Male God is above, I am below

078 Boyfriend is online

078 Boyfriend is online

A man like this would feel like he was pregnant just by looking at his face, let alone anything else.     

"But, don't you think he looks like the Second Dimension's Forbidden Valley Department? "He's so handsome."     

"Hey, I really didn't find out if you did n' t tell me."     

Hehehe, he was saying... After all, in her memory, only a certain person's face was the legendary Gu Yu. It was because of this discussion that Luo Duoduo looked up.     

Ah, who could tell her what was going on? Why did she not know that the male god had suddenly arrived? Scratching her head, it wasn't scientific at all. It was n' t hot to tell her that the male god would come to this place. But now, who could tell her what was going on?     

The mature aura of this suit and shoes made it clear that it was not a student. Although such a man was attractive, he still had a distance from the water floor. But so what if they were handsome? Did they know each other? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? If they didn't know each other, they would n' t play. Thinking about how he had been rejected, a man like this really was overthinking things. It was absolutely impossible for a student to be with someone outside. The boy was still confident about this.     

The crowd that was still watching gradually dispersed as a man approached, automatically forming a path in the middle for him to walk over.     

As he watched the man walking towards him step by step, Luo Duoduo little heart started to jump again.     

This, this, this, what should she do? She suddenly became nervous. Who could tell her what to do? Moreover, had he seen the incident just now? Looking at that handsome face that didn't have any expression, Luo Duoduo actually had a trace of guilt. Although she didn't do much about it, it was n' t good for her to be seen by the male god just like that. After all, when she had left earlier, she had repeatedly promised that she would be obedient in school and would never get into trouble. Of course, she was not interested in getting into trouble. If she really did, she wouldn't wait for someone to be single. But now, how could he explain this?     

Luo Duoduo stunned, the little friend behind her gently nudged her so that she could regain her senses. However, they weren't much better. After all, such a sudden appearance of a male god was really too handsome. Especially the way he walked towards them step by step. He was truly obsessed with the rhythm of death.     

In a split second, the crowd who had been watching suddenly became obsessed with their younger siblings.     

"Why aren't you out yet? I' ve been waiting for you outside for a long time?" When he got closer, his gentle palm was placed on Luo Duoduo head. The deep voice sounded even more intoxicated than the cello. As for Luo Duoduo, he raised his head and stared blankly.     

They knew each other? This was the boy's only thought. But from the looks of it, it should be his brother. If that was the case, everything would be simple.     

He didn't recognize his life either. He directly stepped forward and started to introduce himself.     

"Hello, Brother. My name is Xiong Jiarui. I'm the second child at home. Well, actually, I wanted to confess to Luo Duoduo. I wanted her to be my girlfriend. Of course, I was definitely serious. I was going to get married. But right now, I don't know why Duo Duo Duo would n' t agree. "Bro, do you know that Duoduo has a boyfriend?" Looking at the handsome man in front of him, the boy spoke without any modesty. Since he was a family member, he would definitely know. If he hadn't had a boyfriend, he would n' t have rejected him. But the problem was that she had rejected him. So now, he had to quickly ask. If he really didn't have one, he could keep up his efforts. Of course, he didn't care if there were any. With his own conditions, he was confident of winning.     

"Xiong Jiarui?" "Second, you're Xiong Er." No one had expected the male god of the Forbidden Valley to say such a thing at this moment. It was simply frightening. Even Luo Duoduo was the same. He had not expected her male god to say such things. Still Xiong Er, wasn't that her favorite cartoon? Tsk tsk. What was going on with her male lead? In that case...     

"Hahaha!" Someone in the crowd burst out laughing, causing everyone to burst into laughter.     

Hearing everyone's laughter, Xiong Jiarui was about to explode. But what could he do now? He still had to endure it. If he offended his brother, then he would have no hope. So now, he could only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach, feeling uncomfortable.     

"Also, who told you that I was Duoduo's brother and who gave you the right to call my brother?" Looking at his hypocritical face, Ye Yanlin suddenly said. Of course, he didn't want to talk about his identity. It wasn't that he did n' t want to expose himself, but he didn't want to burden his girl, so he did n' t say his identity. Of course, the girls in their dorm knew about it. His girl was still young, so there were some things she couldn't say. But at this moment, someone actually carried him to confess. It was also because he was here today. If he didn't come, he would n' t have known that something like this would happen.     

The emotions on her face could explain everything, but when Luo Duoduo looked at this handsome face, she still didn't see anything different. She did n' t have any rhythm at all. But she could feel that her male god was angry.     

In other words, was he jealous?     

He suppressed the joy in his heart and Luo Duoduo stood beside Ye Yanlin. These two people who were tall, tall, and short stood together. They were truly incomparable. This beauty...     

The onlookers instantly understood. No wonder the goddess would refuse. If he didn't have a good appearance, he would have to pay for it.     

"What are you not your brother?" Xiong Jiarui asked, puzzled. Looking at this male god like this, he was older than them. If it wasn't for his brother, could it be his uncle or father? If that really was the case, it would really be heaven-defying.     

"Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Luo Duoduo boyfriend." With these words, one of them held the girl's little hand in Ye Yanlin hand and said it in a straightforward manner.     

This girl was his possession right now, how could she be coveted by others? Not to mention a man, even a woman couldn't do it. Because he would be jealous.     

Everyone instantly understood this. All right, no wonder they would refuse. This God of Forbidden Valley owed him a boyfriend. Who would even look at these little bollocks? None of them would.     

"Also, please don't think about my girlfriend anymore. She already has a boyfriend. "Of course, you should give up on your wife's thoughts. She belongs to me." One sentence made everything clear. It was simply too overbearing.     

He raised his head and looked at his male god. Luo Duoduo was so ecstatic that he almost jumped up and kissed her male god. It couldn't be helped. Right now, he was really too handsome. There was a strong sense of being a boss. After all, this was the image of a prince that girls loved the most. Who would have thought that his male god would be able to do the same and introduce him to everyone.     

Hey, with this real boyfriend, let's see who dares to confess.     

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