Soul Archives

Chapter 7 Special Action Team 7

Chapter 7 Special Action Team 7

When Lin Liang heard Su Baiqing say that, his eyes widened." Do you suspect that she is lying?"     

Su Baiqing was noncommittal.     

After thinking for a moment, Lin Liang continued," But if she was really lying, she shouldn't have said that Chen Meifeng was bad in front of us. This will lead us to suspect that she was being harassed by Chen Meifeng."     

Jin Lin followed from behind and said in a low voice," Let's assume that she made preparations in advance to clear her suspicion in this way. "As for your counter-thinking, you definitely believe that she is not a suspect and just happened to fall into the trap she prepared."     

Lin Liang nodded with a confused expression.     

Su Baiqing glanced at Jin Lin and asked," What did you find?"     

Jin Lin smiled and opened his arms.     

A key lay in his wide palm.     

Lin Liang asked," What is Captain Jin doing with a key?"     

Su Baiqing eyes lit up. Jin Lin looked at her and said slowly," Just as you think."     

His voice was low and his voice was filled with certainty.     

The two looked at each other and smiled.     

Lin Liang didn't know what the two of them were talking about and what Su Baiqing were thinking about?     


There was a jeep parked at the entrance of the Jincheng's home. It was out of place with this high-end neighborhood.     

Lin Liang stretched his head and asked in a low voice," Sister Qing, are you sure Wu Qi will appear here?" "This is a high-end neighborhood. How could he have the money to live here!"     

According to what Wu Qi wife said, she couldn't even pay the alimony for Chen Meifeng because she was living in poverty. How could she live here?     

At night, the temperature dropped and the car did not turn on the warm air. Su Baiqing felt a chill and gathered his clothes.     

She turned around and glanced at the Lin Liang. Weng said," I went to Wu Qi house in the morning. A few windows were broken."     

Lin Liang didn't understand. The broken window had anything to do with Wu Qi living here?     

Su Baiqing rubbed his nose and continued," It's November now. No matter how difficult life is, at least make sure the house is warm, not a family."     

Wu Qi wife's words did n' t make Su Baiqing feel too suspicious.     

After learning about the situation in the Jincheng Branch, Chen Meifeng had indeed come over to cause trouble over the past few years, causing Wu Qi to. Even the police knew what was going on, so they simply closed their eyes and went over.     

On the contrary, the conditions at home made her suspect.     

The house was not big. Apart from the kitchen, there was only one bedroom.     

The walls were mottled and the corners of the walls were covered with spider webs, giving off a bleak feeling.     

But the more bleak it was, the more false it was.     

It was as if he had deliberately done it.     

There was a zither on the window sill. Su Baiqing took note of it. She had seen it at Li Hao house and bought it for his sister.     

The music was released last year and was expensive. There were creases on it. From the angle of bending, it was used to block the gap in the window.     

There was a pencil between the two of them writing the word "Wu ".     

The music should be from Wu Qi daughter.     

To be able to buy such an expensive music score, there should be a piano at home.     

This obviously contradicted Wu Qi wife's dictation.     

The key in Jin Lin hand was found in the room, and this key was only available in Jincheng home.     

Lin Liang was deep in thought. After a while, he finally came to his senses and said with a sudden realization," I understand. You think that Wu Qi wife is intentionally crying hard with us. In fact, the conditions at home are not bad, aren't they?"     

Su Baiqing reached out and rubbed his swollen head. After saying so much, he finally understood...     

"He's here." Jin Lin turned off the lights and a deep voice sounded.     

Su Baiqing raised his head and looked over.     

A tall and slender woman walked over from the other side. Her long, wavy hair was draped over her shoulders. As she walked, she reached out to caress her long hair from time to time. Her movements were indescribably charming.     

The woman was wearing a dark windbreaker and slender high heels. Her slim figure made her look taller and taller.     

Su Baiqing recognized her as Wu Qi wife with a single glance. The difference was that she didn't have the delicate makeup at this moment.     

She pulled out an access card from her bag and brushed it before disappearing from the door.     

Lin Liang stared at the door and asked in confusion," Where is he?"     

Su Baiqing frowned. Holding his head with one hand, he asked Jin Lin curiously," Why did you bring him here?"     

Jin Lin glanced at the Lin Liang and said without thinking," Someone has to record and run."     

Su Baiqing immediately understood and sighed helplessly.     

Lin Liang entered the Yancheng Branch the year before. It was said that he had done well in the police academy. He was a passionate person and everyone in the bureau liked him very much.     

He was all right, but there was one thing that Su Baiqing could not accept.     

Lin Liang's intelligence was limited, and most of the time, she could n' t keep up with her thoughts, which made her very distressed.     

Su Baiqing was powerless to explain to Lin Liang. He pulled out a tissue and continued wiping his nose.     

Jin Lin noticed her movements and asked softly," Have you not recovered from your cold yet?"     

Su Baiqing wiping her nose paused for a moment. She was muttering in her heart Jin Lin When had she changed her mind and started to care about her.     

Jin Lin started the engine and said coldly," Take your medicine immediately. Don't spread it to your colleagues."     

She knew that Jin Lin would not be so kind-hearted.     

As expected, she had kindly reminded her to take her medicine to prevent the cold from being transmitted to her colleagues. Instead of saying that she was a colleague, it was better to say that she was transmitting it to him...     

Su Baiqing snorted and looked out of the window.     

Although it was warm in the Jincheng, Su Baiqing got used to the Yancheng weather and suddenly came over to Jincheng. The cold that had just gotten better was getting worse again.     

Her brain was so faint that she couldn't concentrate.     

She originally wanted to continue her vacation, but Special Action Team had just been established and happened to encounter this case. Jin Lin didn't give her a vacation.     

Su Baiqing leaned back on the chair and felt sleepy.     

Lin Liang reached out to touch her forehead and said with concern," Sister Qing, why don't you go back to the hotel to rest first? I' ll just wait for Captain Jin and I to go to the station."     

Su Baiqing head was deeply buried in her coat. The car was heated, but she was still cold to the bone.     

She naturally wanted to rest, but she didn't know if Jin Lin would let her go.     

Jin Lin glanced at the Su Baiqing and did not say anything.     

The car drove for a while before slowly stopping.     

Su Baiqing forced himself to raise his head and found that he was standing at the entrance of the hotel. He was a little surprised.     

Lin Liang hurriedly got out of the car, opened the car door for Su Baiqing and helped her get out of the car.     

Jin Lin leisurely got out of the car and followed behind them with steady steps.     

After returning to the room, Lin Liang hurriedly turned on the air conditioner. He didn't forget to boil water for Su Baiqing to prepare cold medicine and told Su Baiqing when to take it.     

After the water was boiled, Lin Liang let the water cool and let her take her medicine.     

It wasn't until he saw Su Baiqing lying comfortably on the bed that Lin Liang felt relieved.     

As for Jin Lin, from start to finish, he stood on the side like an outsider.     

In the elevator, Jin Lin looked at Lin Liang and asked," Do you like her?"     

Lin Liang was stunned for a moment before she realized who Jin Lin was referring to.     

"I just saw Sister Qing's discomfort, so I took care of her. "However, it's reasonable to take care of women."     

Jin Lin crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. He said indifferently," Indeed, using this method to make up for your IQ is a wise choice."     

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