Soul Archives



Su Baiqing stiffened his neck and turned his head, Jin Lin his hands crossed over his chest as he lazily leaned against the table. A pair of eagle eyes stared at her with interest, waiting for her next words.     

Su Baiqing swallowed and said," Captain Jin."     

Jin Lin smiled. There was no change in expression on his face. He raised his eyebrows and asked," Are you interrupting your chat?"     

Lin Liang's face turned pale as she hastily denied," No."     

He stood up and continued to ask," Women like him?"     

Su Baiqing pursed her lips in silence.     

Jin Lin put one hand in his pocket and looked at the Lin Liang. He turned his head and walked away," It's said that people of the same intelligence will attract, so why do n' t they start to attract people with water?" "Get together and study how to control the water in your head?"     

Lin Liang looked at Jin Lin back and asked tearlessly," Sister Qing, is Captain Jin angry?"     

Su Baiqing frowned." Why is he angry?" "Did I say bad things about him?"     

Lin Liang lips twitched. Jin Lin was right. People with the same IQ would be attracted to each other. When two people with zero EQ gathered together, it made people anxious.     

Su Baiqing couldn't tell that Jin Lin was jealous? Even if she couldn't tell that the room was filled with vinegar, she should have smelled it.     


In the blink of an eye, February was approaching the New Year. The streets were filled with red. New Year's festivities and smells could be seen everywhere.     

Jin Lin had specially arranged for the people in the bureau to be on duty in order to allow them to live a rest year. Lin Liang was overjoyed. He bought his ticket and prepared to go home.     

"Sister Qing, where are you going for the new year?" Lin Liang tidied up his belongings and asked.     

The movements of Su Baiqing hands were slightly stiff and did not reply.     

The colleagues took their annual leave and went home. The married couple hesitated to go back to their mother-in-law's home or their home. When they thought about going home without getting married, they couldn't help but be urged to get married. However, when they mentioned going home, they all laughed.     

Only she didn't know where her hometown was.     

On the 29th day of the lunar calendar, Su Baiqing started purchasing food to prepare for the New Year. He received a call from Jin Lin in the supermarket.     

Jin Lin rarely called her except for her work. She thought that she had a mission to attend.     

"Come and help me move."     

Su Baiqing was surprised. The day before the new year?     

However, before she could be surprised, the phone was hung up and he sent an address.     

She gritted her teeth and rushed to Jin Lin address. It was an apartment building in Jiangbei. The environment was beautiful and quiet. But not to mention the high price, the transportation was not convenient.     

Jin Lin lived on the first floor. There were two gardens in front and behind. It was very depressed when they went down the courtyard.     

By the time Su Baiqing passed, his belongings had already been moved.     

She entered the room and took a look at the decoration. The black and white design made the room very large. The facilities were complete. Compared to her house, it was more luxurious.     

"What can I do for you?" She placed the shopping bag at the door and asked.     

Jin Lin was wearing a grey sweater. She rolled her sleeves to her elbow and looked at her petite body. He looked at the bag at the door and said," Help me cook."     

Su Baiqing followed Jin Lin gaze and hesitated before nodding." Alright."     

They had almost moved their belongings and sat in the car. Su Baiqing remembered and asked," Where are you going?"     

Jin Lin took time to look at her. She curled her lips and said meaningfully," You will know."     

The corner of his lips curled into a mysterious smile, Su Baiqing he was looking forward to it.     

The car stopped steadily at the entrance of her district. She asked," Are you moving to this district?"     

Jin Lin stalled and got off the car.     

The price of this district was very cheap, and it was far from Jiangbei's apartment building.     

Jin Lin moved his luggage and said," I have to save my wife's money. I do n' t have any money."     

His reason was straightforward. If Lin Liang said it, she would feel greasy. Perhaps it was only Jin Lin saying this that would make her feel excited.     

Jin Lin lived at her opposite door. The landlord had seen Su Baiqing boy who had just graduated. It was the wedding room that had been renovated last year. However, for some reason, he hadn't come in and stayed after the renovation.     

There were two rooms and one hall. There was a bright red blanket. The room was filled with joy.     

Compared to the black-and-white design Jin Lin lived in, the color of the room was obviously much brighter, mostly in red and pink tones.     

After being busy for a while, Jin Lin forehead was dripping with sweat as he lazily leaned against the sofa to rest.     

He ordered Su Baiqing to prepare the meal.     

Su Baiqing wasn't a good cook. He had eaten the most noodles and takeout at home, so he forced himself to go to the kitchen.     

"Captain Jin, aren't you going home for the new year?" She was curious as to why Jin Lin had to move on this day instead of going home to reunite with her family.     

Jin Lin took a deep look at her and said," I won't return. I wo n' t be urged to marry."     

Su Baiqing's hands paused. Jin Lin was indeed quite old. He was already thirty years old.     

"You look clumsy. When can you have dinner?" Jin Lin frowned. He snatched the vegetables from her hands and quickly cleaned them.     

Su Baiqing was despised and obediently stood to the side and looked at him.     

Jin Lin case handling had always been swift and decisive. He seemed to be an all-powerful person who knew everything. He didn't expect that he could even cook such complicated things.     

His tall body stood beside the kitchen table, cutting the dishes neatly. The pot was hot. One hand was holding the spatula, the other was holding the potware. The vegetables were stir-fried in the pot.     

His movements were as smooth as flowing water, making Su Baiqing feel ashamed.     

The two plates of stir-fried food were quickly prepared. The two of them sat around the dining table.     

Su Baiqing picked up a piece of vegetables and his expression changed. It looked good, but the taste wasn't very good. He tried to swallow it, but he could n' t get off the chopsticks.     

Jin Lin coughed lightly and explained," It's been too long since I' ve cooked."     

After hearing what Su Baiqing said that women liked warm men, he deliberately searched the information. The definition of a warm man was nothing more than an omnipotent nanny. Apart from learning to take care of everything, he also knew how to cook well.     

He didn't cook very often. He deliberately searched for videos on the Internet. He had almost learned theoretical knowledge, but he lacked practical experience.     

The two of them stared blankly at the two dishes and finally ordered the takeout.     

After eating Su Baiqing she felt sleepy and drowsy on the sofa.     

This was a problem that he had developed from his vacation earlier. He wanted to sleep after eating.     

Jin Lin cleaned up the kitchen and came out. His skinny body curled up on the sofa. Her long hair fell on the floor, covering her fair face.     

Her shallow breathing sounded as if she was sleeping soundly.     

Jin Lin stopped and looked at her from afar, afraid that she would disturb the peace.     

Four words suddenly appeared in his mind. Time was quiet.     

For a quarter of an hour, he hoped that time would stop at this moment and continue like this...     

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