Male God is above, I am below

003 Did you guys spit pearls

003 Did you guys spit pearls

In the toilet, Luo Duoduo was sitting on the toilet seat. His unhurried appearance made him Sun Ting furious.     

"Puff ……"     

"Ah, it's great."     

With a fart of indulgence, Luo Duoduo directly said these two words to prove that she was really comfortable.     

Actually, she didn't want to do this either. She could n' t hold it in and just farted out.     

It couldn't be denied that she did it on purpose. She wanted to disgust this woman.     

Truly, she was pretending to be gentle in front of her big brother, but behind her back, she had such a face. Tsk tsk, I really don't know why her male god would take a fancy to such a woman. He really turned his eyes into dregs.     

Hearing this, Sun Ting immediately covered his nose and mouth.     

This loathsome girl was really disgusting. She could actually act like this. However, at the moment of the assessment, she was secretly glad. In any case, if Ye Yanlin were to come, how awkward would she be for this?     

"Put away your thoughts. You and Yan Lin are not suitable." Looking at the face that looked even better than himself, Sun Ting coldly said.     

She could only say harsh words where Ye Yanlin could not hear them. From the very beginning, when she saw this little girl, she felt that her mind was not right. She had fallen in love with someone who could only be her brother. How ridiculous.     

Besides, Ye Yanlin was her Sun Ting boyfriend, so how could he let her covet him?     

"Oh, Big Sis, please make it clear. What do you mean that it's not suitable for me and Brother Banquet?" What? Could it be that you and he are suitable? It was clear that Brother Yan and I were childhood sweethearts. They had seen everything they should see. You said we weren't suitable. "Then tell me, how much did you look at Brother Yan's body?" He kicked his legs and Luo Duoduo said proudly. Everything she said was true. When they were young and old, they had all looked at each other. With all this, what else was there between them? This woman was really stupid.     

As for Luo Duoduo words, Sun Ting was really angry and didn't know what else to say.     

Indeed, after having been with Ye Yanlin for so many years, they had always treated each other with respect. They did not understand each other any further.     

It wasn't that she did n' t ask for it, but Ye Yanlin answer was to leave the best moment on the wedding night. She had already said this, so what else could she do? She could only endure it. She couldn't help but kiss him.     

Most of the time, she even wondered if this man was incompetent or not interested in her. However, the answer he received would always be "you're thinking too much ".     

She was willing to trust this man because she knew that he was truly good to her.     

From a glance of affection, she placed all her youth on this man. There was a feeling of love and a feeling of love between them, but that was before they returned here.     

In an unfamiliar city, they had recognized each other at first glance. Perhaps it was your fate, but she didn't expect them to be fellow villagers. This made her Sun Ting even more convinced that this man was her other half.     

At first, she was just looking for a job. His parents, who lived in the countryside, didn't give her money. Instead, they even asked her for money. Fortunately, the school was far away. Otherwise, they wouldn't have come to school. In high school, she was really scared.     

"Then, let me just tell you this. I like to entertain my elder brother. That's something I' ve liked since I was young. No matter how much you like him, how much do you like him? Even if you're the girlfriend of Brother Banquet now, what's wrong? Even if it was, he might not be his wife in the future, right? "So, Sister, you should leave obediently. At least this won't be too sad, wo n' t it?" Looking at the woman in front of him, Luo Duoduo said indifferently.     

She wasn't sure whether she was confident or not. In any case, she could n' t possibly be the wife of her big brother. No matter what, he was her Luo Duoduo male god. The person she married naturally had to be someone she liked. Of course, she was the one she liked the most. It couldn't be helped. It was just narcissism. It was n' t a matter of days.     

"Then, let's just walk and watch." While holding his pants, Luo Duoduo said.     

At this moment, how could she be disgusted? She wanted to disgust this woman. Who would let her steal her male god? It was true.     

Of course, she Luo Duoduo knew about such things. Just like before, when that fart came out, the disgust on this woman's face was so obvious. It was precisely because of this that she Luo Duoduo become disgusted. Only by observing the enemy's greatest weakness would there be hope of victory.     

However, the days they met were always so short. If he didn't go to school earlier, it would be inconvenient for him to get hurt. But now that his legs were healed, there was no reason to stay by the male god's side.     

"Aiya, it's the same whether we go or not. Anyway, we' ll have a holiday the day after tomorrow. Why don't we go?" Lying on the sofa, Luo Duoduo pouted and said.     

Of course, she couldn't leave now. If she left, would n' t they be the only two left in the family? This man and woman were living together in the same room. What would she do if something happened to her? How could her male god have anything to do with other women? No, this was definitely not possible.     

Thus, Luo Duoduo made a bold decision.     

"Brother Banquet, do you and sister have that?" Looking at the two people sitting across from him, Luo Duoduo asked in an embarrassed manner. Since everyone was adults, it was nothing. Besides, this was what she wanted to know the most.     

This was her male god. How could she be tainted by other women? Especially a woman like this. Regardless, she had to know.     

Her heart, as long as she thought of something between them, it would be unbearable.     

"Then what?" "What?" Ye Yanlin said gloomily. Actually, he just didn't think about that. After all, in his opinion, this girl was still young. Many things were not something that she could think of.     

However, the facts proved that he Ye Yanlin underestimated this girl.     

As for Sun Ting, he had been silent. There were some things that she really couldn't say. She knew what this loathsome girl meant, but she still obediently shut her mouth and sat by Ye Yanlin side.     

She really hoped that this man would say that he had it. At least this way, this loathsome girl wouldn't be able to faze her anymore. But the truth...     

"Aiya, that's it." Looking at the male god who asked such an idiot question, Luo Duoduo directly went straight to the point. She wasn't going to beat around the bush. She was n' t worried about wasting time.     

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