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The Kidnapping of a Girl

The Kidnapping of a Girl

Jiang Saner lied?     

"Jiang Saner said that he was abducted with Liang Da, but he didn't." Jin Lin walked in front and said in a deep voice.     

"Who is that?"     

"Liang Fu."     

Su Baiqing pupils dilated as he asked with a complicated expression," Why is it Liang Fu?"     

"Jiang Saner there's a big TV in his home, he ca n' t afford it. Who bought it for him?" "Rather than saying that Xiao Qian's body was thrown on the train track as a warning, it's better to say that it's to lure Jiang Saner into a trap and push all the suspects onto Jiang Saner body." Jin Lin stopped and turned around to look at her.     

"There are still five children. Guess what Liang Fu're going to do next?"     

Su Baiqing frowned and said," Go to town."     

Aunt Zhang said that Liang Fu grandson was adopted by a family in town. While the police were suspicious of Jiang Saner, they quickly slipped away.     

"Go back first. I'll go to the village entrance to see if there's a road." Jin Lin glanced at the time and said in a deep voice.     

Su Baiqing nodded and returned to the village committee.     

The room was still very cold after the fire started. There were snacks left over from yesterday on the table.     

She sat down in front of the stove. The stove was burning coal. The air was filled with a faint smell of soot. It was a bit pungent.     

Su Baiqing frowned, but his entire body was trembling with cold. He could only endure the pungent smell and roast it.     

Footsteps came from outside. She thought it was Jin Lin and asked," Is the road clear?"     

The person did not say anything. Su Baiqing turned around and looked over.     

Liang Fu was wearing an old fur coat and a dog-skin hat was crookedly fastened to his head. His old face was filled with ruthlessness. Seeing Su Baiqing turn around, he suddenly laughed.     

That smile carried a shade and a hint of ruthlessness.     

Su Baiqing's heart trembled as he forced himself to remain calm. He pretended that nothing had happened and asked," Did you come over for something?"     

Liang Fu approached her step by step. Her smile made her feel goosebumps. His entire body was powerless. He did not even have the strength to move.     

"I know you're starting to suspect me. You all know it's Jiang Saner abducted child. Why didn't you close the case?" Liang Fu took out a long stick from behind him. This stick was used by him to walk the mountain.     

Su Baiqing swallowed his saliva and retreated, trying to calm his emotions." I know you don't intend to hurt me. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"     

Liang Fu chuckled and threw a stick at Su Baiqing head.     

Su Baiqing felt a pain on his head. His brain felt dizzy and his body fell to the ground.     

Liang Fu put Su Baiqing in a sack and dragged him out. There was a climbing plow at the entrance. It was usually used to Liang Fu back to the village to fill bottles and cans. He threw the sack onto the climbing plow and pulled it away usual.     

"Master Liang Da, it's cold and snowing. "Don't pick up these bottles. What if they break?" Lin Liang brought the information back to the village committee and kindly reminded him.     

Liang Fu body stiffened and sighed." Save more money so you can see my grandson."     


The snow on the road had cleared up a little. If the weather didn't continue, they might be able to get through after noon.     

Jin Lin was just thinking when his phone rang.     

"Captain Jin, is Sister Qing with you?" Lin Liang asked.     

"No, I sent her back to the village committee."     

"I searched around but didn't find her. After making a few calls, no one answered."     

Jin Lin thought flashed across his mind and he hurried back.     

The door was left with the marks left by the plow. The room was empty, as if no one had ever come back.     

"Where can Na Qing elder sister go?" Lin Liang anxiously circled around the room.     

Jin Lin stared at the stool beside the stove with a grim expression. Su Baiqing was afraid of the cold, he often sat by the stove to warm himself.     

"Did you see Liang Fu on the way?" He asked in a low voice.     

Lin Liang was puzzled and said," When I came back, I saw him pick up the bottle ……"     

"Where are you going?" Jin Lin face darkened.     

"He's headed to the train lane."     

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Lin shot out like an arrow.     

If it wasn't for the sudden situation, Su Baiqing would n' t have let the stool fall to the side and leave. If he had known earlier, he would have brought her by his side and prevented her from leaving her sight...     

Jin Lin followed the trail of the plow and ran out. There was no longer a train.     

He threw the plow aside and looked over. There were only bottles and jars in the sack.     

Lin Liang came over panting and asked," Captain Jin, do you suspect that Liang Fu kidnapped Sister Qing?"     

Jin Lin stared at him and corrected," It's not suspicion." Yes.     

Some people would go further and further on the path of crime once they tried the pleasure of crime.     

Liang Fu kidnapped a few children in the village and killed them cruelly, but no one found out that he had committed a crime. This was enough to satisfy his perverted mentality. In front of the police, he pretended to be unaware and continued to walk on the edge of the crime. Time and time again, he challenged the bottom line of the police, and this time, he targeted Su Baiqing.     

God knows what that madman would do next.     


Su Baiqing opened his eyes in a daze. What entered his eyes was an empty and rotten house. The doors and windows were on the verge of collapse. It seemed like there had been no one to stay for a long time.     

She was tied to a wooden stake. She did not know how long she had been tied up. Her entire body went numb and her head hurt badly.     

Liang Fu walked in with a staggering pace. Seeing Su Baiqing wake up, he snorted and sat at the table fiddling with his tools.     

A few small pieces of wood flipped over his hand a few times before turning into a cone.     

"Why did you tie me up?" Su Baiqing moved to find a comfortable position.     

Liang Fu put the blade aside and stared at her viciously, warning her.     

There was a bloody look in her eyes, but it only made her feel fear.     

Su Baiqing smiled and said softly," I don't have any other intentions. You' ve already tied me up here." "It's boring to stay here. Why do n' t you talk to me?"     

Liang Fu did not say anything and continued cutting the wood.     

"Where are the five children? Are they all right now?" She asked softly.     

"He's dead." Liang Fu didn't even raise his head and threw out a sentence.     

Su Baiqing continued to ask," Why did you kill them?"     

"Kill them if you don't like them." His tone was indifferent, as if he had just killed a small animal.     

However, his movements paused for a moment.     

"How old is your grandson?"     

When he mentioned his grandson, his eyes were moist.     

Su Baiqing continued to ask," Aunt Zhang heard that your grandson is smart and sensible. The people in the village like him very much. Your grandson has lived with you since childhood. The relationship between the two of you should be ……"     

Liang Fu's face changed drastically and his face turned red." What are you going to say!"     

She smiled and looked indifferent. His clear eyes looked at Liang Fu and said softly," I just want to talk to you."     

"I don't want to talk to you."     

"Why don't you want to talk to me?" Was she afraid that I would know something, or ……"     

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