Male God is above, I am below

It seemed like he had a bad idea     

Of course, she had to apologize afterwards. However, she was Luo Duoduo not that stingy. She thought that she had been bitten by a mosquito. After all, as the saying goes, knowing a mistake can improve a great deal. She thought that this Han Zexu was not on purpose.     

There were some things that he would pretend to be muddle-headed, but he didn't want to leave a thought behind to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.     

Just like Brother Banquet, it seemed that he had never contacted him since that night. She had been at school these days, and she had been waiting. Even if he said that he was drunk, he didn't have a single word.     

Thinking about it like this, he really felt ridiculous. While she wanted to get it, she wanted to reject it. She was really in a dilemma. If she could, of course, she would want to be with someone she had loved for many years. For 17 years, she had loved this person for 17 years. It was just that she had decided to die because of her childhood glance.     

There were countless people who had confessed to her over the years, but they were all rejected by her because she had been waiting for one person and only wanted to wait for that person.     

However, now that she had lost contact with him, she felt like she was being chatty.     

Did Brother Banquet forget about her?     

The Ye family Ye Yanlin brought Sun Ting back again. This time, he seemed to have decided. If it was the same as before, then he could only use his own method to solve this problem.     

Ever since that night, he had thought a lot. Especially the kiss that he hadn't finished before he gave him a hard slap.     

He was a sister-like existence. He had actually done such a thing, and he had been hit by his mother. If he took this and said it, he must have this responsibility. But he couldn't do it. That girl was still so small. The difference between them was n' t a bit.     

Therefore, it was precisely because of this that he became even more determined. After getting married to Sun Ting, so much wouldn't happen.     

"Mom, I don't care if you agree or disagree. Sun Ting and I will get married. She had followed me for so many years, so I couldn't ignore her. "I love her and she loves me too. Didn't you say that people who spend their lives with me will love each other?" Looking at his cold mother, Ye Yanlin said firmly.     

At this moment, she was not asking for her parents' opinions. Instead, she directly announced this matter, whether they agreed or opposed it.     

"Since you've already made your decision, what's the point of telling us?" This was your choice, and we wouldn't stop it. "But what's going to happen next? Just prepare yourself mentally."     

What else could she say when her son said that?     

Even though women's intuition was accurate when looking at women, they still had to believe them. However, Duoduo, who had wronged them, did not know about all of this.     

Sun Ting wasn't stupid. He knew that the woman in front of him was just talking and was n' t sincere. But it didn't matter, as long as she could stay here. This was her only guarantee and her long-term meal ticket.     

In the security room of the school, Sun Qiang held the woven bag in his hand and accepted the gaze of a few men.     

"Alright, you can be a security guard here in the future."     

He looked back and forth several times, and one of the men finally decided.     

After hearing the news, Sun Qiang thanked him. After all these days, he had been struggling against the wall almost every day. He was despised wherever he went. He had always spent money like water. No matter how much he saved, the money was still insufficient. He didn't do anything that was n' t covered in food or food, but he just disliked him. After finding it, he finally realized that the school had hired security guards. With a heart-to-heart attitude, Sun Qiang still came.     

It didn't matter if his salary was n' t high, as long as he could afford to pay for it. At least in this way, basic life was no problem.     

The Sun Qiang that made the bed was brought to pick up the things. He was also envious of such a campus. Thinking about it, if he had studied well back then, perhaps he wouldn't have been like this now. It was also that loathsome girl. Back then, if it wasn' t for her words, how could she not study? In the end, Sun Ting owed him everything.     

In the canteen, seeing the students everywhere, Sun Qiang their stomachs started to grow hungry. But there was nothing they could do. They had to wait until the students left before they could eat.     

Looking at the faces, Sun Qiang suddenly stopped his gaze.     

He remembered the three children in the KTV room. He didn't expect them to go to school here. It looked like he had hope of finding someone again.     

Hide. Let's see how you hide this time.     

For a moment, Sun Qiang began to plan in his heart.     

Didn't they know each other? As long as they were present, they believed that loathsome girl would definitely appear. He Sun Qiang swore that he would never let her off this time.     

Gu Buzheng, who hadn't eaten in the morning, followed them Luo Duoduo leaving. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around him, Sun Qiang strode forward and blocked their way.     

"Little classmate, we have met before. Do you still remember?" Looking at the three people in front of him Sun Qiang he rubbed his hands and said. He looked like a thief, but he didn't look good at all. And what he was doing right now, how did he feel about it?     


Looking at this face, Luo Duoduo had a bit of an impression, but it had to be very clear.     

However, Hou Jingsen and Han Zexu remembered clearly that the woman's brother was in the private room that night, but why was he here?     

"Don't be afraid. I' m not here to trouble you. I just want to ask where my sister is. Do you know where she is? "If you all know, please tell me." Sun Qiang's attitude was very good, completely devoid of the ferocious look of the last time. It was just that the smile on his face, no matter how he looked at it, was the type that had bad intentions. Seeing this, the three of them looked very displeased.     

"Sorry, we really don't know about this." Luo Duoduo said first.     

"No, I really don't have any malicious intentions. I just want to know if my sister is following a rich man, the one she saw last time. "If you can, I, as an elder brother, also want to enjoy my happiness." As he spoke, Sun Qiang rubbed his hands together and waited for them to give him a place.     

From what he said, how could Luo Duoduo not know what he meant. This man clearly wanted money. It was nothing to find that woman, but if he wanted to find Big Brother Banquet, he definitely wouldn't.     

"Sorry, I really don't know about that."     

"Let's go. I do n' t want to be here." Looking at the two people beside him, Luo Duoduo urged him.     

He had nothing to say to someone like this, let alone him. He really wasn't a good person. It was no wonder Sun Ting had such a big brother. It seemed like he really had a similar relationship.     

Looking at the departing figure, Sun Qiang secretly gritted his teeth. Loathsome girl, what kind of drag? Don't say it, do n' t worry. He will have a way to make her appear. He had plenty of ways.     

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