I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 75: Why

Chapter 75: Why

Editor: Magnus and Chaos     

Kel was caught slightly off guard by Aela's sudden statement. Lydia was even more surprised as she looked towards Aela with a look of disbelief.     

"You do realize what's at stake right? Why suddenly give up?" asked Kel in a straight tone.     

"You're slaying dragons like they are chickens, whereas I failed to slay a single one. I'm just being realistic, I'm honorable enough to know when I've been beat....I'm well aware of what's at stake and I still admit I've lost...so do as you please" stated Aela with her arms crossed and brows furrowed.     

Kel wasn't sure how to take the situation as he had pictured it going vastly different in his head. He had no real interest in taking away Aela's freedom. His original plan simply involved making the companions pride go down a peg. Her admitting defeat wasn't in his calculations.     

"Alright then, so I'm the winner of our little challenge. You're free to go do what you usually do. I'll let you know if I need your help with something". Kel casually spoke before turning away from her.     

Kel's statement came as a surprise to both Lydia and Aela. Aela was expecting him to ask her to do degrading actions and use her like some slave whereas Lydia thought he'd atleast humiliate her slightly.     

"What do you mean help?..." asked Aela in a cautious tone.     

"Fetching ingredients, hunting, retrieving some things for me and so on." Replied Kel casually.     

"Is that all? and the lap you mentioned before? I don't believe you." said Aela in an angry manner.     

"I said you'd do it with a smile on your face, I'm not going to force you. It's not in my nature, unless of course you're my enemy" Kel cast her a quick smile as he replied.     

"If this is you showing pity towards me then save it, just do your worst already. I have my own pride." Said the stubborn Aela.     

Kel sighed and went silent pondering the situation. Lydia would occasionally cast glances at Aela who stood waiting for him to speak.     

"If you insist, then you can sit on my lap and feed those berries Lydia brought." Said Kel while looking at Aela.     

"Just that?..." asked Aela in an unsure tone.     

Kel didn't answer but gave her a light nod. Aela was a bit surprised he hadn't asked for more after what she had threatened she'd do if he had lost.     

She still expected him to ask for more once they were probably alone. For now she stopped pondering the matter and sat on his lap. She reached out to the bowl of berries and began feeding him some slowly.     

Kel only ate the berries and didn't pay much attention to her, like she wasn't even present. Not even giving her the slightest grope.     

"...So do you think you'll be ready to leave tomorrow morning?" Asked Kel whilst facing Lydia.     

The two had been conversing for a good while while Aela only listened and didn't add on. The berries had long finished and she now just sat on Kel's lap awkwardly.     

"Yes I'll manage, I'm not really tired. If you want we can leave for Solitude tonight." answered Lydia whilst also facing Kel, completely ignoring Aela.     

Soon Silvya returned and took a seat beside Kel before joining the conversation as well. The trio were planning on how they should proceed towards Solitude. Skyrim's most high class City.     

"May I speak?" Suddenly asked Aela.     

"Why are you asking permission? You're free to do as you please." Asked Kel in a blunt tone.     

"Is this really all you want me to do? You're not going to ask for more?" Asked Aela, seeking confirmation once more.     

Kel didn't answer but only nodded instead. Him not asking for something was making her somewhat anxious that he might be planning something bigger but Kel simply had no interest in playing slave owner to someone who hadn't really wronged him. He wasn't on friendly terms with her but not the point of risking his reputation just to have temporary fun.     

The patrons present in the inn couldn't help but stare at Aela sitting on Kel's lap and talk about it in hushed tones.     

"Lydia, Silvya. If you're done eating we should go, we'll need to set off early tomorrow." Said Kel as he finished his drink.     

"I'm done Lord Kel."     

"Same here my Thane, we can leave."     

Kel cast a look towards Aela which she immediately understood. She got off his lap and he left after with Lydia and Silvya in tow. Aela hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow behind them.     

"What's Solitude like Lydia? The people I mean?" Kel asked as they began walking away from the inn.     

"I honestly didn't enjoy my time there, I went there when I was a child. I honestly prefer Riften to it. Solitude is full of stuck up and annoying people. You'll see what I mean when we get there" answered Lydia in an annoyed tone.     

"I agree with Riften being more tolerable but we have business in Solitude so it can't be helped. Besides, last time I checked we're far from lacking in terms of septims." Said Kel with a smile on his face     

"I'm sure no one will disrespect Lord Kel". Commented Silvya in a proud tone.     

"You've clearly haven't been to Solitude then. It's all wealth, status and lies. No honor whatsoever. Damn merchants, I'm happy the dragons have made trade difficult for those leeches." Said Lydia with her arms crossed.     

The three continued to share their thoughts on Solitude until they soon arrived at their home.     

"Did you really need to follow me all the way home?" Kel sighed and asked as he turned around and faced Aela.     

"Well you have my freedom so ofcourse I'll follow you." Answered Aela in a firm tone with her arms crossed.     

"*sigh* You know what, just forget the challenge, you've already fed me berries and I've shown my skill. Everyone's happy. No need to follow each other anymore. Agreed? Agreed. Goodnight". Kel spoke quickly and in a blunt tone before entering his home and closing the door.     

"You went easy on her my Thane, I honestly expected you to atleast humiliate somewhat or something more intimate like most men." Said Lydia as she began heading up the stairs.     

"I just wanted to teach her a lesson, if she were my enemy then sure. But she's just a prideful woman with anger issues so no need to go that far." Answered Kel honestly.     

"You really are strange my Thane. Well goodnight."     

Lydia spoke quickly and turned to leave with a smile on her face. Aela still stood outside silently for a moment with a complicated expression on her face.     

'I don't have anger issues.'     

She thought to herself before frowning and leaving Kel's property.     

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