Soul Archives

Chapter 39 So-called Heart Attack

Chapter 39 So-called Heart Attack

Su Baiqing face turned red and his hand stopped moving.     

On the way back from the hospital, he passed the bookstore and bought a book. She had never been in love before and could not seek advice from others. She could only find some theoretical knowledge from the book to fill in the gap.     

"Yes." She nodded and came out with her coffee.     

Jin Lin examined Su Baiqing expression on his face. His cheeks were rosy and his clear eyes were shining. She looked bashful. Perhaps it was because of this profession, it was very difficult to find an expression that was too obvious on Su Baiqing face.     

When had she fallen in love with the law of lovers? Who was her target?     

When he thought of the Su Baiqing who had fallen in love, his chest felt like a stone was pressing down on him, throwing the book aside. With a light snort, he said," These days, people's hearts are not ancient. They look kind on the outside, but they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing. You see Wu Qi is an example. After divorce, he would kill his wife. There was also a Liu Yang. After breaking up, he immediately retaliated against his ex-girlfriend. This kind of man must not be wanted. "So, when this woman is looking for a boyfriend, she must clean her eyes. She must not be deceived."     

Su Baiqing placed the cup on the table and listened carefully to Jin Lin words. He nodded heavily," I also think that Chen Meifeng and Jiang Lin are not good friends."     

Jin Lin was very satisfied with Su Baiqing attitude and continued," You're a girl who does n' t know much about the world. You don't know how evil people are." "With a boyfriend, I have to show him to check on you."     

He deliberately increased the "boyfriend "'s biting tone and glanced at the Su Baiqing with a deeper meaning.     

Su Baiqing looked at Jin Lin calmly and nodded." Alright."     

She hoped that her boyfriend would be Jin Lin. She didn't need him to check it out, but it was a good thing that he cared about her.     

Jin Lin brows twitched as he stared at her with sharp eyes, waiting for her next words. However, Su Baiqing just sat in a corner of the sofa and stared at him with clear eyes, like an obedient child.     

His heart was filled with anger. He took a sip of coffee and found it hard to swallow.     

"Is this your new coffee?" His slender fingers pinched the cup and asked with a smile that was not a smile.     

Su Baiqing nodded.     

Jin Lin suddenly smiled and put the cup aside. He said indifferently," You're just in time for your injury. Stop drinking coffee. It it wo n' t heal well."     

It was rare for her to listen obediently to Jin Lin concern. Her heart was filled with joy.     

Jin Lin quickly left. She washed the glass and placed it in the window. It was an object that carried Jin Lin aura. Just looking at it made her feel happy.     

Compared to Su Baiqing happy mood, Jin Lin was cloudy.     

He went out of the residence and asked Lin Liang to drink.     

Lin Liang could tell Jin Lin there was something wrong with his tone and hurriedly responded.     

The two of them sat in the restaurant and didn't say anything. Jin Lin had already drunk two bottles of beer. His deep eyes were still clear, but his lips were tightly pursed, revealing the displeasure in his heart.     

Lin Liang knew what amount of wine Jin Lin was, so she naturally did not dare to drink with him. However, Jin Lin was worried that he would drink too much if he continued drinking, so he could only ask," Captain Jin, are you in a bad mood today?"     

Jin Lin pulled the corner of his lips and looked at him with his pitch-black eyes. He asked in a hoarse voice," How much do you know about Su Baiqing?"     

Lin Liang looked confused and asked curiously," You're in a bad mood because of Sister Qing's matter. What is it about?"     

His slender fingers tapped on the table and said slowly," Men and women."     

Lin Liang stared at him in shock." You know?"     

Jin Lin frowned and his expression became increasingly displeased." What do you know?"     

Lin Liang wanted to say something but stopped. He sized up Jin Lin reaction and stammered," Didn't you know what Sister Qing likes ……"     

Jin Lin glared at him and asked sternly," Do you know who she likes?"     

Lin Liang face turned pale. He hurriedly shook his head and explained in a panic," I don't know anything. If you had n' t mentioned it, I wouldn't have known anything."     

After all Su Baiqing he had been tortured during his vacation. Now that Jin Lin had used alcohol to relieve his worries because of Su Baiqing, he was filled with indescribable joy. The entire Yancheng Branch was waiting for Jin Lin to suffer some setbacks in their relationship. After all, in terms of career, Jin Lin was simply too smooth.     

It was rare to see Jin Lin frustrated, so why would he take the initiative to tell her?     

Jin Lin examined Lin Liang's reaction and his eyes darkened. It seemed that he was the one who didn't know.     

He sneered and poured wine for Lin Liang." You and Su Baiqing are getting along well?"     

Lin Liang smiled and said smugly," Sister Qing usually doesn't talk to strangers, but she's quite compatible with me. Plus, I've talked a lot, so I' ve become quite familiar ……"     

He still wanted to say something, but seeing Jin Lin face getting darker and darker, he suddenly felt like he had said something wrong. He cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment and hurriedly explained," Captain Jin, actually ……"     

Before he could finish, Jin Lin interrupted him.     

"I've been here for a while Yancheng have n' t had a drink with you." Jin Lin narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.     

Lin Liang didn't feel afraid when he looked at Jin Lin face. Now that Jin Lin was looking at him with a smile on his face, his scalp went numb and he shivered.     

One night, Lin Liang was dragged out of the restaurant by Jin Lin.     

In a daze Lin Liang she thought that she couldn't drink with Jin Lin for the rest of her life.     


Su Baiqing glanced at the office and did not see Lin Liang. He asked curiously," What's the situation Lin Liang?"     

Normally, Lin Liang was the first to arrive. It was almost nine o'clock before he arrived.     

Jin Lin raised his head from the document and stared at the Su Baiqing with a pair of eagle-eyed eyes. His thin lips parted slightly," I drank too much last night."     

Su Baiqing was surprised and didn't ask.     

It was only at noon that Lin Liang came over. Her eyes were dark as if she had not slept all night.     

"Captain Jin said you drank too much last night." She said.     

Lin Liang looked at Su Baiqing with a resentful expression and complained," It's all your men who drink my wine."     

The three words "you man" came out of Lin Liang's mouth, Su Baiqing felt relaxed for no reason. The corner of his lips curled up and he said in a deep voice," You haven't been involved in the world. He guided you through experience and did well."     

Her earnest praise attracted Lin Liang even more resentful eyes.     

Lin Liang slumped on the swivel chair and sighed as she said," Sister Qing, do women like guys like Captain Jin?"     

Su Baiqing held his chin in one hand and pondered his words. She didn't know what the other women were thinking, but she liked it.     

"How are you with that nurse?" She examined the expression on Lin Liang face and asked.     

He lay on the table and sighed even more heavily." Luo Hua has a meaning and is heartless. She has a good impression of Captain Jin!" "All the young girls in this world are attracted to a mature and attractive man like Jin Lin. I'm destined to live alone."     

Su Baiqing frowned and tried to comfort him," After getting along with him for a long time, we will know that Captain Jin's personality is cold and cold ……"     

Lin Liang expression changed drastically.     

She thought that Lin Liang didn't believe her words and continued," Miss likes warm men, just like you."     

Lin Liang looked as if he had been struck by lightning and said in a hoarse voice," Captain Jin."     

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