I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 159: Aftermath

Chapter 159: Aftermath

After Julius and the guys ran off, Kel and Issei where the only guys left and the physical education period still had more than an hour left.     

"Uh, the girls are just staring at us. Kind of feel like they're undressing me, do we also go or..?" Issei asked curiously before Kel shook his head.     

"No this is the perfect motivation to get you to do some physical training. Although your body is stronger than the average guy it's still weak compared to most devils. Working out still produces results so start stretching, just follow my lead." Kel quickly explained before tossing his towel aside and starting to stretch.     

Kel raised his hands upwards and stretched for a moment before doing the same to the sides. Issei took a moment to look at him before being motivated to do the same.     

'This guy was sculpted by Zeus, there's just no other way. He looks like he walked straight out of one of Korean Tyrant love mangas.' Issei thought as he too began to stretch.     

Afterwards, Kel had Issei join him in doing laps around the track. He didn't push Issei to fat and went a pass that he could keep up with.     

"I can't feel my legs..." Issei muttered but Kel simply patted him on the shoulder and pointed to the ground.     

"Then use your hands, push ups time." Kel instructed causing Issei to just sigh before getting on the ground and starting.     

Kel soon joined him on the side and they began to do them in sync. This sight was enough to catch some attention from a few girls who now just say far away and watched them go at it.     

'Girls always tried going all out in front of girls back in gym class. There's just something that pushes a man when he knows some cute girls are watching.' Kel thought as he glanced over at a determined Issei, his face looked like he was ready to give up but his body just kept going.     

'This is what he meant by motivation? This is just cruel, if I stop early I automatically look weaker but my hands are already aching.' Issei thought as he showed a pained expression on his face.     

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, a familiar female voice resounded on the scene.     

"Hello boys, I hope I'm not interrupting?" Akeno asked in a soft tone as she squatted in front of them.     

'Oh for the love of Satan, come on...' Issei thought as Kel raised his head towards Akeno.     

"Not at all, I'm just exercising with a new recruit of mine Issei. Is there something you need Akeno?" Kel asked as he continued doing push ups whilst Issei was trying his best to keep going.     

"Is that so, he seems determined it's a pleasure to meet you Issei. As for what I need, the president has partnered up with miss Sona so I'm left with no one to pair up with, I was wondering if you'd help me stretch..." Akeno spoke in an alluring only making life harder for Issei as Kel stopped doing push ups and stood up.     

"Sure why not, keep at it Issei." Kel and Akeno walked a few feet away from Issei and sat on the ground facing each other with legs pressed against each other.     

'Sure, leave poor old Issei here while you have sexy time with one of the hottest girls in school, I'm not jealous at all! Well at least I'll be able to concentrate' Issei thought to himself as he continued to push himself and so more and more push ups.     

Meanwhile Akeno began stretching by first leaning forward towards Kel. His job was to hold her shoulders and slowly press them down.     

"Mmm, Oh my~ such a strong grip..." Akeno muttered in soft voice as she let out a soft moan.     

'....' Issei could only grit his teeth as he heard that sound as he used his sheer will to focus on something else.     

Akeno and Kel then moved on to another exercise. Akeno laid down and raised one leg in the air. Kel then held it firmly at two points, his hand pressed against her soft skin causing her to blush slightly. As he began to slowly move it forward, Akeno continued to let out questionable noises.     

"Mmph~ please push it forward a little slower, I'm still a bit sore. Mm~ yes just like that, I can feel you stretching me just right." She confessed in a low alluring tone but Kel remained focus on the task at hand.     

'At this point you might as well put a porno on as well... Oh fuck, down boy, don't do it, please...Fuck' Issei cursed as his member awoke from the noises Akeno was making, giving him more motivation to not stand up.     

"Ow~" Suddenly Akeno let out a small pained noise causing Kel to stop.     

"I think you might've pulled a muscle, don't move and keep your leg down. Let me massage it." Kel spoke quickly as he lowered her leg and pressed his hands on her thigh.     

'So commanding... I mean caring.' Akeno thought as she did as he asked.     

"Tell me where it hurts most okay?" Kel instructed quickly before starting to massage her thick soft thighs, slowly rising higher and higher.     

"A bit higher..." Akeno muttered and Kel nodded in rely before doing just that, leaving his hands mere inches away from her crotch.     

"Does it feel good?" He asked after massaging for a while. Akeno instinctively nodded only to be surprised that Kel pulled away and stood up, causing Akeno to let out a sigh of disappointment while Issei let out one of relief.     

"Well then you're all set. Better stop for today just in case and make sure you massage it again when showering alright." Akeno stood up slowly and nodded at Kel's words with a smile.     

"Thank you, well I should be getting back to the president. Seems you have some other clients to tend to." Akeno playfully said her goodbyes while Kel raised a brow at her words and turned only to find numerous girls gathered.     

"Kel senpai please stretch me out as well, I mean stretch me, I mean help me stretch."     

'Thirsty much?' Issei thought as he still couldn't stand because of his awoken member.     

"Me too."     


"I have pains in my chest"     

'Love is that you?'     

"Fine, I'll help but only till the period is over." Kel muttered before stretching his hands and approaching the girls.     



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