurry up and announce the starting bid!"     

The people in the hall spoke out, urging Seductress Jiang to announce the starting bid.     

A trace of surprise appeared on a young girl's face in the private room.     

She'd never imagined that such a high purity pill could appear on the border between The Dragon Sanctum and the Southern Wilderness.     

A purity of 75% was sufficient to show that the person that refined the Essence Pill was an Alchemist with rich experience and extraordinary natural talent.     

"There's actually someone in this city who can make pills with 75% purity? This person isn't from our Medicine Valley, is he?" The young girl curled her lips.     

"Young Miss, only elders lever can make pills with such high purity. However, as far as this subordinate knew, none of the elders who engaged in this kind of activity." The middle-aged man who sat against the young girl said.     

The young girl chuckled and said lightly, "Uncle Hu has a point. The Alchemist who makes this Essence Pill is definitely an elder level. There's no way a young generation has such an achievement."     

Uncle Hu was stunned.     

How did she come up with that conclusion?     

However, he decided not to say a word.     

There's no lack of talent in this world. Perhaps these pills were made by a young genius, and his young miss was just too proud to admit it.      

In the other room, Qin Yi did not express anything about the appearance of this high-purity Essence Pill.     

Ever since he read the Saint Medicine Journal, his horizon was broadened a lot.     

That book mentioned that there was a certain land where Secondary Profession Alchemist is very prosperous. In that place, Alchemists who could make pills with purity above 80% were not rare. As for pills with 75% purity, even an Apprentice Alchemist could easily make them.     

In the Four Sacred Regions, the Alchemists who could concoct pills with purity above 75$ were not unheard of. In fact, there are quite a few of them. It's just that they usually serve a large force or work exclusively.     

They rarely share their creations with the public market unless on a special occasion or when their finances are tight. However, it is quite unlikely.     

Although Alchemist was a money-burning profession, it was also a profession that earned more than it spent.     

Hence, Qin Yi guessed that the person who put these Essence Pills into this auction was a young Alchemist like him, an alchemist eager for fame and recognition. Also, that person very likely is a loose cultivator.     

Thinking about this, Qin Yi couldn't help but chuckle slightly.     

At the same time, he was also quite curious. Which person made these Essence Pills?     

Along with Seductress Jiang announcing the bid price, the 10 Essence Pills with 75% purity were actually bid to a high price of 15,000 low-grade spirit stones.     

Not only that, the bidding was still going on.     

"20,000 low-grade spirit stones!"     

"22,000 low-grade spirit stones!"     


Yin Chen secretly looked at his master.     

His master's attainment in pill alchemy is not low.      

The pill that the master last showed to him was not the Essence Pill, but its purity level is over 75%; to be precise, it's 79&, and it's very close to 80%.     

Yin Chen wondered how much stir would happen if his master placed his pills in this auction?     

After all, that Essence Pill with 75% already caused this stir...     

"50,000 low-grade spirit stones!"      

Finally, after a deep voice came out of one of the rooms on the second floor, the bottle of Essence Pills with 75% purity was won by that person.     

"50,000 low-grade spirit stones going once!"     

"50,000 low-grade spirit stones going twice!"     

"50,000 low-grade spirit stones going thrice!"     

"Sold! Congratulations to the guest in room number five for successfully bidding on this bottle of Essence Pills with 75% purity." Seductress Jiang on the auction platform announced.     

Next, another young girl held a tray as she ascended the auction platform.     

This time, the auction item was a sword with Spirit Grade Artifact; it has outburst flame power.     

Qin Yi was without a shred of interest in this auction item.     

Although Spirit Grade Artifact is great, his primary weapon is not a sword.     

In the end, that sword artifact sold for 800,000 low-grade spirit stones, and it was the guests in the hall who bought them.     

The auction keeps going, but Qin Yi hasn't made a single bid until the following item is brought to the platform.     

"Alright, Gentlement, the next item is Heart Purity Lotus!"     

Heart Purity Lotus?     

Qin Yi's gaze passed through the window in the room to descend onto the hand of the woman on the auction platform.     

Seductress Jiang held extremely special heaven and earth material in her hand.     

Heart Purity Lotus is a Rank 2 heaven and earth material; it had a lotus-like appearance, and it had an incredibly pure white color like milk without the slightest trace of smudge. One would know that it wasn't ordinary heaven and earth material with a glance.     

In the hall, a wave of sounds of surprise sounded out as expected.     

"It's the Heart Purity Lotus!"     

"I heard that when refining a pill, so long this Heart Purity Lotus is placed into the cauldron, it will be able to increase the purity by 10%!"     

"Unfortunately, it's only Rank 2..."     

Seductress Jiang on the auction platform lightly smiled, "Gentlement, it looks like all of you are well acquainted with the Heart Purity Lotus. Exactly, the Heart Purity Lotus is indeed capable of increasing the purity of a pill, and it can increase the purity by at least 10%. If one's luck I good, it's even capable of increasing the purity by nearly 15%..."     

"Although this Heart Purity Lotus in this girl's hand is only a Rank 2 heaven and earth material, it has the potential to surpass a Rank 4 heaven and earth material. Therefore, as long gentlemen know how to nurture it properly, it's not impossible for it to grow into a Rank 4 heaven and earth material or above."     

In the room, an excited expression appeared on Qin Yi's face.     

What the auctioneers said is true but not completely.     

According to what was written in the Medicine Saint Journal, this Heart Purity Lotus was beneficial for increasing the purity level of pills. It could also be used as the main ingredient of a pill called the Jade Marrow Pill.     

Meanwhile, the Jade Marrow Pill was a pill that was useful for increasing one's aptitude by one grade.     

In the past, Qin Yi heard that a Sleeping Dragon Sect's disciple named Yang Kai received this kind of pill and managed to upgrade his aptitude.     

Qin Yi believed easily and even assumed that this kind of pill was not that rare.     

It wasn't until he read the Medicine Saint Journal that he understood that that guy named Yang Kai was probably lying.     

There was only one pill capable of increasing aptitude, which was the Jade Marrow Pill. What's more, this pill is a Rank 4 pill.     

Rank 4!     

One could imagine how difficult it would be to make this pill. What was even more troublesome was that the main ingredient in making this Jade Marrow Pill was extremely hard to find, and it was considered rare.     

Therefore, Qin Yi's surprise seeing the Heart Purity Pill was not unusual.     

Qin Yi never expected this rare heaven and earth material to appear in this auction.     

No matter the price, he had to get it!     

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