Soul Archives

Chapter 8 Special Action Team 8

Chapter 8 Special Action Team 8

His voice was deep and filled with ridicule.     

Lin Liang expression immediately became awkward as he laughed dryly to conceal his embarrassment.     

The elevator door opened and Jin Lin walked out first.     

Lin Liang followed behind. Suddenly, she thought of something and sped up. He asked curiously," Captain Jin, why did you want Sister Qing to join the team?"     

Jin Lin was an expert who had been arranged by the provincial government. Lin Liang especially flipped through Jin Lin information and was shocked.     

Yancheng few people knew about Jin Lin, but the rumors about him were always there.     

Jin Lin was 33 years old and 18 years old. He had become famous for successfully rescuing hostages in a kidnapping case. At that time, he was still a student in school and was admitted to the police academy on an exceptional basis.     

Graduation was assigned to the province. He had participated in major cases and made many contributions.     

Jin Lin stopped and leaned against the pillar at the door. With one hand, he took out the cigarette box from his pocket and skillfully lit a cigarette. He lazily swallowed the clouds and exhaled.     

Lin Liang looked at him.     

After a long while, Jin Lin slowly said," We're all the same."     

Jin Lin looked up at the starry sky, his pair of pitch-black eyes became deeper and deeper.     

This was the end of the road. There would always be one more person, so they would not be alone.     

Lin Liang didn't understand Jin Lin words. What did they mean?     

Jin Lin took a few gulps and threw the cigarette to the side, crushing it. He said hoarsely," You drive."     

Lin Liang obediently drove the car and didn't forget to glance at Jin Lin. Seeing that he was skilled in smoking, he should be an old hand. However, he had never seen him smoke in the past few days.     


Back in the bureau, Lin Liang listened to Jin Lin and investigated Wu Qi information.     

As expected, Wu Qi wife was lying. Wu Qi family wasn't short of money, but rather rich.     

Fifteen years ago, when Wu Qi was a miner, he had bought a mine at a low price. He had just sold the mine last year.     

Over the past ten years, the mine alone had made quite a lot of money.     

Wu Qi cleverly transferred all the money under his name to his wife's Li Li name. Then, he cried and refused to pay Chen Meifeng alimony.     

After Lin Liang read the information, he spat and cursed in a low voice," Trash!"     

Jin Lin glanced at the computer screen and forehead slightly frowned." Check Wu Qi whereabouts."     

Lin Liang nodded and immediately contacted the police.     

Wu Qi did buy a ticket to Yancheng, but it didn't appear in the Yancheng.     

Then who were Chen Meifeng waiting for in the cafe?     

Su Baiqing woke up after a nap. His brain no longer felt dizzy. Perhaps it was because he had taken the medicine that he had a better cold.     

After washing up, he walked out of the door and saw Jin Lin sitting on the sofa.     

She frowned and asked unhappily," How did you get in?"     

Jin Lin drank the coffee and pointed at the room card on the table." I have a room card."     

Su Baiqing tugged at the corner of his lips and sat down opposite the Jin Lin. He picked up the bun on the table and started eating it.     

Jin Lin put down the coffee beside her and looked at her.     

She wore a grey sweater, revealing her fair neck. He stretched out two fingers and pinched the bun. He ate very slowly, like a picky cat.     

Su Baiqing noticed the Jin Lin's gaze and put down the bun in his hand. He took out a tissue and wiped his greasy fingers. He asked," What's the progress of the case?"     

When the case was brought up, Jin Lin picked a forehead and said in a low voice," The case is temporarily put aside. What is your relationship with Li Hao?"     

Su Baiqing frowned slightly, his expression slightly displeased." Are you doubting me or him?"     

Jin Lin didn't hide his suspicions at all and said decisively," Li Hao."     

"He has no motive." Su Baiqing replied without thinking.     

Jin Lin chuckled and said with certainty," The urgent denial is to cover it up. What are you worried about me knowing?"     

Su Baiqing looked away and knew Jin Lin was testing her.     

His eyes turned slightly and he asked," Why do you suspect Li Hao?"     

His slender fingers tapped on the armrest of the sofa and said slowly," Chen Meifeng is Li Hao patient."     

Su Baiqing's eyes turned cold." There's no motive."     

Jin Lin stood up and said in a deep voice," Wu Qi wife's name is Li Li. She's Li Hao sister."     

Su Baiqing movement stopped and forehead slightly wrinkled.     

Jin Lin bent down and looked at Su Baiqing closely. He asked in a low voice," I'm curious. Why do you believe Li Hao so much? What benefits did he give you?"     

Su Baiqing lowered his eyes and retracted the emotion in his eyes." Jin Lin."     

Jin Lin looked down at her.     

Her skin was white and she didn't look too emotional.     

The short two syllables came out of her mouth, giving her an extra charm.     

Su Baiqing looked up at him and said confidently," You know the murderer is not Li Hao."     

Jin Lin straightened up and looked at her with a faint smile.     

Su Baiqing continued," You suspected Li Hao, but Li Hao didn't have any motive to commit the crime. You paid attention to the Li Li's movements, indicating that you agreed that Li Li wanted to kill him for refusing to pay Chen Meifeng alimony. Assuming that Li Li had a motive to commit the crime, Wu Qi went to Yancheng but did not appear. It was not as simple as alimony between them. It was better to say that you were doubting me than you were doubting Li Hao. "You've been testing my relationship with Li Hao a few times to determine what role I' m playing in this case."     

When Jin Lin asked her, her fingers would subconsciously strike.     

She was used to doing this while thinking.     

Jin Lin deliberately made this move in front of her to interfere with her.     

Jin Lin smiled without saying anything.     

Su Baiqing sized up the expression on his face and said slowly," So the person you really suspect is Li Li."     

Jin Lin put his hands in his pockets and said in a low voice," Wu Qi."     

Su Baiqing frowned, somewhat puzzled.     

Jin Lin threw the folder on the table and said with a thin lips," Wu Qi went to the mine and all the assets were transferred to Li Li name, amounting to millions. Wu Qi I Chen Meifeng pay two thousand yuan of alimony every month. Reasonably speaking Wu Qi I don't need to be poor with my wife. Why would I refuse to pay Chen Meifeng alimony?"     

Su Baiqing thought for a moment and asked," Do you suspect that Wu Qi're not talking to Chen Meifeng about alimony, but something else?"     

Jin Lin was noncommittal.     

Su Baiqing did not understand. The person with the suspect should be Li Li, not Wu Qi.     

Wu Qi all the assets were under the Li Li's name, the Chen Meifeng had passed away, but the Wu Qi did not appear. The police focused all their attention on the Wu Qi, so they could escape with their money.     

But why did Jin Lin doubt Wu Qi?     

Su Baiqing was silent. His phone suddenly rang.     

She stood up and glanced at Lin Liang." Sister Qing, I found Wu Qi."     

Su Baiqing frowned and looked at Jin Lin." There's a Wu Qi."     

Jin Lin curled her lips and the smile on her face deepened." Let's go and have a look."     

On the way to the police station, Su Baiqing thought about what Jin Lin had said to her. His thoughts were a confused.     

Jin Lin glanced at the Su Baiqing and said in a low voice," From the looks of it, Wu Qi motivation is far higher than Li Li."     

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