Soul Archives

Chapter 12 Special Action Team 12

Chapter 12 Special Action Team 12

Su Baiqing stayed at the hotel for two days and didn't go out to blow the cold. The cold was better. However, the bruising on his arm would take a few days to get down.     

At 9 a.m., she received a call from Lin Liang. She put on her clothes and rushed to the police station.     

By the time she arrived, Li Li had already arrived.     

When she saw Li Li again, her face was haggard and her eyes were dark. Her body was already thin, and now her cheeks were deeply sunken in. It looked a little scary.     

Li Li sat on the chair with red eyes. When he heard the noise, he looked over without a trace.     

"Police officer, I really don't know what's going on. If you didn't tell me that my man died, I would still be waiting at home." Li Li lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice.     

She was wearing thin clothes and sitting in the interrogation room, she seemed a little cold. Her body could not help but shiver.     

Su Baiqing stared at her, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table.     

Jin Lin held his chin with one hand, looking thoughtful. After a while, he asked," Wu Qi do you know about the transfer of property under your name?"     

When Li Li heard Jin Lin, his face turned pale and his gaze drifted. Stuttering, he said," I, I, I, I only found out after hearing what you said."     

Jin Lin curled her lips." A huge sum of money suddenly appeared in your account. Did you notice it?" "Do you know that Wu Qi transferred the money to your name, and you're crying out loud for the sake of stealing the money, or is there another reason?"     

Li Li face turned even paler. He opened his mouth and didn't say anything, as if he had agreed to Jin Lin words.     

Jin Lin continued to ask," Wu Qi're not looking for Chen Meifeng to pay alimony, right?"     

Li Li forehead began to sweat, and he couldn't help but wipe it off.     

"You knew about Chen Meifeng and Wu Qi's death, so you did n' t show too much shock over their deaths. Instead, you were indifferent. "This means that you know that the two of them will die, so what role do you play in this case?" Su Baiqing asked.     

Li Li breathing became hurried, and his eyes flickered as if he was enduring something.     

Jin Lin:" If a woman is willing to give birth to a man, she must have feelings. Wu Qi she was killed, I think you must want to find the murderer. "Whether you know it or not, what I need is for you to tell me everything you know without reservation."     

"After all, Wu Qi is your daughter's father. Your daughter wants to know who the murderer is!"     

Li Li felt a little uneasy as he rubbed his hands back and forth.     

Jin Lin didn't continue asking, waiting patiently for her to speak.     

After a moment of silence, Li Li finally spoke.     

She swallowed her saliva and asked in a low voice," Policeman, if I told you, could you let me go?"     

Su Baiqing looked at the Jin Lin and Jin Lin curled his lips." You said you could leave at any time, but you didn't say anything ……"     

He did not continue.     

Li Li licked his dry lips and said slowly," There was an accident at the mine ten years ago. That accident was not an accident, but a man-made one."     

Su Baiqing frowned." Who caused the accident?"     

Li Li lowered his head and replied in a hoarse voice," Yes Wu Qi. Back then, he had spent a lot of money in the mine, but it wasn't his money. It was borrowed from a loan shark. The loan sharks came looking for him. Wu Qi In order to repay the money, they deliberately forged the landslide accident and obtained a large amount of insurance compensation."     

Su Baiqing asked," Is the money transferred to your name?"     

Li Li shook his head." No."     

Su Baiqing continued to ask," Is this money still loan sharks?"     

Before Li Li could reply, Jin Lin laughed and replied," If they paid usury, they wouldn't have been hiding and crying."     

Li Li continued," The reason Chen Meifeng divorced Wu Qi was because she was worried that things would be exposed. However, when she saw that Wu Qi not only didn't have anything to do, she did n' t want to use this to threaten her. If Wu Qi didn't give her a million dollars, she would have exposed what happened back then. This was the only thing I knew. I didn't know anything else. "But I really don't know why the two of them will die. You have to trust me. This matter has nothing to do with me."     

Su Baiqing pursed his lips as he stared at Li Li, his chest feeling a little stifled.     

She couldn't tell what she was feeling right now. In order to repay the loan sharks and cause more than ten people to die, she went to cheat and protect them.     

Chen Meifeng and Li Li were both insiders, but they chose to remain silent.     

Wu Qi they had lived a life of food and clothing, how would those innocent people who had died because of him and their families feel?     

For the sake of this profession, Su Baiqing had heard too many cruel and inhumane stories, but this was the first time had felt the coldness and coldness of human nature.     

Su Baiqing and Jin Lin exchanged glances before leaving the interrogation room.     

The two of them stood in the stairwell and Su Baiqing asked," Do you believe what she said?"     

Jin Lin raised his eyebrows and said calmly," I believe you."     

Su Baiqing was a little suspicious." Do you really believe it?"     

Jin Lin looked at her and said with a deep meaning," You want me to believe you, so I believe you."     

After saying that, he turned around and left. Su Baiqing looked at his back with a complicated mood.     

The files from ten years ago were placed at the top of the cabinet, rummaging through the accidents of the past, and the brief contents were scrawled to close the case.     

She believed that Li Li did not lie. After all, Wu Qi was already dead. No one would harm her interests.     

However, she was curious. Since Li Li knew what Wu Qi had done, why would she marry Wu Qi?     

Jin Lin sat opposite the Su Baiqing and placed the file on the table, his slender fingers on the paper.     

Su Baiqing looked in the direction he pointed at and couldn't help but gasp." Li Wenshan is Li Hao father."     

Jin Lin smiled." Li Wenshan died in that accident."     

Su Baiqing hands under the table clenched tightly and did not speak.     


"Why did you marry Wu Qi?"     

Li Li lowered his head and replied in a muffled voice," For the money."     

"Do you hate him?"     

Li Li stiffened and stared blankly at Jin Lin.     

Jin Lin said slowly," Your father died in an accident Wu Qi painstakingly created. Don't you hate him?"     

When the Li Wenshan was brought up, Li Li tears could not stop. His face was buried in his hands as he sobbed softly," Do you suspect that I killed Wu Qi?"     

Jin Lin ignored Li Li question and continued asking," How long has it been since you Yancheng back? How long has it been since you saw your brother and sister?"     

Li Li suddenly looked up at the Jin Lin, his face full of panic.     

Jin Lin curled her lips and was just about to continue asking, the phone at the table rang. He glanced at the screen, forehead slightly frowned, and then left with his phone in his hand.     

Jin Lin left the interrogation room and Li Li became even more terrified.     

A moment Jin Lin back, before he could sit down, Li Li straightened his back and spoke with trembling lips," Police comrade, I lied."     

Jin Lin frowned." What lies did you tell?"     

Li Li once again licked the dry corners of his lips and said with a heavy voice," Wu Qi was killed by me!"     

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