Soul Archives

Chapter 90 Ending

Chapter 90 Ending

Shen An phone contained a video of him brutally mutilating the dead.     

Lin Liang endured the discomfort and watched all the videos. His chest was filled with anger," Is this f**king human? He's a beast!"     

Due to the explosion in the construction area, only Shen An body fragments were found.     

It was also very difficult for the police to search for evidence. Fortunately, two months had passed and no similar cases had occurred. It was confirmed that Shen An was the real culprit behind the scenes.     

Jincheng calmed down again.     

Lin Liang organized the information and handed it to Jin Lin." Captain Jin, all the information is here."     

Jin Lin nodded and took out another file from the cabinet. The bag was yellowing. It looked like it had been a long time.     

He glanced at it and threw it on the table." I'll give it to Director Qi."     

Lin Liang nodded.     

Jin Lin stood up and left.     

"Captain Jin, where are you going?" Lin Liang asked curiously.     

Jin Lin stopped in his tracks and his deep eyes flashed with a complicated expression. He said slowly," The case is over. I have to do what I should do."     

Lin Liang was stunned for a moment and did not continue asking.     

After two months, there was still no news Su Baiqing. Su Baiqing blood was detected at the scene. Some people said that Su Baiqing had already died before they rushed over.     

Since the discovery of Shen An corpse, the Jin Lin was normal and calm as usual. However, it was only gloomy. He seemed to have lost his soul.     

When he saw Jin Lin like this, his heart ached.     

Lin Liang brushed away the dust on the file. The black font had faded and the words on it could be vaguely seen.     

The soul file.     


The Su Baiqing's home was still the same as it was when it left. It had not been occupied for a long time, and the doors and windows were tightly shut. The room smelled of moisture.     

Jin Lin pushed open the bedroom door and the air seemed to be filled with Su Baiqing breath.     

He took a deep breath and laid on the soft bed. He closed his eyes in a Su Baiqing manner. Every frown and smile touched the softest chord in his heart.     

The phone rang and it was Qin Si call.     

"Where are you?" A voice of concern sounded.     

"What is it?" He closed his eyes and asked hoarsely.     

"I heard about Sister-in-law... The brothers in the courtyard were all helping with the search. Perhaps they would find it in a while. Don't be too..." The words of comfort could n' t continue.     

Some things had already been confirmed. Perhaps Su Baiqing really died.     

When he thought about Jin Lin enthusiasm for Su Baiqing, he couldn't imagine what kind of blow would be to Jin Lin.     

"No need." He interrupted coldly.     

"They're all brothers. This is ……"     

"I don't need to look for her." Jin Lin opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. His voice was cold.     

Qin Si was stunned for a moment. He thought that Jin Lin had already let go and was just about to say something to persuade her.     

"Little White knows the way home. One day, she will follow the direction of home."     

He believed in Su Baiqing and every word she said.     

Trust was mutual. He believed that one day Su Baiqing would appear in front of him. He didn't dare to leave. He did n' t dare to search. He was afraid that one day he would leave, but Su Baiqing didn't see him when he returned.     

He was even more afraid that Su Baiqing would be disappointed if he did not see him.     

Therefore, he was willing to endure the endless loneliness of waiting alone.     

A person was afraid of loneliness after a long time. He was the most afraid of loneliness.     

But when he thought that one day Su Baiqing would suddenly appear in front of him, the short loneliness seemed to become less important to him.     

Qin Si was silent and hung up for a long time.     


Yancheng the last snowfall, it was about to rain.     

Jin Lin sat by the window, drinking beer while watching the rain beating against the window.     

She thought of her again without warning.     

To him, missing someone was a mixture of pain and sweetness. Two conflicting thoughts almost forced him to collapse.     

But he couldn't help but think of her.     

When it snowed, she would think of her and embrace her in the snow during the Spring Festival. His red little face was still lingering in his heart, unable to disperse.     

Su Baiqing was someone who was extremely afraid of the cold. What would she do on a snowy day?     

Was he wrapping his coat tightly around his bed and not going out?     

She would think of her in the morning, and she would think of her in the evening. She would think of her when she saw something interesting.     

He desperately wanted to share what he had with Su Baiqing, and he wanted to share everything in his life with Su Baiqing.     

Who could feel the joy in his heart?     

However, the more he missed, the more he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night.     

This longing day after day, year after year.     

He never stopped missing Su Baiqing.     


Jin Lin was wearing a dark overcoat and her hair was neat and clean.     

That coat was the one he had worn when he first saw Su Baiqing.     

The weather in July was very hot, and around people looked at him with strange gazes.     

Jin Lin stood at the door of the department store and stared into the distance. He might be waiting for someone, or he might just be in a daze.     

He did not move for a long time.     

After a long time, everyone in the vicinity knew that he would wear that dress every day. He would stand at the door every day.     

He was happy to come and return.     

The passersby would talk to him and knew that he was waiting for a lover who was still on his way home.     

In the blink of an eye, it was October, and he was still dressed in July. His eagle-eyed eyes had experienced the vicissitudes of life.     


"Jin Lin, if one day I disappear, don't look for me. Wait for me to come back."     

"What if you don't come back?"     

"No, you're my life. Why would I not even want my life?"     

Jin Lin looked into the distance and tightened his fingers.     

Little White, you said you wanted me to wait for you. You said I was your life.     

But, when did you come back to find your life?     


A figure slowly walked over from the distance, her petite body resembling that person.     

His heart trembled as he stepped forward. Standing for a long time, his legs were numb and even his arms were trembling slightly.     

With great difficulty, the man walked forward with his walking stick in both hands. His movements were clumsy and slow     

Liu Hai was very long, covering most of her cheeks. However, he could still see the white skin.     

His throat was sliding up and down, and his deep eyes were moist. He said in a low voice," Madam, did you lose something?"     

"No." The man lowered his head and walked forward.     

Her wide and powerful hand grabbed onto her slender wrist and said in a hoarse voice," Your life!"     

That person slowly raised his head, his clear eyes looking at him through the thick and long Liu Hai.     

Her lips wiggled as she uttered two syllables," Jin Lin ……"     

His deep eyes became moist and his thin lips curled up slightly. He tried his best to suppress the feeling that was about to burst out. He said in a low voice," I waited for you in place for too long. Fortunately, you didn't get lost. I waited until you returned."     

The waiting time was too long. He was even afraid that he would Su Baiqing forget his voice and smile.     

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