Soul Archives



Jin Lin focused on driving, his handsome face darkened.     

He couldn't help but recall the call he had made in the morning.     

"Captain Jin, Sister Qing is injured. How about I arrange the files for you?" Su Baiqing couldn't get through to the phone. Helplessly, he asked Lin Liang to relay it.     

However, he did not expect to hear this news.     

Su Baiqing was injured? When did things happen? They were fine before the holidays, but they got hurt after the Spring Festival.     

Would this woman take good care of herself?     

After learning that Su Baiqing was injured, he hurried back to Yancheng before his holiday ended.     

Before he left, his mother still had a bitter expression on her face and begged him to stay at home for a while longer. But when he thought of Su Baiqing petite figure and her injuries, he wished he could stand in front of her immediately.     

At this moment, he finally understood what it meant to be like an arrow.     


Su Baiqing sat on the sofa watching TV to pass off the boring time. The gauze that had just been removed a while ago was wrapped around again. When she was Qixin Village, her arm was injured. That night, Zhongshan Road wound was torn.     

Originally, he thought that nothing had happened. The next day, the wound began to bleed.     

It was Xiao Yang who accompanied her to the hospital to treat her wounds. The phone rang continuously when she left the hospital. The entire bureau knew about her injuries.     

She didn't want to be disturbed, so she turned off her phone to rest.     

The afternoon sun was very warm and she felt sleepy on the sofa.     

"Bang bang bang!" The door was heavily knocked, disturbing her sleepiness.     

Su Baiqing got up from the sofa and opened the door in a daze.     

The door opened and a pair of large hands wrapped around her waist, forcing her to hit her hard chest.     

Hearing the familiar aura, she relaxed and allowed the person to move.     

"Why are you injured?" His hoarse voice sounded from above his head, and his tone was full of questions.     

Su Baiqing frowned but said honestly," The doctor said that the wound didn't heal ……"     

"I don't want to hear your excuses." Jin Lin coldly interrupted her and let go of her. Eagle Eye stared at her and asked calmly," Why didn't you take care of yourself?"     

His question seemed to be complaining that she had done something wrong, and it also seemed that she had not taken good care of his precious treasure.     

But it was clearly her who was injured.     

Su Baiqing gently bit the corners of his lips and said in a low voice," I didn't have time to think."     

After that, she also reflected on herself. At that time, she didn't want Pei Qize two to go Zhongshan Road. She wouldn't be injured even if she had to inform the branch or if she had to deal with it.     

However, she didn't have time to think about the situation.     

Jin Lin let out a soft snort and his gaze at Su Baiqing grew cold.     

He released her and turned around to leave.     

The Su Baiqing's arms suddenly became empty. At that moment, even his heart seemed to be empty.     

She swallowed her saliva and said," I've done everything you want me to do."     

Jin Lin stopped and did not turn around.     

She looked at Jin Lin back with hope and her heart beat faster. She still remembered clearly that on the night of the Spring Festival, before Jin Lin left, she had to speak to her when he returned.     

"You will be fined half a month. Do you have any objections?" Her cold words surprised her.     

Su Baiqing frowned and asked," Why?"     

"Without my permission, I will be punished for being injured if I act without permission." Jin Lin put one hand in his pocket and said as he walked?     

As he walked through the corridor, Su Baiqing stared at Jin Lin back and bit his lips lightly.     

She looked forward to it for a long time, but in the end, that was what she was waiting for.     

After the annual leave, the bureau returned to its usual excitement.     

The colleagues all handed out the local produce they had brought back from their hometown. They gave Su Baiqing the most weight. They said that she had suffered the most injuries every year and wanted her to make up for it.     

Su Baiqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she accepted it with a smile.     

However, Jin Lin's attitude towards her had become ice-cold again. He did n' t even want to look at her.     

After Jin Lin returned from his hometown, he would occasionally stare at his phone in the office. He didn't know what he was looking at.     

Jin Lin rarely stared at her phone for a long time. She felt uneasy.     

He was also a member of the wedding party. Could it be that he already had someone he liked?     

"Sister Qing, your package." Lin Liang walked in with the carton in his hand and placed it on Su Baiqing table. He asked curiously," Who sent it to you?"     

Su Baiqing stared at the carton with a puzzled expression. She did not have any friends, so who would give her a gift?     

"I don't know." Su Baiqing glanced at it and then looked down at the information.     

Lin Liang saw Su Baiqing calm expression on his face, and he opened the carton happily.     

There were roses neatly placed in the exquisite box. Lin Liang counted, there were twenty-four.     

In the cold weather, the roses were blooming beautifully in the carton. The flower was as red as blood. This red color was so beautiful that it could not be found.     

"Qingqing, roses represent my feelings for you. I hope you can accept it. It's QZ." Lin Liang read the contents of the card and asked in confusion," Sister Qing, who is this QZ?"     

Su Baiqing shook his head.     

Lin Liang asked with a wicked smile," Sister Qing, the person who gave you flowers isn't the one who has adored you for a long time, right? "Why didn't I know that you still have such a romantic admirer?"     

"You two are free?" His hoarse voice sounded.     

Lin Liang immediately stood up and threw the card on the table.     

Su Baiqing looked up at him indifferently. Jin Lin glanced at her expressionlessly and stared at the pink card on the table. The words on it were majestic and powerful.     

The black font stung his eyes as he left with a cold laugh in his heart.     

The people who expressed their feelings with roses were really grandiose.     

In the afternoon, everyone in the bureau knew that a stranger with the name of QZ had given Su Baiqing a box of roses. As they discussed who this QZ was, they thought that Jin Lin's love was too much.     

However, to be able to see Jin Lin suffer a setback in his lifetime was an indescribable joy.     

As Jin Lin returned to the office, he stared at the woman who was focused on reading the information and pursed his thin lips. His slender fingers tapped on the table. During his absence, which man had Su Baiqing run off to hang out with?     

Time passed by minute by second and it was finally time to get off work.     

They walked out of the office together.     

Jin Lin drove the cars prepared by the bureau every day. Plus, he moved to the same district as her, so he would work together.     

As soon as she walked out of the office, Xiao Yang rushed over with a bunch of flowers in his hands. She glanced at the Jin Lin and whispered," Sister Qing, this is for you."     

"Who sent it?" She had no intention of accepting it.     

Xiao Yang held the flower in his hand and thought for a moment before saying," It was sent by the staff of the flower shop, but he didn't say who sent it. He just asked me to give it to you."     

His deep eyes glanced at the bright flowers and said in a cool tone," What do you think Yancheng Branch is? A flower shop?"     

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