Male God is above, I am below

072 Boss can endure Old Two can not endure

072 Boss can endure Old Two can not endure

His heart ached, cherished and loved her. Whether it was before or now, or even in the future, he would cherish her well. Especially now. If he could, he really wanted to eat up this girl right now. However, when he thought about the difference in age between them and the girl's current age, he might be able to wait.     

He could only endure it now.     

He pressed the two restless hands on top of his head and Ye Yanlin pressed them down, not giving Luo Duoduo any chance to move.     

Ye Yanlin didn't do anything as he lay on the ground. He just stood there quietly. Feeling the fragrance of this girl and her body temperature, God knows how much torture this was for him.     

The temperature at the earlobe made Luo Duoduo nervous. At such a close distance, your male god was right in front of you. What should we do? She also wanted to do what she wanted to do without hesitation, but she had to be reserved when facing her male god. The person who could stand beside the male god was naturally a goddess, but she could only relate to the Goddess Sutra. In order not to be despised, she had already concealed her self in front of Han Zexu and the others. She didn't know whether he would like it or not, but fortunately, it did n' t bother him. This made her sigh of relief.     

But what Luo Duoduo never expected was that when she thought that the male god would let her go, she would hug him.     

Walking up the stairs slowly, she leaned against the warm embrace and listened to the strong heartbeat. She felt like she was getting very familiar.     

God knows what will happen next. Just being held by the male god, he felt good.     

Only when the door closed did Luo Duoduo become slightly nervous. Who could tell her why the male god suddenly came to the bedroom like this? It wasn't until she felt the softness beneath her that Luo Duoduo realized that this was the male god's bedroom. She was currently lying in a bed filled with her scent. Who could tell her what would happen next? Was it like a normal man or woman? Just thinking about it made Luo Duoduo embarrassed.     

Actually, when she was picked up earlier, she was already prepared, but she was still a little afraid. It was said that it was painful for the first time, but she was Luo Duoduo the one who feared pain the most.     

"Brother Banquet, you must be gentle. I-I'm afraid of pain." Holding Ye Yanlin by the collar, Luo Duoduo whispered. It could be seen how embarrassed she was.     

Hearing this, Ye Yanlin chuckled softly. He pinched Luo Duoduo little nose. The image of this girl was really good right now. Just what was in her little head? Of course, he did think that way at first. But not long after, he felt that he could no longer hold back. Either way, this girl was just a little goblin that could easily pull him away.     

The boss was able to endure it, so when it was dark, Ye Yanlin still ate and wiped it dry without leaving it.     

Looking at the sparkling little face in his arms, Ye Yanlin lowered his head and kissed it. His girl now belonged to him. Of course, it would also be his. With this kind of understanding, Ye Yanlin felt quite comfortable. Of course, there was no need to be proud.     

Without any unnecessary presence, these two people were like houses, sticking to their homes all day.     

To eat tofu was the tenet of Ye Yanlin. Even though Luo Duoduo protested, he was not soft-hearted.     

However, in terms of the relationship between the two of them, they had taken the most crucial step, making Luo Duoduo bolder. Originally, she had been secretly eating, but now she was openly eating. Of course, she was brought out by this old driver. What could be done? The male god was by her side. Could it be that she was Liu Xiahui? Thinking about it, it was best to forget about it. There was too little time. Soon, she would start school. This school year meant that she and the male god had to be separated. She would be in danger if something happened to her when she was separated. That's right, she was the one who was in danger. After all, they had only begun a while ago. Thinking about it, if only he could stay by the side of the male god all the time. At least like now, no one could think of digging a wall.     

As for their parents, they really didn't think too much about it. They only thought that the four of them had gone on their honeymoon and left them at home. However, Luo Duoduo was happy to hear it. After all, this provided them with space for the two of them. Otherwise, they would definitely be annoyed to death.     

Lying next to Ye Yanlin, Luo Duoduo hands began to wander restlessly, slowly moving along the outline of this handsome face. She knew that the Ye Yanlin hadn't woken up yet. Only then would she dare to do so. Otherwise, if she woke up, she would n' t have done so even if she had been beaten to death. After all, in front of the male god, he had to be cautious. Therefore, she had to take advantage of this moment to act quickly so that she wouldn't have another chance today.     

"My male god is different. No matter how you look at him, he is still so charming. "Although I can't admire your beauty, what should I do? I love you so much. I' ve loved you since I was young." Moving his fingers, Luo Duoduo mumbled softly. She was probably the only one who could hear that low voice. In any case, the male god would probably not be able to hear it. But what she didn't know was that everything she Ye Yanlin now was clear. In other words, from the moment she entered, he already knew. As for now, he was just pretending to sleep. He was just looking at what the little gluttony cat wanted to do.     

However, there was one thing that made Ye Yanlin very unhappy. That was that the little glutton had not eaten it yet. If it was any other way, she would have eaten secretly the moment she came in. Today, for the first time, she didn't eat secretly. Instead, she was mumbling.     

Male God? Hearing the little girl's broken thoughts, Ye Yanlin laughed in his heart.     

In fact, there were some things that he didn't feel like much, but the main thing was that this girl was always so embarrassed that he could n' t do anything about it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come to steal food every morning.     

After getting used to the kiss every morning, Ye Yanlin was always looking forward to it. Sometimes, even he felt like he was a young boy who had just been in love. He felt embarrassed but was looking forward to it. However, his soft words made him feel comfortable.     

Sensing that the aura that belonged to her was getting closer and closer, Ye Yanlin suddenly opened his eyes. Looking at the face that was close to him, he waved his hand and pulled Luo Duoduo to his side. Then, he flipped over and fixed him under his body.     

Luo Duoduo never expected this to happen. She still had a lot to say. How could this be... Could it be that the male god had already woken up and was just pretending to sleep? Thinking of this, Luo Duoduo felt a little embarrassed.     

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