Soul Archives

Chapter 23 The Theater Murder 10

Chapter 23 The Theater Murder 10

Jin Lin asked," Are you touched?"     

Su Baiqing sniffed. Weng said," You've got too much alcohol and tobacco on you. You' ve choked on me."     

As she spoke, she rubbed her nose as if she was really choked.     

Jin Lin smiled and took off his coat and hung it outside. He was wearing a suit and a shirt of the same color.     

"Lin Liang said that we need to eat dumplings on New Year's Day. Try how delicious the dumplings are." He took a chair from outside and sat across from Su Baiqing.     

Su Baiqing sat down again and reached out to untie the bag.     

The bag was also covered with snowflakes. The dumplings were placed in the box, and it looked cold.     

She picked up a dumpling and put it in her mouth, her eyes half red." It's delicious."     

Jin Lin looked at her suspiciously and took a bite before frowning.     

"This dumpling is too cold." He was about to take the dumplings away.     

Su Baiqing stopped him in time and whispered," This is the best dumpling I've ever eaten."     

She didn't know when she had forgotten what New Year was like and how the dumplings tasted.     

She hated eating stuff with stuffing the most. For some reason, she liked to eat this cold dumpling.     

Jin Lin didn't say anything.     

Su Baiqing took a small bite of the dumplings and finished a box of them in a short while.     

Jin Lin languidly leaned back on the chair, his pair of deep eyes showing his confusion. It seemed that he had drunk a lot of wine. He had eaten with him a few times, but he never drank too much.     

But today, he drank too much.     

Su Baiqing sized him up. He was dressed formally. He didn't drive. There was a strong smell of alcohol and tobacco, but there was no fragrance.     

Obviously, he was meeting someone important to him, so he didn't restrain himself from drinking.     

An important person might be a family member or a friend.     

His family wouldn't eat out.     

As she was thinking, Jin Lin suddenly looked up at her. A pair of deep eyes were clear and clear, without the slightest intention of getting drunk.     

"Enough analysis?" His lips curled into a smile, and his tone carried a hint of evil.     

Su Baiqing was caught in the middle of it, and his expression was slightly awkward.     

He sat up straight and stared at her with his hands crossed over his chest.     

Su Baiqing was a little flustered when he saw her. He suddenly said," Happy New Year."     

She was stunned and looked at him with complicated eyes.     

There were waves of pain in her chest. The intermittent pain reminded her that it wasn't in a dream. Everything was real.     

"Happy New Year." She stammered.     

Jin Lin stretched and got up. The snow outside was getting heavier and heavier. Not only did he not have the intention to stop, he even had a growing posture.     

"The snow outside is too heavy. You shouldn't leave." Su Baiqing looked out the window and said softly.     

Jin Lin smiled and nodded." Alright."     

Perhaps it was because he had drunk alcohol that he liked to laugh today. He looked cool, but when he smiled, he gave people warmth and warmth.     

The smile on his face lit up the entire world.     

There was only one bed in the lounge, on which was her quilt. Jin Lin took out a blanket from the cupboard and lay on the sofa.     

The small room was filled with the smell of dumplings.     

She got up and tidied up the bag, ready to take it away.     

His wrist felt hot and Jin Lin said in a hoarse voice," I'll do it."     

Su Baiqing looked at him and said," Rest, I ……"     

Jin Lin quickly got up from the sofa and picked her up. His arms were wide and warm, holding her firmly.     

He walked towards the bed with steady steps. She gently put it down and said," You're not cold. Why are you still barefooted?"     

His voice was already deep and hoarse after drinking. With a questioning tone, she seemed to treat her as a naughty and disobedient child.     

Su Baiqing pursed her lips and said nothing.     

Jin Lin seemed to be a little hot. He took off his jacket and threw it on the sofa. Then, he carried the bag on the table and left the lounge.     

His suit was made by hand. Based on his salary, he wouldn't buy a handmade suit in luxury.     

Just as she was thinking, Jin Lin came back and glanced at her with deep eyes. She smiled and asked," Are you analyzing me again?"     

Although it was a question, his words were full of certainty.     

She asked in surprise," You know?"     

Jin Lin leaned back on the chair and tapped his long fingers on his knees.     

Su Baiqing gaze followed the movements of his fingers.     

He suddenly said," You can tap your fingers when you think, indicating that you are not very confident. "But when you analyze the characters, your eyes will move to the upper left."     

She was surprised by Jin Lin observation ability.     

The snow was getting bigger and bigger as the snowflakes were reflected by the street lamps. It was very bright outside.     

Su Baiqing pulled back into the blanket to rest, Jin Lin got up and turned off the lights and lay on the sofa.     

The lounge wasn't big. There was an extra person, but Su Baiqing could n' t sleep anymore.     

"Listen to Lin Liang. You don't have a family in Yancheng." In the darkness, Jin Lin asked.     

She blinked her eyes in the darkness. Her slender hand grabbed the blanket and gave a soft reply.     

"Since you don't have any family Yancheng, why did you come Yancheng?" He continued to ask.     

"I don't have any family, so it's the same everywhere I go." She opened her mouth and said calmly.     

Jin Lin rested his arms on his head and pondered what she said. Then he asked," Where's your friend?"     

Su Baiqing lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his friend's lips. His eyes were exceptionally bright." I only have one friend."     

"Li Hao?" Jin Lin raised his head and asked tentatively.     

"No, Li Hao's not my friend." A friend's concept was to support and help each other, not to use the relationship.     

The closeness she had with Li Hao was the only warmth she wanted to absorb, so she could not be considered a true friend.     

"Who is that?"     

"Qiao Ran." She closed her eyes and said softly.     

Jin Lin narrowed his eyes and could tell that Su Baiqing was in a good mood.     

When she was in a good mood, the sound of her tail would pick up, and the words she spat out from her mouth carried a charming and charming taste.     

The snow outside was still falling. Su Baiqing closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.     

Jin Lin, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly sat up and stared at the Su Baiqing who was sleeping soundly.     

The cell phone in his pocket rang. He forehead slightly and glanced at the person lying on the bed. He clenched his cell phone and quickly walked out of the lounge.     

"Young Master Lin, it's snowing heavily. Do you want me to pick you up at the bureau?" There was an ear-piercing sound of music on the other end of the phone. It seemed that they had already turned their positions.     

Jin Lin glanced at the time. Normally, this time had only just begun, so it would take three or four o'clock to finish.     

He had been with him in the past, but he had drunk too much today. Now, he was dizzy and unwilling to go.     

She said," The road isn't safe. You do n' t need to come over."     

Qin Si smiled mischievously and deliberately said loudly," Young Master Lin, are you worried that I will disturb you in cooking ducks?"     

Jin Lin cursed," Bastard, I'm still on duty tomorrow." "Otherwise, you'll definitely not be able to find the north and south today."     

When he said dirty words, he looked like a hooligan.     

Qin Si didn't tease him and hung up.     

Jin Lin held the phone and thought about what Qin Si said to him at the hotel.     

Wasn't he interested in her?     

Was he interested?     

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