Male God is above, I am below

046, Maybe it was a kidnapping.

046, Maybe it was a kidnapping.

Ye Yanlin didn't go to look for Sun Ting anymore. After hearing those words the other day, her feelings towards this woman seemed to have changed. Even when she thought of her, she felt extremely displeased.     

This was the first time she had such a resistance to a woman. For so many years, she had stayed by her side just because she had money and wanted to get the so-called money?     

Thinking about it like this, it was really ridiculous.     

Especially when he saw her call on his phone, he remembered what he had heard at the door that day.     

He didn't need to think about who she was talking to. With such a big brother, his sister would n' t be much better.     

He Ye Yanlin now understood this point.     

It was just that after spending so many years of love, he was ruined by a single sum of money. He really wasn't willing to accept it.     

However, for some people, he would naturally make it impossible for him to stay in the city. His existence made Ye Yanlin feel uncomfortable. If he still dared to touch his bottom line, there was nothing he could do. As the saying goes, a sinful person can not live. Originally, he had thought that in order to vent his anger on Sun Ting, he would chase her away from the bar. But from the looks of it now, everything he had done before was for nothing. He was simply acting on his own. Furthermore, he couldn't bear her attitude towards Duoduo and her attitude towards their home that day, but it was just a split.     

He Ye Yanlin not a kind person, so when he challenged his bottom line, he had to be prepared.     

He knew what method he would use.     

If he didn't answer the phone and did n' t see anyone, was this man still angry? Thinking about it, it was not impossible. But this time, wouldn't this be too long? He was still thinking that this man would come looking for him, but no matter what, he did not appear. After the room was renewed, Sun Ting wasn't so happy with this card. She didn't just want this, it was just money. It was really boring. If she could, she would like this man to appear and let them enjoy it together.     

Looking at the message displayed on the screen, the corners of Ye Yanlin mouth twitched.     

As expected, was it really because of this? Was it enough with this?     

He had a stomachache in class, so he Luo Duoduo asked for a leave.     

Hearing the sound of the pit next door, Luo Duoduo didn't think too much about it. She just thought that the cleaning lady was cleaning.     

But when she came out, the white handkerchief quickly covered her mouth. Before he could react, his eyes turned black and his body softened. His phone slid to the ground and he had already left.     

They didn't even see this in one class. This made both of them anxious.     

It was just a toilet. Could it be that he fell into it?     

"Let's go take a look. Do n' t really fall inside." Looking at Hou Jingsen, Han Zexu said. He wanted to go, but the problem was that he couldn't enter the ladies' room.     

"Alright, I'll take a look then." As he spoke, Hou Jingsen didn't forget to take a packet of paper from the drawer.     

"Look, why is this phone here? Who dropped it here?" There were mostly people in the bathroom during class. When Hou Jingsen entered, a few girls were flipping through a phone and trying to find the unlock button.     

With a single glance, Hou Jingsen recognized the phone. Other than Luo Duoduo, who else would use such a phone shell?     

"This phone belongs to my friend. Where is she?" He took the phone and asked Hou Jingsen in confusion. Her phone was in the toilet, so what about her? This seemed to be a very serious problem. But after asking around, everyone said that the phone was already on the ground when they came in and there was no one in the bathroom.     

After hearing everyone's agreement, Hou Jingsen went straight to the classroom in a daze.     

"What's going on? Why are you running so fast?" Seeing the girl running back with her phone, Han Zexu asked in confusion. Then, he looked back, but he did not see that familiar figure.     

"Luo Duoduo's gone. My phone dropped in the toilet, but the person was gone." Clenching his phone tightly, Hou Jingsen said nervously.     

No one would be worried if they didn't see any good people. If something happened...     

"Let's go." Ignoring the incoming teacher, the two of them ran away.     

In the surveillance room, the two of them carefully looked at the surveillance camera, but in the end, they didn't see anyone.     

"Look." Only that face appeared in their sight.     

It was that man. He was carrying a huge sack on his shoulder. It was enough to be as big as one person. If possible... This result didn't seem to be very good, but it could n' t be ruled out.     

Sun Ting wandered around the mall with nothing to do. He bought clothes for himself and gifts for Ye Yanlin. In the end, he had to pass the time. It was better to pass it like this. Previously, she had been accompanied by Ye Yanlin. Time had always passed quickly, but now, she was alone, so she could only do this.     

However, he was really a little tired with a big bag in his hand.     

At a coffee shop, Sun Ting walked in and prepared to relax.     

He took out his phone and took a look. He really didn't have anything. However, what made her feel at ease was that Sun Qiang didn't call again. I hope he really gave up this time. If he wanted her to appear, would he be better off asking for it from him? She wasn't stupid, so how could she have appeared like that back then, as long as she shouted.     

If it was too easy to appear, it would only make this man even more serious. Therefore, the best way now was to not show up and make this man unable to find him.     

Previously, he had said that he would travel outside together, but now it seemed that it was most likely impossible. Unless the man was no longer angry, they could continue talking about this matter. Otherwise, was she going to discuss these matters with ghosts like this?     

The final scene stopped at the school gate. The man boarded a black car without a license plate and left.     

There was nothing. They didn't know what was going on at all. This time, they Hou Jingsen worried.     

"If I had known earlier, I would have accompanied her to the bathroom. What should I do? What should we do now? Call uncle and auntie." Looking at the calm boy in front of him, Hou Jingsen said anxiously. What else could he do now? He quickly notified his parents to look for talent. But just as he picked up Luo Duoduo phone, Han Zexu snatched it away.     

"Don't mess up the county. Think about who can help at this moment. "It will only make them more anxious if we inform them." Han Zexu calmly said. Actually, he was more anxious than anyone else. But he knew that it was useless to be anxious now. They didn't know where he had been taken. The biggest possibility was that man, that man called Sun Qiang.     

Then the only way...     

"Ye Yanlin."     

"Ye Yanlin."     

For a moment, the two of them spoke in unison.     

This was probably the only way out. Otherwise, they wouldn't have had a better solution.     

"Call me." His only hope was in this place. He hoped that it would work.     

He thought it was Sun Ting calling, but Ye Yanlin didn't even look at his phone. However, he was so upset that he picked up his phone and looked at it. He didn't expect it to be that girl.     

"Hello." His deep voice was still the same. Perhaps he would only use such a voice when he was Ye Yanlin to this girl.     

"Well, I wanted to say that something might have happened to Duoduo. She's gone." Hearing the voice on the other side of the phone, Han Zexu directly said it. This was the main point.     

"Who are you?" Feeling wasn't Luo Duoduo voice. Why did he believe it?     

"Han Zexu, you've seen it before."     

"This isn't the time to talk nonsense. You should come to the school to check out the surveillance cameras before we think of a way. "Duoduo may have been kidnapped. We don't know where she is now." After she finished her sentence, she could only wait until she arrived.     

Looking at his phone, Ye Yanlin didn't hesitate and ran out of the house.     

Looking at his son leaving in a hurry, he said," Why is this child becoming more and more unstable now? Look at how he ran. He's learning too much." Mother Ye said speechlessly. However, she didn't know where he was going and did n' t ask too much. Anyway, as long as he knew what he was doing.     

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