Soul Archives

Chapter 13 Special Action Team 13

Chapter 13 Special Action Team 13

Jin Lin glanced at the Su Baiqing and asked coldly," Didn't you say you did n' t know?"     

Li Li shook his head." I hate Wu Qi. He killed my father. I want to kill him in my dreams."     

Jin Lin chuckled and pulled the chair over to sit down opposite Li Li. "You said you were the murderer, alright?" he asked in a low voice. "Then tell me, what method did you use to kill him?"     

His sharp eyes stared at Li Li, as if he wanted to see through her.     

Li Li eyes drifted as she swallowed her saliva with difficulty. She said in a low voice," I killed the person, and I killed the person."     

She sat on the chair, only repeating this sentence.     

Jin Lin face darkened.     

The interrogation room door was suddenly pushed open. Lin Liang throat slid up and down as he whispered," Captain Jin, Director Qi's calling."     

The veins on Jin Lin forehead bulged and he stood up to leave.     

"Jin Lin, you'll be back Yancheng soon." Director Qi voice was transmitted over the phone.     

Jin Lin:" Director Qi, the case isn't over yet."     

"Hasn't the deceased's wife already confessed? Since someone has confessed, you'll be back soon. This case ends here. Don't investigate it in the future. "I'm ordering you, not discussing with you." After Director Qi said that, he hung up.     

Jin Lin indifferently handed the phone to Lin Liang.     

Lin Liang sensed something amiss on Jin Lin face and hurriedly asked," Captain Jin, what did Director Qi say?"     

"Accept the team." Jin Lin pursed her lips. There wasn't much emotion on her face as she spoke in a cold voice.     

Lin Liang widened his eyes and stared at Jin Lin in shock." Why?" This case wasn't just ……"     

Jin Lin stared at Lin Liang with warning.     

Lin Liang swallowed back the words that had come to his lips, but he was still muttering in his heart. It had been a while since Jincheng had come here. Now that the situation was clear, why did he have to withdraw at this time?     

On the way back to Yancheng, the small carriage was very quiet. Jin Lin drove with a cold face, the atmosphere was extremely cold.     

Su Baiqing knew Jin Lin was angry because of something, so he didn't have the guts to touch his misfortune.     

Lin Liang received a call from Jincheng Branch.     

"Captain Jin, Li Li've confessed. The verdict will come down in a while." Lin Liang kept his phone in his pocket as he spoke.     

Jin Lin face darkened and the car stopped.     

He held the steering wheel with one hand and stared at Su Baiqing with sharp eyes. He asked coldly," Are you satisfied with the result?"     

Su Baiqing frowned and looked at him as if he was a suspect. He was very displeased." It has nothing to do with me."     

Jin Lin snorted. His tone was full of ridicule," It has nothing to do with you?" "Why did Li Li plead guilty when I came back from the phone?"     

Su Baiqing lowered his eyes and did not speak.     

Li Li she didn't expect to confess all of a sudden, but...     

Jin Lin continued," Do you know how many years it will take to protect a criminal? Do you know how many years it will take to test the law as a public official?"     

The anger in Su Baiqing's heart rose as he glared at him." What evidence do you have to suspect me?" "You tried to probe me several times because you wanted me to confess, but you think you've caught the murderer?"     

Jin Lin:" You should know better than anyone, Li Li if she is the real killer."     

Su Baiqing:"……"     

"A murderer can't even tell us what happened. Do n' t you think this is a joke?" Jin Lin stared at the Su Baiqing and his voice grew deeper and deeper." I've underestimated you to be able to let Director Qi off."     

Lin Liang sized up the Jin Lin and Su Baiqing and felt the sparks in their eyes. He swallowed his saliva with difficulty, trying to calm the atmosphere, but he was afraid of getting caught up in the fire.     

After a long time, Jin Lin restarted the engine.     

Su Baiqing wrapped his coat tightly and turned his head to look out the window. He said nothing on the way.     

The car stopped at the entrance of the district and Su Baiqing went upstairs without looking back.     

Lin Liang looked at Su Baiqing back and sighed.     

Ever since he entered the Yancheng Branch, he and Su Baiqing had fought the most.     

He was clearly a girl, but she wasn't gentle. He was the first to be affected by something, and he was impressed. In his eyes, Su Baiqing had no temper and had never seen her get angry.     

This was the first time Su Baiqing had seen such a big fire.     

"Captain Jin, maybe it's because you' re not familiar with Sister Qing. Sister Qing is very good and won't protect criminals. "Sister Qing has been involved in several major cases Yancheng these past few years. Even Director Qi said that Sister Qing has done a lot of work." Lin Liang hesitated for a moment and said.     

Jin Lin held the steering wheel with one hand, his angular face showing no emotion.     

Lin Liang saw that Jin Lin didn't say anything, so he stopped asking for trouble.     

After he got out of the car, Jin Lin drove back to the station.     

Director Qi walked out of the office and saw Jin Lin standing at the door. He smiled and said," If you're tired, go back to rest first. We' ll talk about anything tomorrow."     

Jin Lin leaned against the wall and said expressionlessly," I want an explanation."     

Director Qi smiled helplessly and nodded." Alright, I haven't eaten yet. Why do n' t we talk while eating?"     

Jin Lin nodded.     

After walking through three streets, he found the authentic Sichuan restaurant that Director Qi mentioned. The store was very small, and it wasn't a meal, but it was full of people.     

When the boss saw Director Qi, he invited him to the private room upstairs. It seemed that Director Qi was a regular customer.     

"This shop looks small, but the taste is the most authentic." Director Qi sat opposite Jin Lin and said with a smile.     

Jin Lin leaned back on the chair and asked in a low voice," I don't understand why we should accept the team."     

There were two murders in succession, one of which was still in the interrogation room. The murderer was too rampant. The news had a huge impact on both the public and the police.     

If the murderer wasn't caught in one day, he would have the possibility of committing another crime at any time.     

It wasn't that he did n' t understand this Director Qi.     

Director Qi held a glass of wine to pour the wine for Jin Lin and said in a low voice," Xiao Jin, you Dazed and confused I can understand, but you should know the pros and cons of some things."     

Jin Lin stared at the orange-yellow liquid in the wine cup. His gaze turned slightly and he played with it in his hand.     

Director Qi continued," To put it bluntly, this case is nothing more than a crime for money. Whether it's Wu Qi or Chen Meifeng, they are responsible for what they' ve done. I think this is the best outcome."     

Jin Lin asked," Then, what about Li Li?"     

Director Qi hands froze.     

"It's true that Li Li did n' t report it, but she's not the murderer. The responsibility for murdering her ca n' t rest on her." Jin Lin lifted his head and drank the wine in one gulp.     

"When I first entered the bureau, the chief arranged for two elders to take me. To me, they were just two old farts. "The first thing that taught me was to shrink back when I encountered a case, and the second thing was that I couldn't catch the murderer and settle the case. This is completely different from the original intention that I chose to enter the police department." His eyes were exceptionally deep and divine under the light, like two bright stars." And I'm clear that I chose to enter this business to be different from them. "He's not an old bastard in the police force who's waiting to retire. He's taking the money from his public office and doing things that are heartless."     

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