Soul Archives

Chapter 66 Sangeng Hotel 14

Chapter 66 Sangeng Hotel 14

Su Baiqing paused and looked at Shen An.     

In just a few days, there were three murders in a row. The murderer was among the four of them. If they could not find the murderer one day, the murderer would continue to commit the crime until only the last person survived.     

Jin Lin said Qi Zhen the night he died, she was the one who really wanted to kill.     

If the killer had been targeting her from the beginning, and now that she had become the target of everyone's criticism, who was the next person to target?     

She was about to say something when Shen An left.     

When Su Baiqing returned to the room, the incense on the bedside table was still burning, and smoke rose. Just like the smoke in her heart, she could not see the end.     

"Knock!" Knock! "Knock!"     

She turned to look at the door.     

Jin Lin leaned against the door frame, his long legs folded together. A pair of pitch-black eyes looked at her and did not say anything for a long time.     

However, she only looked at those dark, deep eyes, and her entire body was warmed up.     

"Little White, before we get on the boat, I'm going to let you stay in your room for now." After a moment of silence, Jin Lin spoke slowly.     

She nodded." Alright."     

After that, there was a deathly silence, and the silence in the room was terrifying.     

She swallowed her saliva and said with some difficulty," Jin Lin, I ……"     

Jin Lin eyes flickered as he strode in her direction. She couldn' t help but pull her skinny body into her arms and let out a soft sigh.     

"I know. I also believe that you won't do anything out of character." His deep voice slowly sounded, and his voice was filled with heartache.     

Su Baiqing eyes suddenly turned red as he buried his head in his chest. The anxious, tense nerves that had been in Jin Lin's arms for many days, as well as the grievance at this moment, were instantly released.     

"Give me time. I'll tell you the truth." He hugged Su Baiqing petite body tightly and spoke word by word.     

Jin Lin words sounded like a heavy hammer hitting her heart.     

His coat was stained with traces of blood. His large, wide hand rubbed her long hair as a sign of comfort before leaving her room.     

"Click!" The sound of a lock coming from outside the door shook Su Baiqing heart. He slowly closed his eyes and opened them.     

Her hands were covered in blood and washed over and over again. The bright red color still could not be washed clean.     

That bright red tingled her eyes. Her chest felt like it was blocking a large rock, pressing her until she could barely breathe.     

What had happened during the period that she did not remember?     


"Mr. Jin, if there's still no boat tomorrow..." Li Tianzhi hesitated for a moment before continuing," What should we do then?"     

Jin Lin slowly raised her head and stared at him with dark eyes. She said in a deep voice," She's already locked up in her room. If someone dies tonight, who do you think the murderer is?"     

His tone was cool and his words carried a cold and sarcastic tone.     

Li Tianzhi felt his scalp go numb as he looked at Jin Lin with fear.     

Shen An throat slid up and down as he looked at Jin Lin.     

It turned out that he had asked for Su Baiqing to be locked up not because he believed that she was the murderer, but because he was protecting her and protecting her from harm!     

"It's getting late. Go back and rest." Shen An stood up from the sofa and said.     

Jin Lin curled her lips and said indifferently," The murderer is among the four of us. "We'll board the ship tomorrow. On the last night, do you think the murderer will choose to attack again?"     

Shen An stared at Jin Lin and his body stiffened. Then, he sat back down and did not speak.     

The lobby was silent. Only the air conditioner made a slight sound.     

The three of them sat in a corner of the sofa, thinking about it.     

The clock spun minute by minute, and the night gradually deepened.     

Li Tianzhi sleepiness came and leaned against the armrest of the sofa. His head hung down and he woke up. He rubbed his eyes and immediately became angry.     

"It's already a little. What are you waiting for? Hurry back to your room and go to bed."     

Shen An quietly flipped through the pages. There was no fluctuation on his face, nor did he agree or refute.     

Jin Lin long legs rested on the coffee table, his eyes clear, without the slightest hint of sleep. His deep eyes swept over Li Tianzhi and said in a cold voice," You are in a hurry to return to your room and die..." "Are you ready to attack?"     

A nameless flame rose in Li Tianzhi's heart. Not to mention fear and fear, he could n' t eat well or sleep well. Now that he still had to watch the night in the lobby, he was instantly irritated.     

"Jin Lin, I don't care what you think. Right now, I' m going back to my room to sleep. "If the murderer wants to kill, no matter where I am, even if I don't sleep all night in the lobby, I can still kill me."     

After speaking Li Tianzhi he left the lobby without looking back.     

Shen An stopped moving and raised his eyes to look at Jin Lin." Mr. Jin, you may be overthinking it. Everyone is tired and should go back to rest early."     

Jin Lin didn't say anything and stared at him with sharp eyes.     

Shen An smiled, placed the book under his arm and stood up to leave.     

The shoes made a slight sound when they stepped on the stairs. It was especially clear and clear at night, with echoes.     

When the footsteps could not be heard, Jin Lin withdrew his gaze and a haze flashed forehead his eyes as he clenched his fists.     

He stood up and walked towards the window. If nothing unexpected happened, the boatman would be here tomorrow afternoon.     

The night deepened, and scattered starlight shone in the sky.     

The water was very calm, bringing peace and tranquility to people.     

However, tonight was definitely not peaceful.     


The sun slowly rose from the east. The golden light reflected on the river. The water was sparkling and beautiful. Such a scene could not be seen in Yancheng.     

The sunlight slanted into the window, and the room was warm.     

"Click!" A crisp sound rang out as Li Tianzhi hurriedly put on his clothes and went downstairs.     

The door of the hotel had been opened at some point. It was open at this moment and the sunlight shone brightly.     

Shen An followed him down the stairs and walked around the first floor. His expression immediately turned ugly.     

"What about Jin Lin?" He asked the Li Tianzhi standing at the door.     

Li Tianzhi scratched his messy hair, put on his glasses, and replied casually," I don't live in a room with him. How do I know where he is?"     

After some thought, he said," Isn't he in the room?"     

Shen An eyes flickered as he went to the front desk drawer and took a bunch of keys before going upstairs.     

Li Tianzhi stood at the door, mumbling to herself who had opened the door and wondering when the ship would come.     


Su Baiqing she didn't sleep well this night, the incense burning on the bed made her upset.     

The moment they closed their eyes Qi Zhen Wei Tianrui's bloody appearance wandered around in front of her. She had been in this business for several years and had seen too many deaths.     

It was much worse than their deaths, but for some reason, she was flustered.     

The sound of keys turning came from the door. She got up from the bed and looked at the door.     

The door was opened, not Jin Lin, but Shen An.     

"Miss Su, Mr. Jin's gone!"     

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