Soul Archives

Chapter 9 Special Action Team 9

Chapter 9 Special Action Team 9

Wu Qi's motive far exceeded Li Li's?     

Su Baiqing didn't understand Jin Lin idea. From the looks of it, Li Li actions showed that she had a motive.     

However, if Wu Qi committed a crime, Su Baiqing would prefer the former.     

Jin Lin noticed Su Baiqing thought and glanced at her." You don't know men."     

Su Baiqing picked forehead.     

Jin Lin continued," If a man does not have any feelings for a woman, it is possible to do anything."     

Su Baiqing stopped breathing.     


At the police station, Su Baiqing finally saw Wu Qi.     

She had seen Wu Qi ID photos before, but when she saw Wu Qi, she couldn't help but be attracted to him.     

There was a type of person who didn't look ordinary, but when they first saw him, they would still make people reluctant to look away.     

Wu Qi was clearly this kind of person.     

Although he looked average, he had a mature charm on his body, and his movements revealed calmness. If he hadn't been at the police station, he would have thought that he was chatting with his friends.     

Jin Lin sat opposite Wu Qi and looked at him. He asked in a low voice," Do you know about Chen Meifeng death?"     

Wu Qi turned the pen and stopped. Her face was heavy. She was silent for a moment and said in a hoarse voice," I know."     

Jin Lin asked," You went to Yancheng to discuss the maintenance expenses with Chen Meifeng, but why didn't you appear?"     

Wu Qi put the pen aside and sighed softly. There was a hint of helplessness in his tone," I didn't mean to talk about it. The reason I divorced her was because of my fault. I feel guilty about her, so why would I make things difficult for her because of a little support?" "Besides, she's still raising my eldest daughter. It's only natural for me to get alimony."     

Su Baiqing Wu Qi a little surprised, and exchanged a glance with Jin Lin.     

Wu Qi continued," My wife can't rub the sand in her eyes. She's worried that I'm too close to her, so she forced me to talk about alimony. I did n' t want to argue with her, so I had to sneak out this opportunity."     

Wu Qi spoke with reason and without any panic.     

Even the few days that he hadn't heard from her explained it clearly, making it hard to find any problems.     

Jin Lin asked a few questions before flipping through the files with her slender fingers. She continued to ask," The death of the deceased was due to sudden death. Who do you think wants to kill the deceased?"     

Hawkeye stared at the Wu Qi, his eyes filled with inquiry.     

Wu Qi still didn't seem to have too much emotion on his face as he continued," I know you guys suspect me, but I really wo n' t hurt her. After all, she's my ex-wife. If she dies, what about my daughter?"     

Jin Lin closed the file and asked," Why did you divorce the deceased?"     

Wu Qi looked around and replied," It's my affair."     

Jin Lin asked," The mine was purchased during your marriage with the deceased. Did the deceased know about it?"     

Wu Qi expression did not change and did not say anything.     

He didn't think Jin Lin would suddenly ask about the mine.     

Jin Lin continued to ask," Did you divorce the deceased for the purpose of transferring assets or for the reason you mentioned?"     

Su Baiqing glanced at Jin Lin and looked down at the file.     

The information on the mine was scrawled. She curled her lips and instantly understood that Jin Lin was testing Wu Qi.     

Sure enough, after Jin Lin few words of questioning, Wu Qi was no longer as calm as before. Sweat began to run down on his forehead. His gaze was erratic and he could not sit still.     

Jin Lin lazily leaned against the chair and motioned Lin Liang to bring the coffee over.     

After Wu Qi drank the coffee, the panic on his face eased slightly.     

Su Baiqing saw that he had calmed down and asked," Since you said that you were just taking this opportunity to sneak out, who else would Chen Meifeng be waiting for at the coffee shop?"     

Wu Qi sweat appeared on his forehead again, as if he wanted to say something but stopped.     

After asking a few times, Wu Qi didn't respond.     

Su Baiqing and Jin Lin looked at each other. They knew that they couldn't ask anything and left the interrogation room one after another.     

Lin Liang saw the two of them come out and hurriedly came over." How is it? Did you ask anything?"     

Jin Lin pointed at the door and said in a low voice," Keep an eye on him. Don't let him play any tricks."     

Lin Liang nodded and hurriedly went over to stare.     

Jin Lin touched his pocket, forehead slightly wrinkled, and quickly left.     

Su Baiqing saw someone staring at her, she simply followed behind Jin Lin.     

In the stairwell, Jin Lin leaned against the wall, languidly breathing clouds and mist.     

His movements were skillful, and he had an extra stance. He was completely devoid of his usual righteous and awe-inspiring appearance.     

Su Baiqing smelled the smell of cigarettes and felt itchy. She covered her mouth and nose.     

The first time he met at the coffee shop, he subconsciously moved not to touch his phone, but to touch the medicine box.     

Jin Lin narrowed his eyes and glanced at the Su Baiqing. With both of his hands, he sat firmly on the window sill. He said indifferently," The smell is a little choking. You have to endure it, or'll go out and wait for me."     

Su Baiqing originally wanted to leave, but when he heard Jin Lin say this, he stood still and did not move.     

When Jin Lin finished smoking, he opened the window and the cold wind blew away the pungent smell of the staircase.     

Su Baiqing breathed smoothly and asked in a low voice," Do you still suspect Wu Qi?"     

Jin Lin nodded noncommittally." Every word he said is a lie, and directing the spearhead on his wife is nothing more than to cleanse him of suspicion. "The best result is that his wife will be punished as she deserves. Li Li All the assets under his name will fall into his hands."     

Jin Lin still held his initial view.     

But Su Baiqing felt that something was off.     

If something was not right, it was just that Wu Qi appeared too suddenly.     

Just as the case didn't make any progress, Wu Qi appeared.     

His appearance was just right, but...     

Su Baiqing pursed his lips and said," You don't think this case has progressed too quickly, but instead ……"     

Before she could finish, the staircase door was pushed open.     

Lin Liang couldn't hide the panic on his face. His short hair was drenched in sweat, and his Adam's apple slid up and down as he spoke with difficulty," Something Wu Qi happened!"     

Su Baiqing frowned." What's going on?"     

Jin Lin forehead frowned and jumped off the window sill.     

In the interrogation room, Wu Qi fell straight on the floor, leaving a black mark on the floor.     

He had struggled, or his body had convulsed before he died.     

Jin Lin took a step forward and sniffed Wu Qi breath to confirm his death. Su Baiqing turned to the front of the Wu Qi. Blood flowed from his nose and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.     

Like Chen Meifeng, they all died suddenly.     

Wu Qi suddenly died in the interrogation room. If news of this spread, it would have a huge impact.     

Su Baiqing looked at Jin Lin.     

Jin Lin's expression was serious as he said calmly," Inform the medical examiner to come over and conduct an autopsy."     

Lin Liang nodded and left in a hurry.     

Jin Lin put on plastic gloves and flipped the corpse.     

Su Baiqing suddenly realized that it was cold. He tightened his coat and asked Jin Lin," Do you still think Wu Qi motive is higher than Li Li?"     

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