Soul Archives

Chapter 38 So-called Heart Attack

Chapter 38 So-called Heart Attack

Su Baiqing asked," How do you know?"     

Lin Liang laughed as if he had stolen a meaty cat and said," It's impossible to hide the expression of loving someone."     

She asked," Then do you think Jin Lin he looks at me in love?"     

Lin Liang coughed lightly and said skillfully," Sister Qing, as the saying goes, a man chasing a woman is separated by a mountain. A woman chasing a man is separated by a gauze. Do you want to chase Captain Jin?"     

Su Baiqing frowned. She had no experience in dating, let alone chasing after someone. She honestly said," I can't."     

Lin Liang almost couldn't bring it up in one breath. After some thought, he said," Use what you' re best at to chase. Captain Jin should be very good at chasing."     

With Jin Lin shaking hands that day, Su Baiqing could easily take it down.     

"How do you know he's easy to chase?" Su Baiqing asked.     

Lin Liang eyes turned and hurriedly said," Sister Qing, it's getting late. I' m going to rest."     

After hanging up, Su Baiqing pondered what Lin Liang said.     

With the pursuit that she was best at, she was good at analyzing the psychology of crime. Wouldn't it be possible for her to become a crime scene?     

She was lying on the bed, puzzled.     

The nurse measured her temperature early in the morning. She thought of Lin Liang words and asked tentatively," The friend who sent me fruit yesterday left his coat in the hospital. Can you help me find it?"     

She smiled and nodded." Alright, what color and style are you wearing?"     

Su Baiqing frowned. Lin Liang wore a brown coat all year round, and he came over every day. According to what Lin Liang said, she should remember it clearly.     

"Brown, the design should be similar to Jin Lin's."     

The nurse's eyes lit up as she continued to ask," Is it a short trench coat that does n' t have a hat like Captain Jin?"     

Su Baiqing raised his eyebrows. He had a deep memory of Jin Lin clothes?     

She looked at the nurse with a complicated expression and did not reply.     

The nurse didn't seem to notice Su Baiqing mood as she continued," I think men look better in windbreaker, especially Captain Jin."     

Her cheeks were red and her eyes were bright.     

Su Baiqing leaned against the bed and sized her up.     

When she mentioned Jin Lin, the light in her eyes was the same as Jiang Lin.     

Su Baiqing felt mixed feelings in his heart, and his chest felt uncomfortable. Before he could confess to Jin Lin, he already had a love rival. Who knew how many love rivals would appear after that.     

After the nurse left, Su Baiqing packed up her carry-on luggage and left the hospital in a hurry.     


"Have you gone to see her?" Jin Lin lazily leaned against the chair, his sharp eyes staring at Lin Liang as he asked in a cold voice.     

Lin Liang couldn't help but think of the contents of Su Baiqing conversation with him. He suppressed his laughter and pretended to be puzzled as he asked," Captain Jin, since you' re so worried about Sister Qing, why don't you go see her yourself?"     

Jin Lin crossed his hands on the table and frowned unhappily." Where did you get so much nonsense?"     

Seeing Jin Lin displeasure on his face, Lin Liang coughed and said hurriedly," I'll go to the hospital immediately."     

He thought to himself that Jin Lin was slow to react. Su Baiqing meaning was already so obvious. Even an outsider like him could see it clearly, but Jin Lin still didn't know anything.     

Other than some cases, Su Baiqing rarely appeared in the bureau. Although he had been in Yancheng Branch for a while, he had spoken to Su Baiqing several times. However, Su Baiqing was only related to her. Only when she talked about the case would she have a conversation. The seniors in the bureau were all teasing him. If it wasn't for his chatter, perhaps Su Baiqing would n' t have remembered his name.     

It was said that the assistant who had been following up with Su Baiqing had been transferred to another department because Su Baiqing had ignored him. Old Gao told him that it was because the young man and Su Baiqing had been investigating the case for three months. Su Baiqing didn't even know his surname.     

However, ever since Jin Lin arrived, Su Baiqing was no longer as indifferent and aloof as usual. She would chat with him and occasionally joke around. Only then did he realize that Su Baiqing was also an emotional person, not an ice-cold robot.     

Lin Liang walked out of Jin Lin office and thought about how Su Baiqing wanted to pursue Jin Lin. Only then would he know what Su Baiqing wanted?     

Jin Lin fiddled with his phone, his slender fingers jabbed on the screen.     

"Captain Jin, Sister Qing has been discharged from the hospital."     

The movements of his hands immediately stiffened.     


Su Baiqing was sitting on the sofa reading a book. Her ears were so hot that she couldn't stop sneezing.     

She was wondering if she was going to catch a cold again when the door was slammed.     

"Su Baiqing!" A deep voice sounded through the door.     

She was stunned for a moment before putting on her slippers to open the door.     

Jin Lin stood at the door with messy hair, panting heavily. She was surprised to see Jin Lin and asked," Why are you here?"     

The moment Jin Lin saw Su Baiqing, his heart finally relaxed. He opened his arms and pulled Su Baiqing into his arms. Her head was buried in her neck and she sighed deeply." Fortunately, you' re fine."     

His voice was hoarse, and he still felt a lingering fear.     

Su Baiqing was wrapped in his arms, and his coat still carried a cold aura. She felt dizzy when she smelled his aura.     

Hearing what Jin Lin said, she understood. Jin Lin was afraid that she would be kidnapped again. He was worried about her...     

"I'm fine." After a while, she bit her lip and mumbled.     

Jin Lin forehead frowned and pushed her away. His face darkened as he rebuked," Su Baiqing, why didn't you notify me when you were discharged? Why couldn't the phone be reached? "Do you think you're a child? You have to make others worry about you whenever you do anything!"     

His eyes widened in shock, but Su Baiqing heart warmed when he heard his reprimand.     

She stood on tiptoe, trying to look at his gaze and listened to his scolding seriously.     

He was worried about her!     

"My phone doesn't have any power. I want to inform you, but I' m afraid I'll disturb your work." She pursed her lips and said softly.     

There was a small voice in her heart," She won't give the nurses in the hospital any chance to come into contact with Jin Lin."     

Jin Lin's expression relaxed a little. He glared at her and turned around to leave.     

His arms were hot and his fair hands were holding his wrist.     

He followed his arms and looked over. Su Baiqing looked up at him and said," I bought coffee. Do you want to drink it?"     

The corners of her lips curled as she looked at him with a sweet smile.     

That sweet smile was like a feather that tickled his heart, making it hard for him to touch it.     

Su Baiqing saw that he didn't respond, she secretly bit the corners of her lips and pulled him into the door.     

Jin Lin followed her into the door. There was a blanket on the sofa and books on the table. It seemed that before he came, Su Baiqing was blowing the air conditioner and reading the book comfortably on the sofa. It was clear that he had no intention of calling him.     

Thinking of this, he snorted and sat down on the sofa.     

Su Baiqing went to the kitchen to check out the coffee that had been handed out last year and looked at Jin Lin from time to time.     

He closed the book and Jin Lin saw the contents of the cover, his brows furrowed.     

His slender fingers lifted the book and raised an eyebrow to ask Su Baiqing," You read this book about how lovers get along?"     

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